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chemins defer franqais. Principaux discours aux chambres. ... P., libr. Ounod, 1898.

Schriiien dcr CentralsteUe f. Vorbereitung v. Han- delsvertragen. 5. Hft. Brandt, D. M. v. China u. seine Handelsbeziehungcn zum Auslande. m. besond. Beriicksicht der dcutschen. B., Siemenroth & Troschel. 139 pp. 8vo. M. 3.

Schultc itn Hofe, A. Die Ramiefaser u. die wirthschaftliche Bedeutung der Ram:ekuliur f. die deutschen Kolonien. B.. Deutscher Kolonial-Verlag, i8q8. 50 pp. 8\o. M. 1.50.

Stewart, Freeman. Shall we grow the sugar that we consume? Some considerations suggested by Sccretarv Wilson's article in the " Forum." . . . Swarthmorc, Pa., R. S. Dare. 32 pp. i6mo. $0.15.

Switzerland — Landwirthschaftsdepartcment. Land- winnscnaftliches Jahrbuch der Schweiz. ii. Bd. 1898. Bern, K. j. Wyss, 1898. 386 pp. 8vo. M. 5.

Syndicat dc I'Union des marchnnds de soie de Lyon. Statistique de la production de la sole en France et a Petranger (1895). 256 aunee. Lyon, impr. Rev, 1898. 51 pp. 8vo.

Taggart, W. S. Cotton spinning. V. 3. L., ftlacmillan Co., i8g8. 458 pp. 8vo. los.

Ueberhorst. Wilh. Amethysta. Ein Versuch zur Losg. der Alkoholfrage. ... 87 pp. 8vo. M. I. (Tages- u. Lebensfragen. Nr. 24.)

United States — Interstate commerce reports. V. 7. Decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission, Sept., 1896 — May, 1898. Roches- ter. N. Y., Lawyers' Coop. Pub. Co., 1898.

Verzeichnis der Betriebs- (Fabrik-) Krankenkas- sen des Deutschen Reiches. Nebst e. alphabet. Register der Ortschaften u. die Fabrikations- zweige. B., Verlag dcr Arbeiter- Versorg., A. Troschel, 1898. 184pp. 8vo. M. 6.

Volmar, Frdr. Beitrage zur Elsenbahnpolitik der europaischen Staaten. Bern, Steiger & Co., 1898. 45 pp. 8vo. M. 0.80.


[Articles preceded by stars and followed by a reference to a number of the Journal will be found in abstract under the head " Notes and Abstracts" in that number of the Journal. Articles dealing with Biography^ Associations. Cities, and Towns will be found grouped under those heads.J

.Esthetics: Dessoir, Max. Beitrage zur Aesthetik ASP-.s:- See also Art.

Africa: Baratieri, O. Les Anglais au Soudan et la question d'Abyssinie, RDM., Ja. 15. Bennett, E. N. After Omdurman. CoR., Ja. Decle, Lionel. Tanganika railway, FR.. Ja. Agriculture: Kautsky, Karl. Schranken der ka- pitalistischen Landwlrthscbaft, ASG., 13; 4. Vemey, Edmund. Agricultural depression, CoR., Ja. Anthropology; Ardu Onnis, E. Contribute all' antropologia della Sardegna, AAE., 28: 2. Keller. C. Forischritte auf dem Gebiete der

Hausiierkunde. Globus, 75:4- Peet, S. D. Social & domestic life of the cliff

dwellers, AA., F. Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie, Ethnologie u. Urgeschichte, ZE.. 30: 4. See also Craniometry, Ethnology, Folk-Lore. Arbitration, Industrial ; Price, L. L. In- dustrial conciliation : a retrospect, JEc , D. Army: .i^^ United States.

Art: Cammerts, E. A propos de Part el la Re- volution, HN., Ja. Labusquiere, John. Le congres international de

Part public, ReS., Ja. Robinson, Sir Chas. Reorganization of our national art museums, NC, D. Associations: Anethran, Jules d'. Une federa- tion mutualiste, RefS.. Ja. 16. Calisse, C. Le associazioni in Italia avanti le

origini del comune, RISS., D. Dufourmantelle, Maurice. Les associations

cooperatives en Allemagne, RefS., Ja. 1. Flox, Fournier de. Les associations agricoles

allemandes, RefS., D. 15. La Societe d'economie sociale, RefS.- Ja. i. Austria: .s^^ Finance, Labor. Bankruptcy : Demscomb, S. W. Federal bank •

ruptc>-Iaw, PSQ.. D. Biography : Aguinaldo : a character sketch, RRN., F. Brace, Emma. Chas. Loring Brace, ChR., F. Clarke. Wm. Bismarck, CoR., Ja. Ford, P. L. Many-sided Franklin, Century, Ja. Gide, Ch. Un nouveau socialisie chretien (Prof.

Herron),RCS.,Ja. Horton, R. T. Robert William Dale, CoR., Ja.

Le Play, Frederic, et Jean Reynaud : fragments

de correspondence inedits, RefS.. D. 16 Lewis, C. T. Bismarck the man & the states- man. Harper's Magazine, Ja. Morse, A. E. Politics of John Adams, AHR.,

Ja. Simons, Sadie E. Educational value of bio- graphy, EdR., Ja. Biology:' Morgan. C. L. Vitalism, Monist, Ja. Bohemia: LuUow, Francis. Bohemian question,

NC..D. Canals: Crowninshield, A. S. Advantages of the Nicaragua canal. Century Magazine, Ja. Hunter.^W. H. Amer. isthmus & the inter- oceanic canal, EM.. F. Hunter, W. H. Equipment, management. & economic influence of the ship canal, EM., D.-Ja. Census: Report of committee on the i2thcensus,

Economic Studies, F. Charities : Addams, Jane. Subtle problems of charity. Atlantic, r . Ayres, Philip. Training for practical philan- thropy. RRN., F. Bosanouet, H. Industrial training of women,

ChOR.. D. Miinsterberg. Emil. Beitrage zur Gesch. u. Theorie des Armenwesens. Aus dem Nach- lass Fr. Reitzensteins. JGV., 23 : i. See also Biography, Children, Housing, & each no. of ChR., ChOR.. RBP., RP. Children: Kelsey. Carl, Proposed child saving in Illinois, ChR., Ja. Vane, Lady. Boarding out under ladles com- mittees. National Review, Ja.

See also Pedagogy. Child-Study: Sully. J a.

Dollatry. CoR..Ja. Pierre. Le probleme

Rivalita intemazionali

China : Leroy-Beaulieu,

chinois. RDM., Ja. i. Marco. E. De Viti de.

in Cina, GEc, Ja. Reid, Gilbert. Snail the open door be closed ?

National Review, D. Schumacher, Hermann. Die chinesiscnen Ver-

tragshafen, ihre wirthschaftliche Stellung u.

Bedeutung. JNS., 16 : 6. Smith, Judson. Awakening of China, NAR.. F. See also Great Britain, Railroads, Russia. Christianity: Talamo, S. La morale cristiano

secondo un socialista moderno, RilSS., Ja.

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