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1861 and 1865. In4v. V. 2. Campaigns of 1862. N. y.. G. P. Putnam's Sons. 8vo. $2.50. (Outlook, F. 4++)

Sagnac, Ph. La legislation civile de la Revolution frangaise (1789-1S04). P, Hachette & Cie. 8vo. i. 10.

Schelbicky, C. M. Die Inquisition u. ihre Gcgncr. Graz, U. Moser, 1898. 78 pp. i6mo. M.0.16.

Sicbert, W, H. The underground railroad from slavery to freedom. N. Y., Macmillan Co., 1898. 47B pp. 8vo. $4. (Dial, F. t6 + +)

Stevens, G. W. With Kitchener to Karthoum. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., i8g8. 326 pp. i2mo. $1.50.

♦Tievelyan, G. O. American Revolution. Pi. i, 1766-76. 480 pp. 8vo. i6s. (Outlook, Ja. 28 X)

  • Van Dyke, Paul. Age of the Renaissance. N.

Y.. Chnst. Literature Pub. Co. $1.50. (Out- look. F. 4++)

"Watson, T. E. Story of France, from the rarliest times to the consulate of Napoleon Bonaparte. In 2 V. V. I, To end of the reign of Louis XV. N. Y., Macmillan Co.

Williams, Helen Maria. Narrative of events in France .... 1815, with an account of the state of society .... New ed. Cleveland, Burrows Bros. Co.. 1808. 225 pp. 8vo. $2.50.

^^Williams. S. W. Middle kingdom: survey of the geography, government, literature, social life, arts & history of the Chinese empire & its inhabitants. "Revised ed. L.. W. H. Allen. 2 v., il. (1650 pp.) 8vo. 42s.]

Wolf, Gust. Deutsche Geschichte im Zcitalter der Gegen reformat ion. i.Bd. 3. Abtlg. B., O. Seehagen. pp. soq-789. M. 9.

•Worcester, D. C. Philippine islands & their peo- ple: record of personal ob ervation & experi- ence ; summary of important facts in the hist, of the archipelago. N. Y., Macmillan Co.,

1898. 550 pp. 8vo. $4. (Academy, D. 17 + +) (Dial, D. 16 +4-) (Critic, Ja. ++) (AA., F + +)

Zevort, E. Histoire de la iroisieme r^publique. T. 3. La presidence de Jules Grevy. P., F. Alcan, 1898. 550 PP- 8vo. f. 7.

i[. International La^v.

Dupuis, C. Le droit de la guerre maritime d'apres les doctrines anglaises contemporaines. P., libr. Pedone, i8g8. 476 pp. 8vo. f. 10.

Holland, T. E. Studies in international law. L., Henry Frowde, 1898. 322 pp. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

Valmigere, P. Derarbitrageinternationale( these). P.. A. Rousseau. 75 p. 8vo. [i8g8.]

12. Labor.

[Arbeitsmarkt, der. Monatsschriftder Centralstelle f. Arbeiismarki-Berichte. Zugleich Organ des Verbandes deutscher Arbeitsnachweise. Hrsg. J. Jastrow. 2. Jahrg. Okibr. 1898-Septbr.

1899. i2Nrn. 8vo. (Nr. I, i6pp.) B., H. S. Hermann, 1898. M. 2.]

Arbeiisnachweis-Konferenz zu Leipzig .... i8g8.

Berichl. Hamburg, Verlagsanstalt u. Drucke-

rei. 107 pp. 8vo. M. 1.50. [Bellom, J. Lesgreves: leurs origines, leur car-

actere, leur causes, leur consequences, leur

remede. je edition. P., I'auteur, 36, rue de

Varennes, 1898. 29 pp. 8vo.] Bertheau, Ch. L'ouvriere. La vie de famille;

Touvrier loge chezlui ; accession a lapropriete.

P., libr. Chevallier-Marescq, 1898. 293 pp. 8vo. Brunei. H. De la conciliation, en matiere com-

merciale (these). P., libr. Larose. 231 pp.


•Crook, J. W. Germanwage theories: ahistoryof their development. N. Y., Macmillan Co.,

1899. 8vo. $1.50, (Columbia Univ. studies, V. 9, no. 2.) (Dial, F. i -(- ?) Donohoe, T. Popular progress : the cause of agri- cultural & industrial depression & the remedy.

Buffalo. N. Y., T. Donohoe, 1898 (Murray

& Dawson). 236 pp. i2mo. $1. Gardissal, Marcel. Loi du 9 avril 1898 sur les r6-

sponsabilites des accidents dont les ouvriercs

sont victimes dans leur travail. P., A. Rous- seau, i8g8. 64 pp. 8vo. Gewerbe-Verzeichnis in systematischcr u. alpha- betischer Ordnung narh der Beruf s- u, Gewerbe-

zahlung 1895. Hrsg. v. kaiserl. statist. Amt.

B., Puttkammer & Miihlbrecht, 1898. 99 pp.

8vo. M. I. Great Britain— Chief Labour Correspondent of the

Board of Trade. Strikes & lockouts of 1897.

Statistical tables. L., Eyre & Spottiswoodc,

1898. Great Britain — Parliament. Friendly societies, in- dustrial & provident societies & trade unions.

Reports for 1897. Part A. Appendices. L.,

Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1898. Hauser, H. Guvriers du temps passe (15^ et i6e

siecles. P., F. Alcan. 252 pp. f. 6. Kolisch, R. Die Gewerbeordnung f. das Deutsche

Reich m. den Ausfiihrungsbestimmung. i. Bd.

Hannover, Helwing, 1898. 702 pp. 8vo. M. 20. I>egge e regolamento per gli infortuni degli operai

sul lavoro. Alessandria, tip. succ. Gazzoth e

C, 1898. 47 pp. 8vo. Legislation du travail en Italic. Loi du 17 mars

1898 et reglement du 25 sept. 1898. P., Secre- tariat du Congres international des accidents

du travail, [i^]. 55 pp. 8vo. Martin, G. La grande Industrie sous le regne de

Louis XIV (1660-1715). P., A. Rousseau.

452 pp. 8vo. f. 9. Piolet, J . B. L'ceuvre des jardins ouvrlers a Saint-

Etienne, a Sedan, en France et a I'etranger.

P.. libr. Retaux, 1898. 154 pp. i8mo. Rieu, F. La cooperation ouvriere \ travers les ages

.... (these). P., Chevalier- Marescq & Cie.,

272 pp. i8mo. f. 4. •Robinson, Mrs. Harriet H. Loom & spindle.

(AJS., N.,p. 424) (Nation, Ja. 5 + —) (Dial,

F. 16 +) Schriften der Centralstelle f. Arbeiter-Wohlfahrts-

einrichtungen. Nr. 16. B., C. Heymann's

Verl., 1898. 274 pp. 8vo. M. 5. •Sommerfeld, Th. Handbuch der Gewerbekrank-

heiten. I. Bd. B., Coblentz, iSg8. 536 pp.

8vo. M.6. (JGV.,23:i). [Suttner, Bertha v. Das Maschinenzeitalter. Zu-

kunftsvorlesungen iib. unsere Zcit. 3. Aufl.

Dresden, C. Pierson. 33*; pp. 8vo. M. 3-50.] Violot, Robert. Theorie juridique de la partici- pation aux benefices dans le louage de services.

P., A. Rousseau, i8g8. 267 pp. 8vo. •Waentig, Heinr. Gewerbliche Mittelstandpolitik.

Lp., Duncker & Humblot, 1898. 483 pp. 8vo.

M.9.60. (LC, D. 17).

13. Political Economy.

Amer. Econ. Assoc. President's annual address: Relation between economics & politics, by A. T. Hadley. Report of the committee on cur- rency reform, report of committee on 12th census. N. Y., Macmillan Co, 3-69 pp. i2mo. $0.50. (Economic studies, no. i.)

Arendl, Ch. Economie politique scientifique : definitions et methodes. P., libr. Larose, 1898. 130 pp. 8vo. f. 3.

Cossa, Em. Del consumo delle ricchezze ....

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