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Cox, W. v., & Northrup, M. H. Life of Samuel Sullivan Cox & his friend Milion Harlow Northrup. Syracuse, N. Y., M. H. Northrup, 1898. 280 pp. 8vo. $2.

Cunerville, de. Le Canada et les interets fran- gais. P., libr. Andre & Cie. 79 pp. i8mo.

Cutts, K. L. Parish priests & their people in the middle nges in England. N. Y., E. & J- B. Young & Co., i8q8. 596 pp. il. lamo. $3.

•Dandliker. K. A short history of Switzerland, tr. by E. Salisbury. N. V., Mactniilan Co. 322 pp., maps. 8vo. $2.50. (Outlook, Ja. 28 -f--^-)

Dill, S. Roman society in the last century of the Roman empire. N. Y., Macmillan Co., 1898. 582 pp. 8vo. $4.

Dictionnaire historique et biographique de la Revo- lution et de I'Empire (1789-1815). Ouvrage redige pour I'histoire gen^rale par le docteur Robinet, sous-conservaieur a la bibliotheque Camavalet, pour la partie descriptive et bio- graphique par Adolphe Robert, et pour les matieres constitutionnelles et legislatives par J. Le Chaplain. T. ler. A-F. P., libr. his- torique de Revolution et de TEmpire, 41, rue de Sein'.

  • Earle, Alice Morse. Home life in colonial days

{AJS.,Ja., p. 565) (Nation, Ja. 5++) (Lit- erature, -f 4~)

Edgar, J. D. Canada & its capital, with sketches of political & social life at Ottawa. L., Gay, i8g8. 10s. 6d.

•Fisher, Herbert. The mediaeval empire. N. V., Macmillan Co. 2 v, Bvo. (Outlook, Ja. 28 -|- -|-)

•[Fouike, W, D. Slav or Saxon: a study of the growth & tendencies of Russian civilization. Ed. 2. rev. N. Y.. G. P. Putnam's Sons. 141pp. 8vo. $1.] (Questions of the day ser.) (Outlook, F. 4X)

Garnett, Rich. Edward Gibbon Wakefield. N.Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1898. 3S6 pp. i2mo. $1.50. (Builders of Great Britain ser.. no. 4.)

Geschichte der europaischen Staaten. Hrsg. v. A. H. L. Heeren, F. A. Ukert, W. v. Giese- brecht u. K. Lamprecht. 58. Lfg., 2. Abtlg., u. 59. Lfg., I. Abtlg. Gotha, F. A. Perthes. 496 pp. 8vo. M. 10.

Giacometti, G. L'unite italienne : deuxieme partie, 1861-2: aper<;us d'histoire politique et diplo- matique. P., Plon, Nourrit & Cie., 1898. 459 pp. i8mo. f. 3.50.

[Goraon in Central Africa, 1874-79. With portrait, map of the country .... From original let- ters and documents. Ed. by G. B. Hill. New ed. L., Macmillan & Co. 478 pp. 8vo. 6s.l

Greene, E. B. Provincial governor in the English colonies of No. America. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1898. 292 pp. 8vo. $1.50. (Harvard historical monographs, no. 7.)

Gregorovius, F. The emperor Hadrian : a picture of the Graeco- Roman world in his time, tr. by Mar>' E. Robinson. L., Macmillan Co.,

1898. 436 pp. 8vO. I2S.

Grisar, H. Geschichte Roms u. d. Papste Im

Mittelalter. 2. u. 3. Lfg. F., Herder, i8g8. a

M. 1.60. Hagenmeyer, K. Die Revolutionsjahre 1848-9.

Schilderung auf Giund eigener Anschaug. j.

personl. Erlebnisse. Karlsruhe, J. J. Reifi,

1898. 192 pp. 8vo. M. 1.50. Halstead, Murat. Story of the Philippines. N.

v.. Western M.Wilson, 1898. 400 pp. 8vo. $2. Historical Society Transactions. New series. V.

12. L., Longmans, Green & Co., 1898, 8vo.

21 S.

[Historische Bibliothek. Hrsg v. der Red. der Hi- storischen Zeitschriften. i. Bd. Schiemann, Thdr. Heinrich v. Treitschkes Lehr- u. Wan-

dcrjahrei 834-66. 2. Aufl. Miinchen, R. Oldenburg, 1898. 291pp. 8vo. M. 5. J

Hourst, Lieut. French enterprise in Africa. Per- sonal narrative of his exploration of the Niger, tr. by Mrs. Arthur Bell. L., Chapman & Hall, i8q8. 536 pp. 8vo.

Hume, M. A. S. Spain: its greatness & decay (1479-1788). N. Y., Macmillan Co. 470 pp. 8vo.

Janes, L. G. Our nation's peril: social ideals'& social progress. Bo., J. H. West Co. 31pp. 8vo. $0.25. [Against expansion.]

  • Jones, R. J. C. British merchant service: hist,

of British mercantile marine from earliest times to present day. L.. Low, Marston & Co., 1898. (Athenaeum, D. 24 + +)

Jullian, C. Notes sur I'histoire en France au ige siecle. P., libr. Hachette & Cie., [1898J. 128 pp. i6mo.

Kennan, G. Campaigning in Cuba. N. V., Cen- tury Co. 269 pp. Bvo. $1.50.

Kennedy, A. Story of the West Indies. L., H. Marshall, 1898. 162 pp. i2mo. is.6d. (Story of the empire.)

♦Ketterer, J. A. Karl der Grosse u. die Kirche, Miinchen, R. Oldenburg, 1898. 279 pp. 8vo. M.S. (DL.,D. 3)

King, Rufus. Life & correspondence of Rufus King. Ed. by his grandson. C. R. King, i8gB. In 6 v. V. 5. N.Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. $5.

Klacko, Julian. Rome et la Renaissance .... Jules II. P., libr. Plon, Nourrit & Cie., 1898. 453 PP- 8vo. f. 10.

  • Kuhne, Alfred. Das Herrscherid^al des Mittel-

alters u. Kaiser Fried. I. \ Leipziger Studien aus dem Gebiet der Geschichte, V. 5, 2. Hft.J Lp., Duncker & Humblot, 1898. 63 pp. 8vo. M. 1.60. (DL., p. 24)

Kurth, G. Lesorigines de la civilisation modeme. P., libr. Retaux. 1898. 2 v. (328 pp. & 358 pp.) Bvo.

Lala, Ramon Reyes. Philippine islands. N. Y., Continental Pub. Co. 342 pp., maps, Q. $2.50.

La Ronciere, C. de. Histoire de la marine fran- caise. i. Les origines. P., Plon, Nourrit & Cie. 536 pp. Bvo.

[Lincoln, Abraham, & Douglas, Stephen A. Polit- ical debates, 1858 .... also the two great speeches .... 1859. New ed. Cleveland, Burrows Bros. Co., 1898. 415 pp. Bvo. $3.50.]

Macdonald, G. The Gold Coast, past & present: a short description of the country & its peo- ple. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1898, 352 pp. i2mo. $2.50

♦Mayer, Ernst. Deutsche u. franzosische Verfas- sungsgeschichte vom 9. bis zum 14, Jahrh. Lp., Deichert. 2 Bde. M.24. (LC, Ja. 21++)

Molinier, E. Histoire generale des arts appliqu^es a I'industrie du se au i8e siecle. T. 3 : le mo- bilier aux i7e et iBe siecles. P., libr. Levy, tBgB. 274 pp. 4to.

Molmenti, P. La vie privee a Venlse depuis Torigine jusqu'a la chute de la republiquc. Part 2-3. Venise, Ferd. Ongania, 1896-7 [1S98]. 2 V. (216 & 166 pp.) i6mo.

[Montesquieu. Considerations sur les causes de la grandeur des Romains et de leur decadence, 2e. ed. P.. Hachette & Cie., 1898. f. 1.80.]

Monumenta Germaniae historica .... Episto- larum tomi V, pars I. Karolini aevi HI. (i. Halfte.) B., Weidmann. 360 pp. 4to. M.ia.

♦Raizel, Friedrich. Deutschland. Lp., F. W. Grunow. 1898. 332 pp. 8vo. M.2.50. (Globus, 75:4) {DL.,Ja. 14)

  • Ropes, J. C. Story of the Civil War : a concise

account of the war in the U. S. A. between

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