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Sanitary Science: see also Biography, National

Health. Saving: Hamilton, J. H. Educational aspect of

saving, QJE., O. Scotland : Siocquart, Emile. L'alHance de la France et de I'Ecosse au moyen-age et son in fluence juridique, RDI., 30: 4. Settlements : see each no. of The Commons. Shipping : Dubreucq, H., & R. de la Grasserie. Notre marine marchande, est-elle en decadence? RefS., D. 1. Social Movements : see each no. of RIS., SS. Socialism : Eitelberg,M. Fichteu.dcrSozialis- mus, Deutsche Worte, N. Fourniere, Eugene. La cite idcale, ReS., S. Heath, Richard. The church & social democ- racy in Germany, CoR.,0. lyeroy-Beaulieu, Anatolie. CoUectiviste et anar-

chiste, RDM., 0.15. Morant, A. C. Evolution du socialisme, HN.,

N. Zur Geschichte der deutschen Socialdemokraiie,

ZS..O. 15- See also Collectivism, and each no. of ReS.. NZ. Sociology: Baldwin, J. M., & Dewey, j. Social interpretations. RPh., N. Chiappelli. A. Sul metodo delle scienze sociali,

RltS., S. Deschamps, F. Bismarck et la question sociale,

RSC.,N. Goblot, E. Sur la theorie physiologique de

Tassociation, RPh., N. Heine, Wolfgang. Paul Barth's Geschichts-

philosophie. Deutsche Worte, O. La Grasserie. R. de. Le duel au point de vue

sociologique, RIS., N. Loncao, E. Guerre e loite di classe, RItS., S. Posada, A. GH siudi sociologici in Ispagna,

RItS.. S. Richard, G. La philosophie du droit et la soci-

ologie juridique, RPh., D. Small, A. W. Methodology of the social prob- lem, AJS., N. Small, A. W. Sanity in social agitation, AJS.,

N. Spencer, Herbert. What is social evolution?

PSM.,N. Wille. Ulrich. Nicht stehendes Heer, sondera

Volkswehr, ZS., O. See also Venice. Statistics : Brants, V Quelques traits de la psychologic des encjuetes, RSC. N. Digest of recent foreign statistical publications,

BDL., S. See also Census. Stock Companies ; Kuefstein, Franz. Das Actienwesen u. seine Bedeutung im heute herrschenden Wirthschaftssystem, Leben, O. Street Railways : Freund, E. de. Les chemins

de fer d'interet local en Europe, AEL., N. Strikes : Roussel, t'elix. La greve generale et

le syndicat guerard, RPP., N. Suffrage: Lacombe, P. Le vote libre, RMM.,

N. Sugar : Smith, K. L. Sugar beet industry in

America, GM., D. Tariff : England's future policy, GM., N.

See also Labor. Taxation: Gomine, G. L. Local taxation in London, Jour. Roy. Statistical Socict>', S. Hartung, J. Die direkten Steucra u. die Ver- mogensentwickelung in Augsburg von der

Miite des 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert, JGV., 22: 4.

Lugay, Comte de. L'impot pcytral sur le revenu etlareforme fiscaledes successions, RefS., D.i.

Malzac, Miranda. L'impot communal sur le revenu, RPP., N.

Stuart, A. J. C. Progressive taxation in Hol- land, EcJ., S.

Veber, Adrien. La question de I'octroi a Paris, ReS.. N. Telephones: Donald, Robert. The state & the telephones, CoR., O.

Hastie, A. H. The telephone tangle & the way to untie it, FR., D. Traditions: see each no. of Journal of Am.

Folklore & Revue des traditions populaires. Tin Plate : McVcy, F. L. Tin plate industry,

YR., N. Tramps : Berard, Alexandre. Le vagabondage en

France, AAC. N. Trusts : Wells, D. A. Scope & effect of the anti- trust act, YR., N.

Willcox, David. Recent construction of the fed- eral anti-trust act, F., D.

See also Newspapers. United States: Babcock, J. W. Lessons of the recent election, F., D.

Chamberlain, Joseph. Recent developments of policy in the U. S., D.

Clowes, W. L. American expansion and the inheritance of the race, FR., D.

Colquhoun, A. R. Eastward expansion of the United States, Harpers. N.

Kidd, Benjamin. Th*; United States & the con- trol of the tropics. Atlantic, D.

Leonard, M. H. Revolutionary records of a country town. New England Niag.,N.

Low, Sidney. Change in English sentiment toward the U. S.. N.

McMaster, J. B. Annexation and universal suf- frage, F., D.

Parker, J. H. Our army supply departments, RRN.,D.

See also Census, Colonies, Judiciary. Navies. Vacation Schools : American, Sadie. Move- ment for vacation schools, AJS., N.

Milliken, O. J. Chicago vacation schools. AJS.,N. Vaccination; Speeches on, S.,N, Venice : Lombroso, Cesare. Sociological & ethnical sources of the greatness of Venice, F.,D. Wages; Hewins, W, A. S. The regulation of wages by the justices of the peace. EcJ., S.

Hopkinson. A., & Bowley, A. L. Bibliography of wage statistics in the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century, EcR., O.

Wages in the U. S. & Europe, 1870-1898, BDL., S.

Water: Nash, Vaughan. The East London water company, CoR., C

, O.

Wheat: Atkinson. Ed. Wheat-growing capacity

of the U. S..PSM.,D. Women : Doumic, Rene. Le feminisme au temps de la renaissance, RDM., O. 15. Lory, Karl. Die Frau u. die Kunst der Gegen-

wart, Leben, O. Sorabji, Cornelia. Legal status of women in

India, NC, N. See also Associations. Y. M. C. A.: Shaw, Albert. The army & navy

"Y. M. C. A.,"RRN., N.

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