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Japan: Stevens, D. W. The relations of Japan

to other nations, F., D. Judiciary: Allen, J. W. Aggressions of the federal courts, ALR.. O. Gordon, J. W. The judicial crisis in the Trans- vaal, LQR., O. Petheram, W, C. English judges & Hindu law,

LQR.,0. Smith. T. K. Rise of 'he federal judicial suprem- acy in the U. S., Pt. 11., ALR.. N. Labor: Brooks, J. G. Industrial democracy, YR., N. Fleury, j. Le congres international de la legis- lation douaniere et de la reglementationdu tra- vail. JEc.O. Jacquart, C. Les resultats de I'introduction du minimum de salaire dans les travaux publics en Angleterre, RSC. N. Kahler, W. Neue Schriften iiber den Arbeits-

nachweis, JNS., O. Patterson, J. W. The factory as an element in

the improvement of society. ChR., D. Schmid, Hans. Das schweizerische Bauemse- kretariat u. seine Programmarbeit, Deutsche Worte, O. Land Nationalization: Wallace, A. R. Reoc-

ciipation de la icrre, HN., O. Law: Hay. G. Law & its limitations, HLR., N. Rattigan, W. H. I'he possibilities of codification

in India. LQR.,0. Teichmiiller, H. M ission of Amer. jurisprudence,

ALR., O. See also Scotland. Legislation: British legislation, 1898, YR., N. See also each no. of BDL.. EcR., JNS.. RPP. Lodging Houses; Riviere, Louis. L'hospitalite

de nuit en France .... RP.. N. 10. Method: Vailati, G. La methode deductive

comme instrument de recherche. RMM., N. National Health Commission : Wingate, U. O. B. National public health legislation, NAR., N. Navies : HolUs. I. N. The navy in the war with Spain, Atlantic, N. Jane, F. T. Naval lessons of the war, F., N. Wilson, F. H., & others. Reorganization of the naval personnel, NAR., D. Negro : Scarborough, W. S. The educated

negro & menial pursuits, F., D. New England : Bentzon.Th. DanslaNouvelle-

Angleierre, RDM.. D. 1. Newspapers: De Weese, T. A. Journalism; its rewards & opportunities, F., D. Disreputable journalism, GM., N. Norway: Gosse, Edmund. Norway revisited,

NAR.,N. Old Age Pensions: Holland, Bernard. Old age pensions, EcJ,, S. Loch, C. S. Fallacies about old age pensions,

NC.. N. Montheuil, Albert. L'assistance aux veillards, a Paris. RP., N. 10. Peace Movement : Clarke, Geo,, & others. The Tsar's proposed conference & our foreign affairs. NC, N. Dillon, E. J. The Tsar's eirenicon, CoR., N. Louis, Paul. Desarmement, ReS., S. Low, Sidney, Should Europe disarm? NC, O. The Tsar's appeal for peace, CoR., O. See also Arbitration, International. Pedagogy: see Education.

Philippines: Brinion, D. G. Peoples of the Philippines, AA., O. Denby, Charles. Shall we keep the Philippines?

F., N. See also Cuba. Philosophy; Muirhead, J. H. The Oxford chairs of philosophy, CoR., N. Seth, James. Scottish moral philosophy, RPh., N,

Playgrounds: Oakley, I. G, Playgrounds of rural & suburban schools, PSM., D.

Police: Gerland, Otto. Die Mangel der Polizei, JGV.,22:4.

Political Economy: Bortkemitsch, L. v. Die Grenznutzentheorie als Grundlage einer ultra- liberalen Wirthschaftspolitik, JGV., 22 : 4. Clark, J. B. Future of economic theory, QJE.,

Gide, Charles. Les theories economiques de

Karl Marx. RCS., S. Pantaleoni. Dei crileri che debbono informare

la storia delle dottrine economiche, GEc, N. Powers, H. H. Wealth & welfare, AAP., N. Political Science: Ratzel, F. Studies ii. politi- cal areas, AJS., N. Stengel, K. v. Staatenbund u. Bundesstaat.

JGV., 22: 4. Politics: Nordau, Max. Politik u. Charakter,

DR.,0. Politics, International: Fenollosa, E. F.

Coming fusion of East & West. Harper, D, Stead, W. T. World politics through a Russian

atmosphere, RRN., D. Taylor, (Iannis. Pending problems, NAR., N. Taylor, Benjamin. The coming struggle in the

Pacific, NC, O. See also each no. of RDM.. RPP., RRN. Population: Kahler, W. Die Zunahme der Be-

vblkerung in den hauptsachlichsten Kultur-

staaten wahrend des 19. Jahrhunderts, JNS.,

O. Mazel, Henri. Idees en I'air: un remede \ la

depopulation, RefS., O., i. Property: Brentano, Lujo. L'evolution du droit

successoral anglais dans la propriete fonciere,

RIS., O. Castelot, E, La propriete fonciere an moyen-

age. JEc, O. Veblen, Thorstein. Beginnings of ownership,

AJS.,N. Prussia: Raffalovich, Arthur. Les finances de

la Prusse (1890-97), JEc, O. See also Credit. Psychology : Kline, L. W. Migratory impulse

vs. love of home, AJP., O. Miinsterberg, Hugo. Psychology & art, Atlan- tic, N. Villa, G. La psicologia e le scicnze morall,

RItS..S. Quarantine: National quarantine: the Caffrey

bill indorsed, S., D. Railroads: Crowell, J. F. Railway receiverships

in the U.S., YR., N. Prouty, C. A. Powers of the interstate commerce

commission, NAR., N. Wiener, Clarence. Financial wrong in Porto

Rico, NAR., D. Religion: Hardy, E. Was is Religionswissen-

schaft? Archiv fiir Religionswissenschaft, 2 Lang, Andrew, & J. M. Robertson. On the

origin of religion. FR., N. Margoliouth, G. The earliest religion of the

ancient Hebrews, CoR., O. Mauriser. Le sentiment religieux dans I'extase,

RPh., D. Roads : Paley, W. B. Roman roads of Britain,

NC. N. Russia: Minzes, Borio. Skizzen zur Geschichte

des Wirtschaftstaats und der Gesellschafi in

Russland, ZS., O., 15. N. Studnicki, Ladislaus. Die wirthschaftliche Ent-

wickelung Sibiriens, Deutsche Worte, N. Sanitary Science: Doty, A. H. Scientific pre- vention of yellow fever, NAR., D. Howard, Lady Mabel. Nursing the poor in their

homes, NC, N. Monro, A. C. Public health administration in

England & Scotland, S., N.

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