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get°i?rFa.t"e?'R:'p!- Deve.op-n.n. o, 4e

Charittel': %r'Xi. W. Study of causes of dis-

Joh"son?Ak«°d<:r. Concerning a form of de-

MSTbXvf^EniiS: BeLrage .ur Geschich.e u. Theone des Annenwesens. . . i. schweizerische Armenwesen, J.^'^-' " ^oR

Need of thoroughness ,n charitable work, ChOK ,

en<Ss ^weeu white & coloted cfltldren, AA.,

M^tieeka, Heinrich. Ueber die Beziehungen

^fschen Korperbeschaffenheit und ge.st.ge,

Thitigkeit bei den Schulkindem. M.ttheilun-

gen der Anthtopologischen Gesellschaft tn

Children /^'Gtassi, Ernesto.. Resultati finali delP inchiesta silla provenienza e sullo stato del binbini man^ati al Brefotrofio d. M.lano

Mon^r"He„n."'l5se'nfams assistes de France,

Sp^rcer^'F.°H. Child labor & the half-time system, EcR., O. Ch'ina'^'"£;ruhotn!^A. R- The far eastern Le',Sy"ii«ulku,^Pierre. Le probleme chinois,

c ^'^ o^h.r' Hermann. Die chiuesischen Ver- ^t^shakn,"hr?^"".hschaftliche Stellung u.

V=^be"M"G.^c^nfuciuset la morale chinoise,

Yo^ng^ustand. England's destiny in China,

Chu'^he's?Boucherville, A. de. Le , '^ei"'= 'j™- cordataire dans une colonie anglaise, Refb.,

BtSne't'iere, Ferdinand. I^ catholicisme aux

Go^uneli^ ElJe'^CatiloWd'sme social et pro.estan- tisme social, RCS.,S. Ci^ieT.^Hu^::rA!"M'oT^lle^Vei^on..New

Kr^o°pl'tkt,p?e-.;|^ L;aide mutuel.e dans la Pe^'i'^rr-.^^t;rgA?d;^ville de commerce.

T.e tvDC Rochelais, SS., O. RowlSS! Kate M. Philadelphia a century ago, Lippincotts, D. Ci^vtf li^t^fce ; S, P.t- Political acUvity in Conetg;^p{^^tion du syst^me «,.-

Co.onl«-"0'"C'.E: Otir government of newly acquired territory. Atlantic^ U. Collier I. Evolution of colonies, PSM.,N. l^S, W. A. European expenence with

tropical colonies, AUantic, p. Les colonies allemandes en 1897, ALL., " • Jordan, D. S. Colonial lessons of Alaska,

Latit'li.^L- W. Cape politics & colonial

policy, FR., N.

Co^-o/erat!o^"co6peration as a means .0 thrift,

Duto°^Era: La federation cooperative anglaise,

Halftead?Robert. Practical cooperation. EcR..


See also Cities, Collectivism, Credit.

?r"a^o,;"y^"trid^in, J"H- , Amerikanische

Schiidel, Archiv fur Anthropology, ^5.- 4. Schmidt. Die Rekonstruktion der Physiognomie

aus dem Schadel, Globus, N. „„„„i

Simms, Joseph. Brain weights and intellectual

capacity, PSM.,D. , . j r«,

Torok, Aurel von. Ueber Var.at.onen und Cor-

rebtionen der Neigungs-Verhaltnisse am

Unterkiefer, ZE., 3o;3- See also Criminology. . .

Credit- Conrad, M. Die neue westpreussische

L^idschaft u. das KreditbedUrfnis der kleinen

Du'lrr^^aitdPe,' Maurice. L'-cHmatation du

credit populaire en France, RefS.N.ib. Schwiediand, E. Obligator.sche Mindestlohne

Crimin<;5o°gy &^peno° ofy : Beltrani-Scalia. M

Le gite de premio del minorenni corregendi,

ROC, N. , . ™ B »i

Brinkerhoff, R. National nn'on »=_f"^" ^hR., N^

Esmein, A. Le " criming evidence act de i^

et le serment des accuses en Angleterre, Krr.,

Evans, E. P. Superstition & crime, PSM.. D. Galabert, Edmond. Le crime individuel et le crime collectif, RIS., O. .L1-..1

LaupTs! Dr. Determinisme et responsibilite.

Pi™" ^Elude de 51 cranes de criininels frangais e^ coinparaison avec des series de cjan« fransais quelconques. Bulletin de la society d'anthropologiedc Pans, 9:3- . ,

Pitt-LewisrC. The new great reform m the criminal law, NC, O. . . „„(.. jj

Sforza, C. Sul regime :penitenziario, RDC., ^.

Speyer, Herbert. Les regies de la preuve en droit penal anglais, RDI., 30:4. ,. • ^

Tarde G Les transformations de 1 impunite


Our"n°e"'Je!ghbo« in Cuba & the Philippines. Amer. Antiqua., D- , _ , IT N

Smith, G. Moral of the Cuba^ war, F., N. Deaconesses: see each no. of MIM. Deaf: see Charities.

g'omTs^Tc-Ba^^nerM C. Science of home Edu'?a"rinrBlu'm'!E-i/,nouvementpedologi,ue


■ &"; leoV.'-l w4^J^^.' ^^f

l-enseignement modeme en Allemagne, RPP.,

Coconino, J. L'ecole allemande, SS., N. totesfons-" of three school superintendents. At-

EdS'i? A." W. Mass. public school system,

EdR., - ^^iijgj education pay? F.,N.

& 'iibert. Sie Koftender Volksschule in

Mab"e,"S'.'-lv,-'AV Intellectual movement in

the West. Atlantic, N. . ,, _„„„

Ma^us'llawrie. Aecent progress in German

MahS^'Pro/.^'H- .0 circumvent cramming.

Mdniw^.'j-L- Kant's theory of education. Ed.

Pa^ne, W. H . Ttaining of the tidier. EdR., D.

Kiif ^A^'^?'K^^4~4'il ?5°-

durman & the Mussulman world, NC, O.

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