Sydney, W. C. Early days of the 19th century In England, 1800-20. L., Redway. 524 pp. 8vo,
Vince, C. A. John Bright. C, H. S. Stone & Co. i2nio. $1.25. (Victorian era ser.)
Watterson, Henry. History of the Spanish- Amer- ican war, N. Y., W. W. Wilson. 650 pp. 8vo. $2.50.
Wheeler, Jos. Santiago campaign, 1898. Bo., Lamson, Wolffe & Co. 369 pp. 8vo. $3.
Worcester, D. C. Philippine Islands and their people: a record of personal observation and experience; with a short summary of the more important facts in the hist, of the archipelago. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 529 pp. 8vo. $4.
Wright, Marie R. Picturesque Mexico; a compre- nensive & authentic account of the present condition of Mexico . . . from data collected under the patronage of the Mexican govt. Ph., J. B. Lippincott. 445 pp. il. 8vo. $7.50.
II. International Law.
[Weiss, A. Manuel de droit international prive. 2e edition. P., libr. Larose. 694 pp. 8vo.]
12. Labor.
[Die Arbeiterbewegung. Rundschau der wirth- schaf (I. u. sozialen Vorg-inge. Red. , M ax Koppe, I. Jahrg. Oktbr.-Dezbr. 1898. 13, Nm. 4to. (Nr. i, 8 p.) B., M. Warschauer. M. 1.50.]
France — Office du Travail. Les caisses patro- nnles de retraites des etablissemenis indus- triels. P., Impr nationale. 441 pp. 8vo.
Halt, F. S. Sympathetic strikes and sympathetic lockouts. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 118 pp. 8vo. $1. (Columbia Univ, studies. V. 10, no. i.)
Higgins, A. P. Employer's liability and compen- sation to workingmen on the continent. L., Stevens & Hall. 8vo 5 s.
[Lynch, H. F. Redress by arbitration: a digest of the law relating to arbitrations & rewards, incorporating the arbitration act of 18 9. . . . Ed. 3. rev. L., E. Wilson. 112 pp. 8vo, 5s.]
Schloss, D. F. Methods of industrial remunera- tion. Ed. 3. rev. & enl. L., Williams & Ncr- gate. 7s. 6d.
Senhouse, R. M M., & Emery, G. F. Accidents to workmen. . . . Employers' liability act, 1880, Lord Campbell's act, workingmen's com- pensation act, 1897. • • • 430 PP- 8vo. 15s.
Wyckoff. W. A. The workers: an experiment in reality: the West. N. Y.. Chas. Sciibner's Sons. 378 pp. izmo. $1.50.
13. Political Economy.
Amer. economic assoc. Publications. General contents & index. V. i-ii. N. Y., Mac- millan Co. 52 pp. 8vo.
Avenel, G. d. Histoire economique de la proprie- te, des salaires. des denrees ct de tous les prix en general, deputs Tan 1200 jusqu'a I'an 1800 P., libr. Leroux. T. 3 & 4. 705 & 607 pp. 8vo.
Billeter, Gust. Geschichte des Zinsfusses im giiechisch-romischen Alterium bis auf Justinian. Lp.. B. G. Teubner. 103 pp. Sv:;,. M. 3.60.
- Cohn. Gustav. System der Nationalokooomie.
(AJS., S.,p. 277-.) (VR.. N.+-I--)
[Conrad, J. Grundriss zum Studium der politi- schen Oekonomie. 2. Tl. Volkswirthschafts- politik. 2. Aufl. Jena, G. Fischer. 144 pp. 8vo. M. 2.80.]
Deviiie, E. T. Economics. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 404 pp. i^^mo. $1
Jfthrbuch der internationalen Vereinigung f. ver- gleichende Rechtswissenschaft u. Volkswirth- schaftslehre zu Berlin, hrsg. v. Prof. Bernhoft
u. Dr. Meyer. IV. Jahrg., 1898. i. Abtlg. B., K. Hoffmann. 283 pp. 8vo. M. 7.
Miinchener volkswirthschaftliche Studien. Hrsg. V. Lujo Brentano u. Walth. Lotz. 27.-29. Stiick. 8vo. St,, G. Cotta Nachf, M. 3, 3 u. 2.40.
Neymarck, Alfred. Vocabulaire-manuel d'eco- nomie politique. P., Colin & Cie. 482 pp. i8mo.
Rodbertus, K. Over-production & crises ; tr, by Julia Franklin. L., Swan Sonnenschein. 144 pp. 8vo. 2S. 6d.
SchmoIIer, Gust. UmrJsse u. Untersuchungen zur Verfassungs-, Verwaltungs- u. Wirthschafts- geschichte, besonders des preussischen Staates im 17. u. 18. Jahrh. Lp., Duncker & Hum- blot. 686 pp. 8vo. M. 13.
Wiener staalswissenschaftliche Studien. Hrsg. v, Edm. Bematzik u. Eug. v. Philippovich. i. Bd. 2. Hft. Fr., J. C. B. Mohr.
14. Political Science.
Baldwin, Simeon E, Modern political institutions. Bo., Little, Brown & Co. 387 pp. 8vo. $2,
Bierling, Rud. Juristiche Prinzipienlehre. 2. Bd, Fr., J. C. B. Mohr. 367 pp. 8vo. M. 9.
♦Bismarck, Prince. Bismarck the man & the statesman; being the reflections & reminis- cences of Otto Prince von Bismarck written & dictated by himself . . . . tr. under the super- vision of A. J. cutler. N. Y., Harper, 1899, 2 V. (415 & 362 pp.) 8vo. $7.50. (Athenaeum, D. 3 Xt
Breley, Ernest. Grandeur et decadence de la guerre. P., Guillaumin & Cie. 16 pp. 8vo.
Cleveland, F. A. Growth of democracy in the U. S. ; or the evolution of popular cooperation in govt. & its results. Chi., The Quadrangle Press. 532 PP i2mo. $1.50.
Collier, W. M. Law of bankruptcy & the national bankruptcy act ... . with citations to all applicable cases decided under the former U. S. bankruptcy acts, many English decisions & extended notes. Albany, Matthew Bender. 586 pp. 8vo. $5.
Contuzzi, F. P. II codice civile nei rapporti col diritto internazionale private. V. i. Napoii, N. Jovene & C. 526 pp. 8vo. L. 10.
Deploge, S, Referendum in Switzerland, tr. by C. P. Treyelyan, ed. by L. Tomm. 8vo. 7s. 6d. (Studies in economics & political sci.)
Dritto (III civile italiano secondo la dottrina e la guirisprudenza, esposto dai proff. Bianchi, Caporali, Cuturi [& others], per cura Pasquale Fiore. Uisp. 265-76. Napxili, Eugenio Marghieri. ^p. 97-758. L. i la disp.
[Ducrocq, Th. Cours de droit administratif et de
legislation frant^aise des finances 76
edition. T. 3. Prmcipesde droit public
P., libr. Fontemoing. 852 pp. 8vo.]
- Farlie, J, A. Centralization of administration in
N. Y. state. N. Y, Columbia Univ. Press. 207 pp. 8vo. $1. (Columbia Univ. studies.) fMA.,S.+ + — )
Gauike, Jobs. Ueber die Grcnzen des Nattona- lismus u. Intemationalismus. B., J. Sassen- buch. 31 pp. 8vo. M. 0.20.
•Godkin, E. L. Unforeseen tendencies of democ- racy, (ATS., S., p. 277) (YR., N. h)
Great Britain — Public general acts of 1898. 8vo, 3s. Index, 8vo. S^d.
Great Britain — Foreign Office. State papers, British & foreign. V. 84. L., Eyre & Spot- tiswoode. I OS.
♦Hamilton, E. H. Mr. Gladstone: a monograph, L., Murray. (Athena:um, N. 19 + 4 — )
Hess, Willy. Die Reichstagswahlen v. 1898 oach
ihren Ergebnissen. Auf Grund amtl. Qucllen