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f-,J,Vtil Edward Gibbon Wakefield : the co-

^'"^S^isa-ion of Sou,h Australia & New Zealand

L T F Unwin. 408 pp. 8vo. 5s. (Buna

rGas'q'ie' F:"'. "HetrvVlII & .he English mon- ■^ arteries. L., J. C. ^Jimmo. Rev. ed. 5^=6 pp.

r bb^r,' H°'dei English people in .he .Q.h ° cen.'"".' N. Y; Maemillan'co. .7- PP- •6»<>- r- *,°H'r'italn — Fovpt, No. 2. Correspondence ^'^ w,.h "he" Frenc^g';;. -speCing ,he valley o


SoTerset^Marruisof Arleshwry.& Sir T. H.

.Gri^s 'If f "-Rorance^r'Amer. c^lonisa.ion : ho; .he founda.ion s.ones of our h'Sjory were lai^ eic B., ? 7S. 6d. (Oullook, N. 12 +)

Henderson G. F R. S.onewall Jackson and .he i™,, rii 1 war N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co .V C5lo&6,rpp:)8vo' $.0. (Na.ion.

.ti ^I'm A S The grea. Lord Burleigh: a "™udy\ Elifabelhanjs.a,ecraf. L.. N.sbe..

I2S 6d. (Academy, N. 26 + +1 Imba" de la Tour. Les paroisses .^rales dans ^ l-ancienne France, du 4= au .r= s,ec^. (Ex- trail de la Revue h.s.orique, .896-7.) f., Dauoelev-Gouveraeur. .98 pp. 8vo. lohnsonT!" Imperial Bri.ain. a comprehensMje •' descrip.ion of .he geography, h.s.ory, com- merce' .rade, governmen.. and reh^on o^ he Bri.ish empire. 2 v. maps & ills. V. ..Brit ish empire in Europe. 3" PP- 8vo. 7S. 6d.

.., ■^•;bmiS"ArE'hDrei Jahrhunderte russischer ■^'Gesch ch'= Ueberblick der russ. Geschich.e

„q8--i8Q8 B., J. Rade. 505 PP- 8vo. M 9. Kraemer, Hans. Das .9. Jahrhunder. in Won u.

B^rd.' Poli.ischeu. Kul.urgesch.ch.e. r. Bd.

7,951.840. B., Bong & Co. 504 pp. 4.0. M.

•Lacombe, Paul. In.roduc.ion ^ '"i^X 'i'^;

raire P., Hachet.e. 8vo. (Kli)., IN. -f -f-)

r Lang ois, C. V., & Seignobos Ch. I.-'-f";-"-"' »

'- .he s.udy of his.ory, .r. by G. G. Berry. .. .

N Y , H. Hoi. & Co. 350 pp. I'mo. f =.'5.J

Lepreux, Georges. Nos represen.an.s Pfudan. la

'^Revolution (1789-99). L.lle, hbr. Uleu. »7i

T j^^'l1°r 's'.oiv of .he Revolution. N. Y., C.

^Icribne^'-s Sonll^ ° v. ,3^4 & .86 Pp.) 8vo. $6.

Milukow Paul Ski22en russischer Kulturge-

schTch.e. Deu.sch v. E. Uavidson. .. Bd.

Mon'S Tames: Writings, including a collection

"oT his Public and private «"«P°"dence now

?or the first time printed, td. by S. M. Ham-

^:°p"ntnim^sso'.,s- lo!\^^^. sjbl.f.

Slis Pars .. Ed.dit Thdr. Mommsen. B.,

.Mo^ifchT- T'hl'w'arCithSpa;^: a complete Ts^toS'^^Ph., J B. Lipp.ncot. Co. 383 pp. lamo. $1.50- (Outlook. N. is -|-)

Muirhead, J. F. The land <>< «'«'|f^i=' ^[L""?;;" view of his Amer. kin. Bo., Samson, Wolfte & Co. 282 pp. 8vo. $1.5°. , ,

MiiUenhoft, Karl. Deu.sche Alte.tumskunde. 4. Bd. r. HSlfte. B., Weidmann. 384 pp. 8vo.

  • 0-BJien?R. B. Life of Charles Stewart Pamell.

L., Smith, Elder & Co. 2 v. (Athenajum, N.

  • Om"n?C/w7'c. England & the hundred years'

«a; (1327-1485). N. v., C. Scribner's Sons. Tea pp 'too $..50. (Oxford manuals of Eng. his..) (A.hensum, D. 3 -(- +— )

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Ramsay J. H. Foundations of England, or, twelve ceniuries of British history (B. C. 55— A. D. 1154). N. y., Macmillan Co. 2 v. (553 & 509 pp) 8vo. $7.5°. , , .

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.Ro±:'^a,i°;."Mext:'o & the U. S. ; a sn-dy of subjects affecting their political, commercial.

Sons. 759 pp. 8vo. $4.50. (Oullook, N, 5

Rosst, O'Donovan. Rossa's recollec.ions. 1838- 98. . . . The Fenian movement. IN. v., r. J. Kenedy. 402 pp. tamo. $1 „

Sanderson, Edgar. Africa in the .9th cen.ury. N.

^^ Y imp. by Chas. Scribner's S'lns. 420 pp. 8vo $175. (Events of our own .imeser.)

Sanderson, E. His.ory of . .e "Orld, from .he ear- liest historical time to the year r898. L., Hut- chinson. 800 pp. 8vo. 5s.

Schriften des Vereins f. Reformationsgeschichte. Nr. 59-61. Halle, M. Nemeyer in komm. i

  • Schw.'ll!'°Ferd. History of modern Europe.

( AIS., N., p. 422) (Nation. N. 17 +—> Slkes E. W. Transition of North Carolina from "^ cilonyto commonwealth '*'"Vr' H"n s^^

kinsPress. 86 pp. 8vo. $0.50. ij. H. U. stu

Smit'h"'G. B. Canada: its rise & progress. L.. P^midti:. 320PP.8VO. 2s.6d. (Romance of

c^itU r. Ram'ett The romance of colonization. ^"" V: ?• Canada: L, S. « . Partridge & Co. 8vo.

3S 6d. (V. J, 2, 3. 2S. 6d each. .

Snears I R Our navy in the war with Spam.

N.'Y.,Chas. Scribner-s Sons 406 PP. i2mo.

SDieHkr^,°S. Der Freiheitskampf der ungarischen ■^Nation (.848-9) kritisch ueleuchtet. Lp., W.

Friedrich. 148 pp. 8vo. |1. 4- •Stillman, W.J. Union of Italy. .8.5-95. N-Y..

Macmillan Co. 4" PP- -f ""f- *'-"l' ,

bridge histor. ser.) (Outlook D. .0 +-) •Strobel, E. H. Spanish revolution. 'SSS^S- Bo

Sm.ill. Maynard & Co. 293 .ip. ismo. $1.50.

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