Wagner, Frdr. Freiheit u. Gesetzmassigkeit in den menschlichen Willensakten .... Tubin- gen, H. Laupp. 115 pp. 8vo. M. 2.80.
Ziehen. Thdr. Psychophysiologische Erkenntnis- theorie. jena, G. Fischer. 105 pp. 8vo. M. Z.80.
8. Family,
Norway, G. A Roman household; ill. by W. S, Stacey. L., National Society. 224 pp. 8vo* 2s. 6a.
Renooz, C. Psychologic comparee de I'homme et de la femme. P., Bib. de laNouvelle Encyclo- pedic, 76, rue de Renncs.
Roux, J. Psychologie dc I'instlnct sexuel. P., J. B. Bailliere & fils. 96 pp. i6mo. f. 1.50.
Scott, J. F. Sexual instinct; it* use & dangers as affecting heredity & moraU. N. Y., E. B. Treat & Co. 436 pp. izmo. $2.
Wilpert. James v. Der Herr der Schdpfung u. das gefallene Weib. Ein Apell andJeGcrechtigkeit. Lp,, M. Spohr. 105 pp. 8vo. M. 1.80.
9. Finance, Taxation.
Austria — Mitteilungcn des k. k. Finanz-Mini- steriums. Red. im Prasidial- Bureau des k. k, Finanz - M inisteriums. 4. Jahrg. 3. Hit. Wien, Hof u. Staatsdruckerei. pp. 431-718. 8vo. M. 3.
Beaure, Aug. Theorie et pratique de la monnaie. Tome I. Traiie theorique de la monnaie et slatistique des metaux precieux .... B., Putikammer & Miihlbrecht. 144 pp. M. 3.20.
Bump, O. F. Law & practice in bankruptcy; rev. & adapted to the act of July I, i8g8 .... nth ed. Wash., W, H. LowdermiJk & Co. 923 pp. 8vo. $6.50.
[Cook, W. W. Treatise on the law of corporations having a capital stock. Ed. 4. Chi., Callaghan & Co. 3 V. 8vo. $18.]
Dictioonaire du commerce, de I'industrie el de la banque, public sous la direction de MM. Yves Guyot et A. Raftalovich. P., Guillaumin & Cie. Livraisons 1-3, pp. 1-480.
France — Annuaire general des finances, public d'apres les documents officiels, sous les auspices du ministere des finances {9^ annee 1898-99). P.. Bergcr-I^vrault & Cic.
[Fuisting, B. Die preussischen direkten Steuem. I. Bd. Kommentarzum Einkommensteuergc- sctz. 4. Aufl. B. C. Hcymann's Verl. 756 pp. 8vo. M. 12.]
Germany — Report of savings banks in Prussia. L,, Eyre & Spottiswoode. id.
Grunau, Gust. Inschriften u: Darstcllungcn romischer Kaisermiinzcn von Augustus bis Diocletian, Kiel,E. Kuhni 152 pp. 8vo. M. 3.
King, Moses, cd. Clearing house of New York city: New York Clearing -House Association, known as the Associatwi Banks; historical, descriptive, statistical. N. Y., Moses King. 32 pp. il. pors. i2mo. $0.25.
Luzzatti, Giac. Delle moneta ideale ne' suoi rap- porti colla moneta reale in circolazione in un paese. Verona, fratelli Drucker, 60 pp. 8vo.
McLeod, F. F. Hist, of fiat money & currency inflation in New England from 1620 to 1789. Phil., Amer. Acad, of Pol. & Soc. Sci. pp. 57- 77 8vo. $0.25. (Publications of the .society.)
Macleod, H. D. Indian currency. N. Y., Long- mans, Green & Co. 55 pp. 8vo. $1.
Magee, H. W. A work on state banks & bank officers, including sections of the constitution & codes of California relating to banks & banking .... Los Angeles, C. W. Palm Co, 356 pp. 8vo. $4.
Miller, H. A. Money & bimetalism. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 308 pp. i2mo. $1.25.
Mitteilungcn aus der Verwaltung der direkten Steuem im preussischen Staate. Nr. 36. Br., R. V. Decker. 84 pp. 8vo. M. $0.95.
Trasi, Ant. Proposta di una tassa unica in sur- rogazione del dazio consumo. Milano, V. Rupcrti. 14 pp. Svo.
10. History.
Alford. H. S. L., & Sword, W, D. Egyptian Sou- dan: its loss and recovery .... [with] a full account of the Nile expedition, 1897-8. L., Macmillan Co. 352 pp, los,
Arangio, Ruiz Gac. Storia constituzioiiale del regno d'ltalia (1848-98), Firenze, G. Civelli. 561 pp. 8vo. L. 10.
Beha cd Din, Life of Saladin. N. Y., New Am- sterdam Book Co., 1897. 20 -f- 420 pp, Svo. $3.50.
- Blok. P, J. Hist, of the people of the Nether-
lands, tr. by O. A. Bierstadt & Ruth Putnam. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, (Outlook. D. 10 + +)
Boulger, Demetrius. History of China, New rev. ed. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 2 v., pors., mans. 8vo. $9.
Burckhardt, Jak, Griechische Kulturgeschichte. Hrsg. v. Jak. Oeri. 2 Bde. B., W. Soe- mann. 370 u. 443 pp. 8vo. M. 14.
[Channing, £d. Students' history of the U, S. New ed, enl. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 61s pp. Svo. il. $1.40.1 ^^
Conybeare. F. C, The Dreyfus case; first complete English narrative. . . , N, Y., Dodd, Mead & Co. i2mo, $1.50.
Dana, C. A. Recollections of the civil war .... N. Y., D. Appleton & Co. 296 pp. Svo. $2.
Davis. R. H. Cuban & Porto Rican campaigns. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons. 360 pp. i2mo. $1.50.
Demelitsch, Fred. Mettcmich u. seine auswartige Politik. 1. Bd. 692 pp, Svo. St., J. G. Cotta. 692 pp. Svo. M. 14.
Dill, S. Roman society in the last century of the Western Empire. N. Y., Macmillan. 402 dd. Svo. $3. ^^
Dixon, Mrs. Archibald. True history of the Mis- souri compromise & its repeal. Cin., Robert Clarke Co., 1899. 623 pp. Svo. $4.
- Duruy, Victor. A general history of the world,
from the French, thoroughly revised, with an introduction & a summary of contemp. hist. (1848-98), by E. A. Grosvenor. N. Y., T. Y. Crowell. 744 pp. i2mo. $2. (Outlook, N. 19 + -)
Dyer, T. F. T. Old English social life as told by the parish registers. L., Elliot Stock. 264 pp, Svo. 6s.
Earle, Mrs. Alice Morse. Home life in colonial days; written in the year 189S. N. Y,. Mac- millan Co. 470 pp. i2mo. $2.50.
Ehlert, Louis. Rdmische Tage. Wohlf.- fTitcl-] Ausg. B., Behr's Verl. 243 pp. Svo. M. 3,
Field, Lilian F. An introduction to the study of the Renaissance. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons. 307 pp. i2mo. $1.50,
Fisher, S.G. The true Benj. Franklin. Phil., J. B. Lippincott Co. 369 pp. Svo. $3.
Forbes, Archibald. Life of Napolean lU. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co, Svo. $3.50.
♦Ford, H. J. Rise & growth of Amer. politics: a sketch of constitutioual development. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 409 pp. i2mo. $1.50, (Out- look, N, 10 -(- +)
♦Foxcraft, H. C. Life & letters of Sir Geo, Savlle, Bart., First Marquis of Halifax. L., Long- mans. I, Academy, O. 22 -| — f-)
Francke, Kuno, Glimpses of modern German culture. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co. 233 pp.
i6mo. $1.25.