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[Greenwell. A., & Curry, W. T. Rural water supply: a practical handbook. Ed. 2, rev. 220 pp. 8vo.]

Hamilton, P. J. Colonial Mobile: an historical study, largely from original sources. Bo., Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 446 pp. (Nation,

0. 27 + +)

•James, E. J. Charters of the city of Chicago, Pt I. The early charters, 1833-37. C., Univ. of Chicago Press. 76 pp. 8vo^ $0.50. (MA.. S.++)

Kruse, W, Ucber den Einfluss des stadtischen Lebensauf die Volksgesundheit. Vortrag. {Aus Centralblatt f. allg. (iesundhcltspfl.) Bonn, E. Strauss. 79 Pp. 8vo. M. 1.60.

Lindner, Thdr. Die deutsche Hanse. Ihre

Geschichte u. Bedeutg Mit Abbildgn.

Lp., F. Hirt & Sohn. 215 pp. 8vo. M. 5.

Monographien zur Weltgeschichte. Hrsg. v. Ed. Heyck.6. Below, Geo. v. Das altere deutsche Stadtwesen u. Burgetum. 136 pp. 8vo. M. 3.

Powell, L. P., ed. Historic towns of New Eng- land. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. II. 8vo.

Professione, Alf. Siena e la compagnie di ventura

nella seconda meta del sec. 14: recerche ....

Civitanova Marche, Domenico Natal ucci.

187 pp. 8vo. Rcpplier, Agnes. Philadelphia: the place & the

people. 392 pp, il. 8vo. $2.50. (Outlook, N.

[Rimmer, A. Our old country towns. New ed.

L., Chatto & Wundus. 336 pp. i6mo. 3s. 6d.] Sarum, The Use of. I. The Sanjm customs as

set forth in the consuetudinary & customary.

Original texts by W. H. Frere. Camb., Camb.

Univ. Press. 8vo. 12s. ♦Sparling, S. E. Municipal history & present or- ganization of Chicago. (AJS., S., 274 p.)

(MA., S. H )

Urkunden u. Akten der Stadt Strassburg. i. Abth.

Urkundenbuch der Stadt Strassburg. 4. Bd.

1. Halfte. Nachtrage u. Berichtiggn. zu Bd. 1-3. Gesammeltv. Wilh. Wiegand. Register zu Bd. 2-4. Strassburg, K. J.Triibner. 360 pp. 4to. M. 18.

5. Criminology and Penology,

  • Annali di statistica. Atti della commissione per

la statistica guidiziaria civile e penale. Sessione del decembre 1897. Rome, 350 pp. 8vo. fRlS.,N.++)

[Archiv fiir Kriminal-Anthropiologie u. Kriminal- Statisiik. Mit e. Anzahl v. Fachmannem hrsg. V. Dr. Hanns Gross. Lp., F. C. W, Vogel. 1. Bd. I. Hft. 136 pp. 8vo. M. lo.J

[Bemer, A. F. Lehrbuch des deutschen Straf- rechts. 18. Aufl. Lp., B. Tauchnitz. 752 pp. 8vo. M. 9.]

Butterworth, A. R. Criminal evidence act, 1898. With intro. chapter & practical notes. 8vo. 5s.

Clemens, Just. Strafrecht u. Politik. Kriminal- poiitische Gedanken e. alten Richters. B., O. Liebmann. 103 pp. 8vo. M. :.6o.

Ferri, E. Difese penali e studi di giurisprudenza. Torino, fratelli Bocca. 469 pp. 8vo. L. 9.

George, J. Humanitat u. Knminalstrafen. Eine Zusammenstellg. samtl, Kriminalstrafen vom friihesten Mittelalter bis auf die Gegenwart

unter Beriichsicht.aller Staaten Europas

Jena, H. Costenoble. 383 pp. 8vo. M. 10.

Great Britain — Prisons & convict prisons. Report of the commissioners & directors for 1897-8. Appendices. 8vo. is. iij^d.

  • Horsley, J. W. Prisons & prisoners. L., Pear-

son. 242 pp. 8vo. 3s. 6d. (Academy, N. 26 -|-) [Popular account of prisons & prison life.]

Jahrbiicner der Gefangois-Gesellschaft f. die Prov,

Sachsen u. das Herzogt. Anhalt. N. F. 3. Bd*

(i3.Jahr. der alten Folge.) A. u. d. T. Jahr'

biicher f. Kriminalpolitik u. innere Mission.

.... Halle, M. Niemeyer. 112 pp. 8vo.

M. 2.40. Orsini, Ant. Criminalita femminile: conferenza

tenuta nell'aula consolare di Alessandra ....

i8g8. Orvieto, A, Maglioni. 44 pp. 8vo.

  • SaleilIes, Raymond. L'individualisation de la

peine. P., F. Alcan. 8vo. (RIS., N. + +)

6. Education.

Bagnisky, Adf. Handbuchder Schulhygiene, see\t.

Balfour, G. Educational systems of Great Britain & Ireland. L., Frowde. 356 pp. 8vo. 7s. 6d.

Brebner, Mary. Method of teaching modern lan- guages in Germany; being the report .... as Gilchrist traveling scholar. N. Y., Mac- millan Co. 71 pp. i2mo. $0.40.

Craik, H. Report on secondary education for the year 1898. Appendix. L., Eyre & Spottis- woode. IS.

Dexter, T. F. G., & Garlick, A. H. Psychology in the schoolroom. L., Longmans, Green & Co. 422 pp, 8vo, 4s. 6d.

Evans, E. P. Beitrage zur amerikanischen Liitera- tur- u. Kulturgeschichte. St., J. G. Cotta. 424 pp. 8vo. M. 9.

Feilner, T. J. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Kultur u. Kunst. Philosophiche Aphorismen. Braun- schweig, R. Sattler. 160 pp. 8vo. M. 2.40.

Oilman, D. C. University problems in the U. S. N. Y., Century Co. 319 pp. 8vd. $2.

Great Britain — Commission on manual & practical instruction in primary schools under it. ltd. of Nat. Educa. in Ireland. Appendices to re- ports. L,, Eyre & Spottiswoode. 4s. loj^'d.

Great Britain — Reformatory & industrial schools. 41st rept. of inspector for 1897. L., Eyre & Spottiswoode. 8vo. 2s. 7d.

Heckel, H. Sur I'organisation de Penseignement colonial dans-les universites frani;aises. Mar- seilles, impr. Barlatier. 11 pp. 8vo.

Leonard, D. L. Story of Oberlin: the institution, the community, the idea, the movement. Bo., Pilgrim Press. 44^ pp. 8vo. $1.50.

Matthews, F. H, A dialogue on moral education, L., Swan Sonnenschein. 762 pp. 8vo. 3s. 6d.

•Morgan, C. L. Psychology for teachers. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons. 240 pp. 8vo. (Nation, N. 17-+)

•Salmon, D. Art of teaching. N, Y., Longmans, Green & Co. 289 pp. i2mo. $1.25. (Athe- nseum, N. 19 + +)

Zimmern, Alice. Renaissance of girls* education in England: a record of fifty years* progress. L., Innes. 264 pp. 8vo. 5s.

7. Ethics, Philosophy, Psychology. Alexander, W. Primary convictions. L., Harper

& Bros. 360 pp. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Gompcrz, Heinr. Kritik des Hedonismus. Eine

psychologisch-eth. Untersuchg. 121 pp. 8vo.

M. 2.40. •Marshall, H. R. Instinct & reason: an essay

.... with some special study of the nature of

religion. N. Y., Macmillan & Co. 574 pp.

8vo. $3.50. (Outlook, D. 17) Philosophic, e., f. das 20. Jahrh. B., C. Skopnik.

274 Pp. 8vo. M. 4. Siebert, Otto. Geschichte der neueren deutschen

Philosophie seit Hegel. Ein Handbuch zur

Einfijhr^. in das philosoph. Studium der neue-

sten Zeit. Gdttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ru-

precht. 496 pp. 8vo. M. 7.50. [Sizycki, Paul. Vom Baume der Erkenntnis.

Fragmente zur Ethik u. Psychologic aus der

Welti itteratur. i. Grundprobleme. 2. Aufl.

B., F. DummleKs Verl. 800 pp. 8vo. M.7.50.]

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