January— for November-December.
Explanation. Titles not starred represent new publications announced in the standard pub- lishers' lists since the last issue of the bibliography. A i/rtr/rf^xfti' to a title indicates that it was taken (roin a review of the work in the periodical cited after the title. It may or may not be a new announce- ment. The arithmetical signs following the citation to a review indicate the tenor of the review: X, uncertain ; +, favorable ; — , unfavorable; +— , favorable, but with reservations ; — + , unfavorable,
but with commendation ; + + , very favorable ; very unfavorable ; + + -, very favor.-ible, but with
reservations; + , very unfavorable, but with commendation. Absence of any sign indicates that
review has not been read. The publication date when not given is understood to be the current year. Prices quoted are usually for volumes bound in cloth in the case of American and English books, in paper in the case of all others. New editions, translations, and new periodicals are bracketed.
Abbreviations. See at end of Bibliography.
[The /iffitres refer to the number of the class; each of the letters following the figures refers to initial of author's surname, or to entering word of title.T
Administration, 4,
I4d. f Africa. 10s Agriculture, 2oabi Anarchism, 20a Anthropology, i Arbitration, 12I Archaeology, i Art, 6f, ish Associations, 3efs,
si, 13J, 20Cg Australia, ip, log Bankruptcy, qhc Banks, 9 Bible, 15m Bimetalism, g Biography, 3bcs,3W, lobdfnmov. i4hl, ispr, i8m Biology, 2 Blind, 3^ California, 9m Canada, ids Canon Law, 15m t harities, 3 Child Saving, 3chf China. lob Churches, 3J, 15 Cities, 30P, 4. 15b,
15W, 19b, 20b Citizenship, 14W Civilization, i8d Civil War, lod Clearing House, gk Codes, i4t Collectivism, 20I Colonial Life, loe Colonies, log, 14k Competition, 2og
Annali, s Annals, 18 Argyll, 2 Berenger, 18 Bismarck, 14 Bliss, 15 Blok, 10 Bosanquet, 18 Duruy, 10 Einaudi. 4
Congress, 14m Housing, 2oab
Conscience, Nation'l, Hungary, los
Ideals, Social, i8s India, lof Indiana, r4i
Innere Mission, 3, 5] Ordinances, 4
New York, i4f Roman Empire, lode
Nineteenth Century, Roman Law, 14m
loks Rome, 4c, 8r, gg
North Carolina, los Russia, lok, 141 Old Age Pensions, 20 Sanitary Sci., 4, i6k
Instinct, 7 Insurance, 2Df Interest, 13b International Law,
14c. E - -
Italy, 3g, loa, s, 14! Pedagogy, 6 Jurisprudence, 13J, Penology, 5
14b, mr -^ . .
Labor, 12
Organic Method, 18I Science, 2 Organism. 2 Settlements, 3U
Palestine, loy Parishes, lodi Patronage, 3h, laf
Law, Common, i4p Legends, i Liquor Question, 2oagw
i8b Constitut. Hist., 10 Cooperation, 20c County Officers, 141 Criminology, 5 Crises, i3r Customs, 4s Deaconesses, 3I, 3r Deaf, 3g Degeneration, 2
Democracy, i4cg, s
Domestic Science, 16
Dreyfus Case, loe
Education, 6. 16b, 20I Land, 4c
Egypt, I, loa Language, 6b
Employer's Liabili ty, i2hs
Ethics, 6m, 7
Ethnology, 1
Europe, los
Evolution, 2, 17W
Family, 8
Fenians, lor
Folk Lore, I
France, I4d, t, 13b
Free Will. 7
French Revolution 3I, loir
Germany, 30, lofmh Monasticism, isf
Great Britain, 6b, Money, g logjors, r, i4g,
15s, 20Cg
Greece, lob, 15c, g Hansa Towns, 4 History, lodl History, Econ., 13s History, Gen., rods
Savings Banks, 9
Sex Instinct, 8rs Single Tax, 9 Socialism, 17 Social Life„8n,iobdm Sociology, 15s, t8 Periodicals, New, 5a, Spain, ids
12a Spanish- Amer. War,
Philippines, row loms
Philnsophy, 7 Statistics, 19
Political Econ. ,10,13 Statutes. i4g, U v Political Science, 14b Stock Companies, gc Politics in U. S., lof Street R'ys, 2och Poor, 3I Strikes, lah
Literary History, lol Popes, 15P Suffrage, 14I
Maccabees, issy President'lTerm,i4p Switzerland, i4d
Magic, 15b ' Press, 20c
Manual Training, 6 Prices, 13a Medical Missions,3w Prisons, 5
Merchants, 20b Mexico, ior,w Missouri Compro- mise, lod
Monopolies, i8b Mythology, i Nationalism, i4g Navies, ids Netherlands, lob New England, 4
Profit Sharing Property, 13a
Syndicates, 70C Taxation, g Telephones, 20g I2S Tropics, 14k Trusts, 18b
Prussia, gm, lop, igp United States ~ " ' , 6d, 7
Psychology Railroads, 2og Referendum, i4d Reform Schools, 6 Reformation, iis Religion, 15
ocfgm Universities, 6gl Utopias. 17I Vermont, 14V Wages, 13a War, i4bn
Renaissance, lof, lor Water, 4 Representation, 14P Women, 3e, 50, 6z, Revolution, Am,, lol 8r, I2p, 20c
Farlie, 14 Ford, 10 Foxcroft, 10 Giddings, 18 Griffs, 10 Groome, i Godkin, 14 Grondland, 17 H addon, i Hamilton, 14
Henderson, 18 Horsley, 5 Hume, 10 James, 4 Lacombe, 10 LeBon, 18 Lichtenberg, 17 Lillienfeld. 18 McConachie, r4 Marshall, 7
Mivart, Morgan, 6 Morris, 10 Novicow, 14 ( I'Brien, 10 Oman, 10 Robinson, 10 Romero, 10 Saleilles, 5 Salmon, 6
Schwill, 10 Sombart, 17 Sparling, 4 Stein, 18 Stillman, 10 Strobel, 10 Tarde, 18 Vallance, 17
Vonge, 15