Settlements: see each number of Commons. Sex : Block, Maurice. Un problemedesiatlstique humaine et sa solution, JEc, Ag. See also Biology. Slavery ; liugbee, L. G. Slavery in early Texas,
PSQ.,S. Social Movements : see each number of AAP.,
HN., ReS., RIS.. SS. ; also Anarchism. Social Question : ^rf Sociology. Socialism: Adler, Georg. Zur Geschichte der deutschen Socialdemokratie. ZS., Ag. Application du systeme collectiviste, ReS., Ag. Kourniere. Eugene. La cite ideale, KcS., Ag. Gide, Charles. Les theories economiques de
Karl Marx. RCS., S. Masaryk, T. G. La crise scientifique et philoso-
phique du marxisme contcmporain, RIS.. Jl. Merlino, S. La morale et le socialisme, HN.,
Ag. Ni dicu ni malire, RSC, Ag. Schmidt, Conrad. Present condition of social
democracy in Germany, JPE., S. Sencer, G. M. Le socialisme en Espagne,
RPP., Ag. See also ^zx^ number of Amer. Fabian, DS., & ReS. Sociology: Berry, L. F. Social teachings of Jesus. BS.. O. Caldwell. Philosophy & the newer sociology,
CoR., S. Cavaglieri, G. Svolgimento e forme dell'
azione collettiva, RilS., JI. Dewey. John. Social & ethical interpretations
in mental development, NW., S. Lindsay, S. M. Unit of investigation in soci- ology, AAP. MalIock,W. B. Herbert Spencer in self defence,
NC.Ag. Reich, E. Schubert-Soldem iiber die soziale
Frage.VWP., Jl. Roberty, E. de. L'idee d'evolution et Thypo-
these du psychisme social, RPh., Jl. Schitlowsky, Ch. Ludwig Sieins Sociatphilo-
sophie, Deutsche Worle, S. Simiand, F. L'annce socioiog. 1897. RMM., S. Spencer, Herb. What issocialevolution? NC.,S. Successful mediocrity, EdR., O. Topinard. The social problem, Monist, O. Tosii, Gu-tavo. Delusions of Durkheim's soci -
ological objectivism, A IS., S. Tugan-Baranowsky, M. Diesozialen Wirkungen
der Handelskrisen in England, ASG., 13: i. Valbert, G. Etudes d'un homme d'etat russe
sur la societe modeme, RDM., S. Villa, G. L'odeiemo sviluppo delle scienze
storiche e sociali, RilS., Jl. Worms, Rene. L'economie sociale, RIS., Jl. See also Art, Education, History, Theaters. Spain : Dillion, E. J. Coming C3rIism,CoR., S. Dynastic crisis in Spain, FR., Ag. Ruvigny, Marquis de, & Metcalfe, Cranstoun. Carlist policy in Spain, FR., S. Spanish-American War: see United Slates. Speculation: see Exchanges. Statistics: see Agriculture, Cuba, Industry, Sex. Street Railways: Knox, E. F. V. Legal as- pects of electric street traction in England, EM.. O. See also Railroads, and each number of Street Railway Review. Suffrage: j^^ Voting.
Sugar: Oudin, P, La question des sucres.SS., Ag. Tammany: Cary, Edward. Tammany past &
present, F., O. Tariff: Giretii, E. Le illusion! ed i danni del
protezionismo, GEc. S, Taxation: Bullock, C. J. Direct & indirect taxes, PSQ., S. Cassel, G. Volksrc presentation u. Besteuerung, ZGS., 54:4.
Lucay, Comte de. L'impot general sur le
revcnu dans le passe et le present, RefS. , S. 16. Mensi, Franz von. Die Revision des Grund-
steuerkatasters in Ocsterrcich, ZVS., 7: 3. Ortloff, Herm. Neuere Eniwickelung dei
Einkommensteuer-Gesetzgebung im Gross-
herzogium Sachsen-Weimar, JNS., 16:2-3. Tuttle, Leonard. Social option in taxation,
MA., S. Veber, .Adrien. La suppresion des octrois,
ReS., Ag.-S. West, Max. Recent Inheritance-tax statutes &
decisions, JPE., S. Theaters: Iwain, Mark, About play acting,
F., O. Tiade Unions: see Cooperation. United States: Army mismanagement, ChR.,
Barker, Wharton. Industrial interests of the
U. S. in the far East. EM., O. Breckinridge, J. C. Our national folly & its
victims. NAR.,0. Colomb, P. H. U. S. navy under the new con- ditions. NAR.,0. Conani, C. A. Cost & finances of the Spanish
war, RRN., S. Conant. C. A. Economic basis of imperialism,
NAR., S. Diezmann, M. Der Aussenhandel der Vcreinig
ten Staaten im Rechnungsjahre 1S97, JNS.,
16 : 2. Devine, E. T. A week at Montauk. ChR., O. Dicey, Ed. New American imperialism, NC, S. Dunham, Carroll. Medical & sanitary aspects of
the war. RRN., O. Fisher, H. N. Development of our foreign
policy, Atlantic, O. Ford, W. C. New opportunities for American
commerce, Atlantic, S. Harisse, Henr^'. Outcome of the Cabot quarter- centenary, AHR., O. Imperialism, true & false, VR., Ag. Low, A. ^L Amateurs in war, F., O. MacDonald, William. Dangers of imperialism,
F.,0. Parker, J. H. Some lessons of the war from an
officer's standpoint, RRN., O. Powers, H. H. 'l"he war as a suggestion of
manifest destiny, AAP., S. Procter, I. R. Isolation or imperialism, F., S. Rives, G. L. Spain & the United States in
1795, AHR., O. See also Anglo-Saxon Alliance, Art, China,
Cuba, Education, Finance, Great Britain,
Hawaii, Industry, Labor. Literature, Monroe
Doctrine, Philippines, Women. University Extension: see Education. Vacation Schools: see Education. Utopias: Kirchenheim, A. von. Die neuesten
Utopien, ZG., Ag. Voting: Haynes, G. H. Qualifications for the
suffrage, PSQ., S. W^ages : Atkinson, E. Evolution of high wages
from low cost of labor, PSM., O. Macrosty, H. W. Living wage movement,
PSQ.. S. Schmid, Hans. Der Minimallohn, Deutsche
Worte, S. War: see United States. Water: Bashore, H. B. Mistakes of small
towns, S., O. Women : Braun, Lily. Die Frauenfrage im
Alterthum. ASG., 13: 1. Holmes, Lizzie M. Woman's future position in
the world. Arena, S. Robinson, Miss H. H. I>e mouvement fcmi-
nistc aux Etats-Unis, RPP., Ag. Trautman, Mary E. [& 13 others]. Woman's
work on city problems, MA., S.
See also Agriculture.