Japan: Yokoi, Tokiwo. New Japan & her con- stitutional outlook, CoR.. S. . Labor: Aldrich, M. A. American Federation ol Labor, Economic Studies, Ag.
Bales, H. P. Australian experiments in industry, AAP S
Famani' H. W. Labor crises & their periods in theU. S.,YR., Ag. ■ „ Ac-T c
Festv O. Democratic industrielle. AtL., 3.
Francois, G. La nuova leg^e francesia sulla responsabilita degli infortuni sul lavoro, Otc, Ag o ■
Half,' Bolton. Servant class on the farm & in the slums. A.. S. . .
Jastrow, i. AtbeitsmarkI u. Arbeitsnachweis in Deutschland, JNS., 16:3. , . _. .
Kaan.J. Gegenwartiger Stand der Frage der Entschadigung fur Betriebsunfalle in den europaischen CulturStaaten, ZVb., 7 :}..
Schuler, Dr. Zwanzig Jahre Normalarbeitstag inder Schweiz, ZG., Ag.
Veblen,Thorstein. Instinct of workmanship S the irksomeness of labor, AJS., S.
Weyl, W. E. Labor conditions in trance,
5« alio Associations, Cities. Factory Inspec- tion, Insurance. Land: j^*- Credit. „ ,r -n tt u -,-.-1,,
Legislation: Inhulsen, C. H. P. Uebersicht liber die Gesetzgebung in Grossbrilannien u. Irland im Jahre 1897, ZGS., 54; ■»• Woolley, J. G., & others. Direct legislation,
NT., S. See also Cities. . ^
Life- Andres, A. La interpretazione meccanica
dellavita.RIF., Je. «,i,„i,„|
Liquor Question: Baer, A. Die Alkohol- gesetze in den nordamerikanischen Staaten u. ihre Erfolge, ZS., Ag. „ , . , . Literature: Sawvel, F. B. Relation of Ameri- can literature to American life, Education, S. Eaton, C. H. A decade of magazine literature.
Ma Jual Training: Flower, Elliott. Manual training & the poor, NAR., O. Henderson, C. H. Philosophy o( manual train- ing, PSM., O. Manufactures: j(?f Cotton.
Miracles: «<: Religion. , „ , rv ■ • 1 •„ Monroe Doctrine: Cook T. A. .Original in- tention of the " Monroe doctrine, i K., 3. Municipal : see Cities.
Navy : J« United States. , .
Norway-Sweden : Revision de 1 acte d union
entre la Sui:de el la Norwege, RDI-. 3° : \ Pawning: Moms de piele etrangers : New York, Rome, Venise, RP., Ag. ,. T^. t '
Peace Movement: White, Arnold. Thelsars
manifesto. National Review, O. Pedagogy: .s^^ Education. r. li
Philipptnes: Dilke, C. W., & others. Problem of the Philippines, NAR., S. Hazelline, M. W. What shall be done about the Philippines ? NAR. O. Philosophy: J«^ Life, Sociology. .... Play : Franke, H. Spiele und Nationaltanze in Leh, Globus, S. 17.. ^ .. „ . ,„
Playgrounds: American, Sadie. Movement for small playgrounds, AJS., S. Quincy, Mayor. Gymnasiums & playgrounds,
Zue'blin', Charles. Municipal playgrounds, AJS.,
Political Economy: Bohm-Bawerk. E. von. Zur theoretischen Nationalokonomie der letzten
Jahre. ZVS., 7:3. See also Capital, Socialisi
Political Science: sec Gilds, Japan. .
Politics: Henderson, C. R. Politics in public institutions of charity & corrections, AJi., &.
Population: Fetter, F. A. Essay of Mallhus:
a centennial review, YR., Ag. .
Tautain. Etude sur la depopulation de
I'archipeldes Marquises, L'Anthropologie, Je.
Porto Rico : see Cuba. ,
Postal: Heaton.J.H. Imperial penny postage
at last, FR., S. „, ^ _, ,, . ,
Prices- Mayo-Smith, Richmond. Movements oi
prices, PSQ., S. . > 1
Property: Carassavi, C. La propriety eccle- siastica, GEc, S. £ ■ a
Dumas, Jacques. Le nouveau rigiine de publicite des droits reels en Anglelerre, RPP.,S. See also Inheritance. Proportional Representation : see Representation. Protection : see Tariff.
Protestantism : see Churches. ,
Psychology: Titchencr, E. B. Postulates of a structural psychology, PhR., S. See also Education, Sociology. Railroads: Cargill, Thomas. Great railway stations of England, EM., O. ,,...-.
Freund, E. de. Les chemins de fer d interet
local en Europe. AEL., S. , . c -
Micheli, M. H. Nationalization of the bwiss
railroads, PSM.. S. .
Newcomb, H. T. Decline in railway rates,
IPE S Prozzo'.'L. Spese di esercio delle reli ferro-
viarie, GEc, S. „ 5,
Van Oss, S. F. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, Journal of Finance, S. . Religion: Denison. J. H. Current delusions concerning miracles, NW.,S. Dugas, L. La dissolution de la (01, Kl^h., S. lones J. P. Hinduism & Christianity^ BS. Liberal Congress of Religiotl, RR>I., O. MariUier, L. La place du totemisme dans revolution religieuse a propos d tin livre recent Revue de I'Histoire des Religions, le. MortiUet, M. de. Christianized megalilhic
monuments, PSM., S. Tolstoi, Leon. Religion el inorale, HN.. S- Whatham, A. E. Early religion of the Hebrews,
BS., O. See also Churches. „ . ,, „
Representation: Einhauser, Rudolf. Propor- tionswahl. ZGS., 54: 4. See also Taxation. Salvation Army: Hollins, John. The salva- tion army : a note of warning, CoR., b. Salvation army life insurance, ChUK., Ag. Sanitary Science : Bell, A. N . Quarter-century of sanitary work 1873-98, S., S. Brousse, Paul. Le congres international
d'hygicne de Madrid, ReS., Ag. Caverly, C. S. Relation of public schools to
public health, S., O. Frolich H. Ueber den Militargesundheits- diens't in Spanien, Centralblatt fiir allgemeine Gesundheitspflege, 17:8 &9. Kruse. Ueber den Einfluss des stadtischen Lc- bens auf die Volksgesundheit Vortrag, Centralblatt fur allgemeine Gesundheitspflege, I7:8&9. . ,
Morris, Malcolm. Prevention of consumption,
FR.,Ag. Suiter A. W. Barbershop as a menace to
health, S., S. .. „ . j o .
See also Cities, Hawaii, United States. Science: Kropotkin, Prince. Recent science, NC Ag. McGee, W. 1. Fifty years of American science,
Atlantic, S. . .
Martin, D. S. First half century of the Ameri- can Association, PSM., O. See also Sea. „ . ( ,.
Sea ■ Blackford, C. M. Exploration of the sea,
NAR., S.