Burton, Rich. Literature for children, NAR., S.
Castaenol, T. Unc reforme ^ runiversiie americainc d'Harvard, SS., S.
Chaboseau, Augustln. L'extcnsion universi- taire, ReS., S,
Compayre, Gabriel. Contemporary education in France, EdR.. S.
Compayr^, G. L'enseignement integral d*apres un livre recent, RPh., Jl.
Demolins, Edmond. L'ecole nouvclle, SS., S.
Green, J. M. New Jersey system of public in- struction, EdR., O.
Harris, W, T. The older & the newer educa- tion. EdR., S.
Hervey, W. L. Study of education at the Ger- man universities, EdR., O.
Martin, C. D., Mrs. Education in Hawaii, Education, S.
Mayo, A. D. Significance of illiteracy in the U. S., Education, S.
Menos, J. H. Nouvclle ^thique sociale dans I'education, HN., Ag.
Mill, T. E. Higher cduca. & the state, NT., O.
Miinsterberg, Hugo. Psychology & education, EdR., S.
Parodi, D. La question de l'enseignement secondaire, RMM., S.
Paulsen, Friedrich. Examinations, EdR., S.
Politics & education in Chicago, EdR., S.
Rousiers, Paul de. Probiemes d'educa., SS., Ag.
Stanley, H. M. The teaching of psychology,
Tompkins, Arnold. Herbart's philosophy & his
educational theory, EdR., O. Vidari, G. Le scuole secondarie e la socicta
presente, RIF., Je. See also Agriculture, Associations, Colonies, Ethics, Manual Training, Sanitary Science. Egypt: see Anthropology. Eight- Hour Day: see Labor. Elections: see France. England: seeOxt^x. Britain. Environment : see Heredity.
Ethics: Everett, W. G. The concept of the good, PhR., S. Smith, Goldwin. Origin of morality, NAR,, O. See also Religion, Socialism, Sociology. Ethnology: Steinmetz, S. R. Das \erhaltnis rwischen Eltem u. Kindem bei den Naturvol- kem, ZS., Ag. See also Anthropology. Evolution: Fages, C. L*evolution du darwtn- isme biologique, RIS.. Jl. Jones. Henry. Social & individual evolution.
NW.,S. Pfieiderer, Otto. Evolution & theology, NW., S. Exchanges: Frangois, G. The Paris bourse,
JPE.. S. Expansion: see United States. Exports: see United States.
Factory Inspection: Fiirth, Henriette. Berichte der preussischen Fabrik-Inspektoren fiir 1897, Deutsche Wortc, S. Finance: Bericht iiber die Finanzverwaltung Preussens, Annalen des deutschen Reich, 31: II- Bunzel.Gustav. Das moderae Geld- u. Credit-
wesen, ZVS., 7; ^. Ghidiglia. C. La pubblicazione dei document! finanziari dell' antica repubblica di Venezia, GEc.,S. Levy, R. G. La dette anglaise, RDM., S. 15. Louis, Paul. La reforme nscale, ReS., Ag. McLeod, F. F. Fiat money & currency inflation
in New England, AAP., S. Morrill, J. S. Populist conceit, F., O. Outerbridge, A. E. Curiosities of American
coinage, PSN.,S. Samson, John. Truth about Chili's financial position, Journal of Finance, S.
Stcmes, W. P. A new standard & a new cur- rency. JPE.. S. Vanderlip. F. A. Lessons of ourwar loan, F., S. Vinck, Emile. La reforme monetaire aux Ctats-
Unis, AIS. Walras. Lc comptabilisme social: Punite fixe de la valeur, AIS., Ag. France: Scaife, W. B. Legislative elections in France, NAR ,0. See also Children, Education, Insurance. Germany: Poinsard, Leon. L'Allemagne con-
temporaine, SS., S, Guilds: Hopkins, E.W. Ancient & modern Hindu
gilds, YR., Ag. God: Howison, G. H. The real issue in the con- ception of God, PhR., S. Great Britain: Bright, Charles. An all-British, or Anglo-American, Pacific cable, FR., S. Drage, Geoffrey. England & Russia in the far
East, F.,0. Vamb^ry, H. Englands gefahrdete Machi-
stellung in Asien, CosmopoHs, Ag. Wilson, H. W. Anglo-Russian understanding,
National Review, S. See also Africa, China, Finance, India, Legisla- tion, Postal, Property, Railroads, United States. Greece: Miller, W. Regulation of Greece, Cos-
mopolis, Ag. Hawaii: Beardslee, L. A. Difficulties in as- similating Hawaii, NAR., O. Foster, B. Leprosy & the Hawaiian annexation,
NAR.,S. See also Education. Heredity: Brinton, D. G. The factors of
heredity & environment in man, AA., S. History: Hart, A. B. The historical opportunity in America, AHR,,0. Harrison, Fred, Historical method of J. A.
Froude, NC, S. Puvwode, Gustave du, Des lois de I'histoire, jEc, Ag. Imperialism: ^.f^ United States. India: Elements of unrest in India, Asiatic Quarterly Review, O, Lcitner, G. W. The Amir, the frontier tribes, & the sultan, Asiatic Quarterly Review, O. Individualism: Moore, Wentworth. The indi- vidualist, FR.,Ag. & S. Industry; Schaffle. A. Zum Kartellwesen u. zur Kartell-Politik, ZGS.. 54 : 4. Schoenhof, Jacob. Industrial investigations, F.,0. Inheritance: La Grasserie, Raoul de. De I'in- disponibilite el de Tin iivi'^ibilite totales et par- tielles du patrimoine, RefS., S. 16. Innere Mission : if*? each number of MIM. Insane: Channing, Walter. New Massachusetts board of insanity, ChR,, O. Sanbom, F. B. Curability of the insane. ChR,, S. Insurance: Australian fife insurance societies. Journal of Finance. S. Hofmann, E. Arbeitslosenversichemng in St.
Gallen u. Bem, ASG., J3: i. Kirchenberg, Ernst. Die Invallditats- u. Alters-
vcrsicherung der Hausweber, J NS., 16 : 2. Salmon -Legagneur, Paul. La caisse des incen- dics du departement de la Meuse, et Ics recents projets de creation des caisses departementales d'assurance, RefS., S. 16. See also Salvation Army, Labor, Intemperance: j£'^ Liquor Question. International Law: Racioppi, F. Lo stato d'assedioe i tribunali di guerra, GEc, Ag. See also Arbitration. Italy: Ebray, A. La defense sociale en Italic, RPP., Ag. Samaja, Nino. Les emeutes de la faim en Italic,
HN., Ag.-S.
See also Children.