Associations: Aldrich, M. A. Ameiican Fed- eration of Labor, EcJ., Ag. Lang. Otto. Der schweizerische Bauemverband,
ASG., 13 : I. Muller, Victor. Levooruit, SS., A^. Pascaud, Henri. Le droit d'association: con- ditions qu'il comporte pour se concilier avec la
liberty individuelle et I'ordre social, RPP., Ag. Van Rensselaer, Mrs. S. The Public Education
Assoc, of New York, EdR., O. See also Pawning. Australia: see Anarchism, Insurance, Labor. Biography: Bagehot, Walter. Woodrow Wil- son, Atlantic, O. Bismarck & Motley. I. P. Grund, NAR.,
S.-O. Bismarck. W. R. Thayer, Atlantic, S. Bismarck; an anecdotal character sketch. Chas.
Lowe, RRN., S. Bismarck's greatness. W. T. Stead, RRN., S. Bismarck. Emilio Castelar, NAR., S, Bismarck. Dietrich Schafer, F., O. Bismarck as a national type. Kuno Francke,
Atlantic, O. Bismarck. Fred. Greenwood, Cosmopolis, S. Bismarck, der Schopfer von Kaiser und Reich.
Max Lenz, Cosmopolis, S. Burne-Jones, Edward. William Sharp, FR.,Ag. ;
Atlantic, S.; F. M. Heufter, CoR., Ag. Cromwell, Oliver. W. Kirkus, NW., S. Gladstone. R. A. Armstrong, NW., S. Gurteen, Stephen Humphrey. T. G. Smith,
ChR.. O. Kropotkin, Prince. R. E. Ely, Atlantic, S. Maine, Sir Henry (a lawyer with a style). Wood-
row Wilson, Atlantic, S. Morley, John, FR., Ag. Rivier, Alphonse, RDI., 30: 3. Biology: Cunningham, J. T. Species, sex &
individual, NS., S. See also Evolution. Boys: Neumann, B. P. Take care of the boys,
FR.,S. Building Regulations: j^r Cities. Capital: Grupp, Georg. Aus dem Anfangen
des Kapitalismus, ZGS., 54 : 4. Jacquart, C. Le recensement industriel en
Pnisse et revolution du regime capitaliste,
RSC., Ag. Catholicism: see Churches. Charities: Alford, B. H. Ncedof thoroughness
in charitable work, ChOR., S. Ambon, Gabriel. Justice et charite, JEc, Ag, Ayres, P. W. Training class in philanthropy,
ChR., S. Depasse. De la charite priv6e, RP., Ag. Fufmer, Harriet. Chicago Visiting Nurse Asso
ciation, ChR., S. Millis, H. A. Relief & care of dependents,
AJS., S. Philanthropy, old style & new, ChOR., Ag. Riviere, L. Une visite aux colonies de blen
faisance beiges, RPe., Ag. See also Associations, Manual Training, Poll
tics. Salvation Army, and each number of
ChR., ChOR., RP„RBP. Children: Cadoux, Gaston. La protection de
i'enfance miserable a New York, RP., S. 10. Monod, Henri. L*s enfants assist^s de France,
RP., S. 10. Schreiber, Adele. Les meres deg^nerees, les en- fants martyrs en Italie, RP., Ag. See also Education, Playgrounds, and each no.
of RP. China: Dunnell, M. B. Our policy in China,
NAR., O. Krausse, A. British record in China, FR., S. Little, Archibald. Yangtse valley & its trade.
CoR., S. Reclus, EHs^e. Vivisection of China, Atlantic, S.
Tau Sein Ko. Suggested reforms for China, Asiatic Quarterly Review, O.
See. also UnitedStates. Churches: Batten, S. Z. Way out of church dis- union, BS.^ O.
Gounelle, Elie. Catholicisme social et pro- testantisme social, RCS., S.
Lilly^W. S. What was primitive Christianity?
Round, J. H. Popular church history, CoR., S. Vernes, Maurice. Ernest Kenan u. die reli-
giosen Fragen in Frankreich, DR., Ag. See also Evolution, Property, Religion, Sociol. Cities: Berthold, A. Das Hamburgische Gesetz
betreffend die Wohnungspflege. ASG,, 13: i. Breden. Die neue Bau-Polizei-Ordnung fiirden
Stadtkreis Berlin, Centralblatt fiir allgcmeinc
Gesundheitspflege, 17: 8 & g. Farlie, J. A. Municipal corporations in cur
colonial period, MA., S.
{enks, J. W. A state municipal board, MA., S. .ighthall, W, D. Montreal, New Eng. Mag.,0. Martin, J. W. Direct employment of labor vs. the contract system : experience of the London County Council, MA., S. Woodruff, C. R. Movement for municipal re- form, NAR., O. See also Charities, Children, Education, Finance, Sanitary Science, Tammany. Coinage ; see Finance. Collectivism: see Socialism.
Colonies: Collier, James. Evolution of colonies, PSM.,0. Trevey, Xavier. L'^cole coloniale, RPP., S. Commerce : see United States. Communism; See, Henri. Les droits d'usage et les biens communaux en France au moyen- age, R1S.,S. Co-operation : Mann, Tom. Trade -unionisme et cooperation de I'avenir, HN., Ag. See also Associations. Cotton: Atkinson, Edward. Present state of
cotton manufacturing in the U. S., YR., Ag. Credit : Taft, Oren. Land credit, JPE., S.
Money lending in England. ChR., S. Criminology & Penology: Koni, A. F.Dos- toievsky criminaliste, RIS., S. Lincoln, Alice N. State control for prisons,
ChR., O. Prudhomme, H. Etude statistique de la cri-
minalite portugaise, RPe., Ag. Rede, W. How can homicide be decreased ?
NAR.,0. Tamowski, E. La delinquenza e la vita sociale
in Russia, RilS., Jl. Tamowski, E. Le mouvement de la criminalite
en Russie, AAC, S. 15. Vlassow, N. de. Les travaux forces et la de- portation en Russie, RPe.. Ag. Cuba: Hazeltine, M. W. What is to be done with Cuba? NAR., S. Howard, O. O. Conduct of the Cubans in the
late war, F., O. Hyatt, Consul. Cuba & Puerto Rico, S., S. [Substance of a consular report ; valuable statistics,] Olmsted, G. K. Some economic consequences
of the liberation of Cuba, YR., Ag. Perez, A, G. Spaniards in Cuba, NC, Ag. Dance: see Play. Dependents: see Charities. Democracy: Macy, Jesse. Twentieth century
democracy, PSQ., S. Department Stores: Borgius, W. Wandlungen
im modemen Detailhandel, ASG. , 13 : i. Direct Legislation; see Legislation. Disarmament: see Peace Movement. Education: Recreation plus education: vaca- tion schools in N. Y., MA., S.
Brodrick, G. C. Oxford in i8g8, NC, Ag.