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Rome — Le chef supreme: Porganlsation et Tad- ministration centrale de I'Eglise. Publiee par Mgr. Charles Daniel [& others]. P., Plon, Nourrit & Cie. i^r fasc. pp. 1-28.

Sacred books of the Old and New Testaments: a new English translation [printed in colors, ex- hibiting the composite character of the books], with explanatory notes & pictorial ill.; pre- pared by eminent biblical scholars of Europe & America & ed. with the assistance of H. H. Fumess, by Paul Haupt. Old Testament in 20 pis. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co. Pts. 3, 10, 14. 107, 216, 237 pp. $1.25, $2.50, $2.50.

St. Ctair, G. Creation records discovered in Egypt. L., David Null. 504 pp. 8vo. los. 6d. (Studies in the Book of the Dead.)

  • Scherer, Rudolf v. Handbuch des K.irchenrechtes.

2. Bd., 2. Abtlg. Graz, Moser. pp. 257-880. 6vo. M.14. (LC, Jl. 30++)

Spence. H. D. M. Church o( England: a history for the people, V. 3. The English Reforma- tion. 476 pp. 8vo. 6s.

Stave, Erik. Ueber den Elnfluss des Parsismus auf dem Judenthum. Ein Versuch. Lp., O. Har- rassowitz. 280 pp. 8vo. M. 6.

•Tiele. C. P. Elements of the science of religion. Pt, I. Morphological, being the Gifford lec- tures .... i8g6. Edin., Wm. Blackwood & Sons. 1897. 302 ^p. 7S.6d. (NW., Je. ++)

Workman, H. B. Church of the West in the middle ages. Vol. 1. From Gregory the Great to St. Bernard (books for Bible stu- dents). 328 pp. i2mo. 2s. 6d.

16. Sanitary and Domestic Science. Dibdin, W. J. Purification of sewage & water.

L., Sanitary Pub. Co. 8vo. 21s. [Dodd, C. I. Domestic economy for scholarship

students. Ed. 2. L.. Hughes. 178 pp.

8V0, 28.]

Millas, P. H. Des droits de Thygiene vis-a-vis de la propriete batie, et legislation en vigeur en France et ^ I'etranger (these). Toulouse, impr. Clcder.

Thudichum, J. L. W. Brlefe iib. offentliche Gesundheitspflege, ihre bisherigen Leistungen u. heutigen Aufgaben. Tiibingen, F, Pietz- cker. M. 3.60.

17. Socialism.

Bassi, Ercole. Socialismo e cooperazlone; ijues-

tioni sociali ; diatoghi popolari. Milano,

Giacomo Agnelli. 154 pp. i6mo. L. 1.25.

•Sombart, Werner. Socialism. (AJS., S., p. 278)

{Outlook, S. 10 -h+) \^Bibliography of Socialism ivill be brought to date in next issue.\

18. Sociology (General). •I'Annee sociologlque. (AJS., S., p. 278) (JGV.,

22:3) (ZS..Je. X) [Biederlack, Joseph. Die sociale Frage. Em

Beitrag zur Orientierg. iib. ihr Wesen u. ihre

Losg. 3. Aufl. Innsbruck, J. Rauch. 238

pp. 8vo. M. 1.80.] Blaviel, Abbe de. Questions philosophiques, poli-

tiques, sociales. Cahors, libr. Delsaud. 383

pp. i6mo. f. 2.50. Bosanquet, Mrs. Bernard. The standard of life

& other studies. L., Macmillan Co. 228 pp.

8vo. 3s. 6d. Bova, Gaspare. La questione sociale: pensieri.

Palermo, tip. Ponteficia. i^ pp. i6mo. Chaplet, F. Essai sur la question sociale. Laval,

Bameoud & Cie. 29 pp. 8vo. Cornelius, Bodo. Schafft bessere Generation !

Ein Beitrag zur Losg. der socialen Frage, Lp.,

A. Strauch. 40 pp. 8vo. M. i. Comero, Charles. Idee sur la civilisation au XXe

siecle; inventions et propositions inh6rentes;

Ein Beitmg zur

B., Selbstverlag

5a). 24 pp. 8vo.

progres de civilisation italienne. Torino, impr. Vaccariano. 51 pp. 8vo.

C^Dsentini, F. La sociologie et G. B. Vico; tr. de Titalien. P., Giard& Briere. 27 pp. 8vo.

  • Crowell, J. F. Logical process of social develop-

ment. (^JS., S., p. 279; 257 H )

•Demolins, fcamond, Anglo-Saxon superiority: to what it is due; tr. from loth French ed. N. v., imported by Chas. Scribner's Sons. 427 pp. i2mo. $1.50. (Academy, S. 24 -f H )

  • ElJot, C. W. Amer. contributions to civiliza-

tion. N. Y., Century Co. (AJS., S. +)

  • Fouillee, Alfred. Psychologie du peuple fran-

caise. P., F. Alcan. 391 pp. 8vo. (RIS., + + -)

  • Goblot, E. Es^ai sur la classification des sci-

ences. P., F. Alcan. 8vo. [RIS., S.J

Lewetzki, G. Willensbildung. Losg. der socialen Frage. (S. W. Kommandantenstr. M. 0.60.

  • Lilienfeld, Paul de. La mcthode graphique en so-

ciologie. P., Giard & Briere. 136 pp. (ZS.,

Ap. 4-)

  • Mismer, Charles. Principes sociologiques. P.,

F. Alcan. 8vo. (RIS.. Mr. + +) (AJS., S. X)

  • Naudet, Abbe. Le christianisme social (pro-

priete, capital et travail). P., Bloud et Barral. 416 pp. i8mo.

Oily, E. N. Limitations of wealth ; or, how to se- cure prosperity for all. N. Y., Lewis Weed Co. 31 pp. i2mo. $0.50.

Ostrander, Dempster. The social crisis, the duty of the government. N. Y., F. T. Neely. 270 pp. i2mo. $0,50.

Pauhre, P. Etudes sociales: socialism, collec- tivisme, anarchic. Chateaudun, impr. Prud- homme. 77 pp.

  • Perris. G. H. Count Leo Tolstoy. N. Y., New

Amsterdam Book Co. (Critic, S. X)

[Platter, Jul. Kritische Beitrage zur Erkenntnis unserer socialen Zustande u. Theorien. 2. Aufl. Bern, Steiger & Co, 558 pp. 8vo. M. 5.]

•Ratzenhofer, Gustav, Die sociologische Er- kenntnis. Lp., Brockhaus. 372 pp. 8vo. {RIS.,Jl. X)

  • Rigolage, Emile. La sociologie d'Auguste Comte.

Resume. P., F. Alcan. 472 pp. 8vo. f. 7.50.


(LC.,Je.4) (ZS., My.) •ulier, H. Des origines et de Tetat social de la


nation frangaise. P., Glard & Briere.

pp. 8vo. (JPE., S. X)

  • Stein, Ludwig. Die sociale Frage in Lichte der

Philosophie. Vorlesung uber Socialphilosophie

u. ihre Geschichte. St., F. Enke, 1897. 719

pp. 8vo. M. 16. (RIS., My. -t- + — ) •StucKenberg, J. H. W. Introduction to the study

of sociology. N. Y., A. C. Armstrong. $1.50.

(Nation. S. 8 X) (NW.. S. +— ) ♦Tarde, G. Etudes de: psychologie sociale. P.,

libr. Giard & Briere. 333 pp. 8vo. f. 7.

(Bibliotheque sociol. internat.) (RIS., Jl. -j-

Tiger, J. Platon et la question sociale. P., libr.

Roger & Chernoviz. 15 pp. 8vo. Vanderwotte, Paul. De Torganisation des societes

civiles dans leur rapports avec les tiers (these).

P., libr. A. Rousseau. 197 pp. 8vo. ♦Wallace, A. R. The wonderful century. (AJS.,

S.,p. 279) (Outlook, S. 17 + +) (Nation, S.

22 h)

♦Walrus, Leon. Etudes d'economie sociale (Theo-

rie de la repartition dela richesse sociale). P.,

1896. 462 pp. (JGV., 22: 3) Wines. F. H. Sociology & philanthropy. Ph.,

Amer. Acad, of Pol. & Soc. Sci., pp. 49-57-

8vo. $0.15. (Publications of the society, no.


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