Orient. Ihre histor. Entwicklg, von den friihesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart. Lp., Veil & Co. 192 pp. 8vo. M. 5.60.
Lowe, Charles. Prince Bismarck (Statesmen series). L,, W. H. Allen. 244 pp. i2mo. 2S. 6d.
Lowe, Charles. Prince Bismarck : an historical biography. L., W. Heinemann & Sons. 360 pp. i2mo. 2S. 6d.
•Maitland, F. W. Township & borough. (AJS., S.,p. 278) (JPE., S. + +)
Matter, P. La dissolution des assemblees parle mentaires .... P.,AIcan. 2S8pp. 8vo. f. 5.
•McConachie, L. G. Congressional committees N. Y., T. Y. Crowell. 441 pp. T2mo. $2, (Nation, S. 15+— ) (PSQ., S. ++)
Miles, N. A. Military Europe. N. Y., Double day & McClure Co. 112 pp. 8vo. $1.50, (Outlook, S. 17 + +)
Penzler, Johs. Fiirst Bismarck nach seiner Ent lassung. Lebcn u. PoHtik des Fiirsten sei seinem Scheiden aus dem Amte .... 6. Bd 1894-5. Lp., W. Fiedler. 409 pp. Svo. ^L 3,
Pobyedonostseft, K. B. Reflections of a Russian statesman. Trans, from the Russian. . . , L., Richards. 284 pp. Svo. 6s.
Renard, Georges. Contribution b Thistoire de I'autorite legislative du senat romain. Le senatus-consulte sur !e quasi-usufruit (these). P,. Berger-Levrautl & Cie.
Sammlung nationalokonomischer u. statist ischer Abhandlungen des staatswissenschaft lichen Seminars zu Halle .... hrsg. v. Joh. Conrad. 20. Bd. Festgabe fiir Johannes Conrad. 2ur Feier des 25-jahr. Bestehens des staatswiss. Seminars 211 Halle. . . . Jena, G. Fischer. M.g.
Schvarcz, Jul. Die Demokratie. 2. Bd. 2. Abth. L., W. Friedrich. pp. 145-647. Svo. ^L 13.
•Taylor, Hannis. Origin & growth of the English constitution. ... In 2 pts. Pt. 2. The after- growth of the constitution. B., Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 645 pp. Svo. $4.50. (Out- look, O. 8 -f -r— )
•Zimmennann, Alfred. Die Colonialpolitik Gross- britanniens. i. Tl. Von den Anfangen bis zum Abfall der Vercinigten Siaaten. B.. Mittler & Sohn. 870 pp. 8vo. M. 10. (LC, JI. 9)
15. Religion, Churches.
•Allen. W. O. B., & McClure. Edmund. History of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowl- edge, 1698-1898. L., S. P. C. K. (Aihe- na:iim, S. 3 H )
Bohmer. Jul. Brennende Zeit- u. Streitfragen der Kirche. Gesammehe Abhandlgn. 3. u. 4. Giessen, J. Ricker. 108 u. 96 pp. \. M. 1.75. (Kplt. in I Bd. M. 7.50.)
Cole, L. T. Basis of early Christian theism. N. Y,, Macmilian (Do. 60 pp. Svo. paper. $0.50. (Columbia Univ. contributions to philosophy.)
Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum laiinorum, editum consilio et impensis academise Htte- rarum caesareae Vindobonensis. V, 35, pars 2. Lp., G. Frcytag. M. 14.20.
Dahlmann, J. Buddha. Ein Culturbild des Ostens. B., F. L. Dames. 22-^ pp. Svo. M.6.
Debidour, A. Histoire des rapports de I'egUse et de I'etat en France de 1789 a 1870. P., F. Alcan.
'Dictionary of the Bible, ed. by James Hast- ings. In 4 v. V, i,A-Feasis, N. Y., Charles Scribner's Sons. 8vo. %ti. (Critic, S. X) (NW.,S. -f-+J
Fonsegrive, George. Catholicisme et democratie. P., libr. Lecoffre. 283 pp. i8mo.
Geden, A. S. Studies in comparative religion. L., C. H. Kelly. 328 pp. i2mo. 2s. 6d. (Books for Bible students.)
George, C. Unity in religion" an inquiry into the teachings of great religious systems of the world. L., Swan Sonnenschein. Svo. is.
Gladden, Washington. The Christian pastor & the working church. N. Y., C. Scribner*s Sons. 485 pp. Svo. $2.50. (International theolog- ical libr.)
Graetz. H. History of the Jews. In 6 v. V. 6. Index vol., with a memoir of the author &a chronological table of Jewish history. Phil., Jewish Pub. Soc. of Amer. 644 pp. Svo. $3.
Harnack, A. History of dogma, trans, from 3d
German ed V. 4. L., Williams & Nor-
gate. 366 pp. Svo. los. 6d. (Theol. trans. Tibr.)
♦Jackobs, H. E. Martin Luther, the hero of the Reformation. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. (Critic. S. -+-+)
Jalaguier, Ferdinand. La doctrine de Tinfallibilite : son origine, son histoire (these). Moniauban, impr. Granie.
- Jastrow, Morris, Jr. Religion of Babylonia &
Assyria. Bo., Ginn & Co. 7S0 pp. Svo. $3.25. ( Handbooks on the history of religions, no. 2.) (Outlook, O. 15++)
[Knox, John. History of the reformation of re- ligion within the realm of Scotland. Ed. for
popular use by C. J. Guthrie L.,
William Black & Sons. 392 pp. Svo. 7s. 6d. (Academy, S. 17 X) ]
Lane, C. A. Illustrated notes on English church history. V. 1. From the earliest times to the dawn of the Reformation. Rev. ed. comp. 200,000 vols. 304 pp. i2mo. is.
Lang, Andrew. fhe making of religion. L., Longmans, Green & Co. 390 pp. Svo. 12s.
Lilley. J. P. Principles of Protestantism: an ex- amination of the doctrinal differences between the Protestant churches & the Church of Rome. L., T. & T. Clarke. 262 pp. Svo. 2s. 6d. (Handbooks for Bible classes.)
•Luthardt. C. E. Die christHche Glaubenslehre. Lp., Ddrffling & Francke. 633 pp. Svo. M. II. (LC, S. 24)
Mason, A. J. Thomas Cranmer. Bo., Hough- ton, Mifflin & Co. i2mo. $1.25. (English leaders of religion ser.)
Miles, G. The bishops of Lindisfarne, Hexham, Chester-le-Street & Durham. 635-1020 A. D., being an introduction to the eccfesiastical his- tory of Norfhumbria. L., W. Gardner. 328 pp. Svo. los. 6d.
Most, J. La peste rellgieuse, tr. de I'ailemand. VV'attrelos, impr. Deryckere. 16 pp. i6mo.
Miiller, F. M. Sacred books of the east, ir. by various oriental scholars, Amer. ed in 12 V. V. 2. N. Y., Christian Literature Co. 62-I-360 pp. Svo. $3.
Miiller, Hermann. Les origines de la compagnie de Jesus Ignace et Lainez. P., Fischbacher. 329 pp. (LC, JI.9J
Pastor, L. History of the popes from the close of the middle ages, drawn from the secret archives of the Vatican & other original sources, from the German, ed. by F. I. Antrobus. V. 5. L., Kegan Paul, Treuch, Trubner & Co. 616
pp. Svo. I2S.
Petne, W. M. Flanders. Syria & Egypt, from the "Tell el-Amama letters." N. Y., imp. by C. Scribner's Sons. 187 pp. i2mo. $1.
Piepenbring, C. Histoire du peuple d'Israel. Strassburg, J. Noiriel. 730 pp. Svo. M. 6.40.
Rauschenbusch, A. Die Entstehung der Kinder- taufe im 3. Jahrh. n. Chr. u. die Wiederein- fiihrung der biblischen Taufe im 17. Jahrh. n.
Chr 2. Aufl. Hamburg, J. G. Oucken
Nachf. 138 pp. Svo. M. 0.75.
- Rawlinson, George. Memoir of Major-General
Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson, Bart. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co. (Dial, O. 16 X) (Nation, Jl. 7 X)
Riordan. %L O. Draper's conflict between religion
& science. 47 pp. Svo. 2d.