- HoIm, Adolf. Geschtchte Siciliens ira Alterthum,
3. (Schluss-) Bd. Lp., Engelmann. 787 pp 8vo. M. 18. (LC, JI. 23 + +) (Nation, S
I + +) Jesuit relations. V. 21, 25, 26. Cleveland, Bui
rows Brothers Co. $3-50 each. •Krout, Mary H. Hawaii & a revolution: per
sonal experiences of a correspondent. . . .
N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co. 330 pp. lamo,
$2. (Dial, O. I +) (Outlook, O. i + -) Lacombe, P. Introduction a I'histoire litteraire,
P., libr. Hachette & Cie. 420 pp. 8vo. f. 7.50,
(De I'histoire. considerec comme science.) •[Langlois, C. V., & Charles Seignobos. Intro
duction to the study of history, tran?;. by G. G. Pref. by F. York Powell ' " '
L.. Duck (Academy, S
wortn. 378 pp. 8vo. 7s. 6d.
■' + -)J . „ • . .
Lord, E. L. Industrial experiments in the British
colonies of North America. Bait., Johns
Hopkins Press. 154 pp. 8vo. $1.25. (Johns
Hopkins Univ. studies.) •Maclay, E. S. History of the United States
navy from 1775 to i8g8. N. Y., D. Appleton
& Co. 2 V. iCritic, Ag. + 4-—) Mcikeljohn, M. J. C. The United States: their
geography, resources, commerce, and history.
... L. , Holden. 24 pp. 8vo. 6d. •Moses. Bernard. Democracy & social growth in
America, f AJS., S.,p. 278) (JPE.,S. -f— ) Moses, Bernara. Establishment of Spanish rule
in America: an introduction to the history &
politics of Spanish America. N. V., G. P.
Putnam's Sons. 328 pp. i2mo. $1.25. Mosnier, Louis. Ori^ines et developpemenls dc
la grande Industrie en France du 15^ siecle \
la Revolution (these). P., libr. Fontemoing.
18;^ pp. 8vo. Olivetti, Aug. Per la interpretazione economica
della storia: alcune note sull' assegnazione
colonaria nel dritto e nella nita romana.
Bologna, libr. fratelli Treves. 103 pp. 8vo. •Oman, Charles. History of the art of war. N. Y..
G. P. Putnam's Sons, (Athenaeum, Jc. 11
+ + -) (Critics. + +) Roberts, Sir R. H. Forty-one years in India
from subaltern to commander-in-chief. N. Y.,
Longmans, Green & Co. 507 pp. $2.50. [Rogers, J. E. T. Industrial & commercial history
of England: lectures delivered to the Univer- sity of Oxford, ed. by his son, A. G. L.
Rogers. Impr. 3. L., Fisher Unwin. 488
pp. 8vo. Each 3s. 6d.i Rowland, Kate Mason. Life & correspondence of
Charles Carroll of Carrollton. N. Y., G. P.
Putnam's Sons. 2 v. (Nation, S. i (-)
Schwill, Ferdinand. History of modern Europe,
with maps & genealogical tables. N. Y., C.
Scribncr's Sons. 434 pp, i2mo. $1.50. Sidet, Geo. Die Kbnigin Marie Antoinette,
e. Heldin im Kampfe m. der Revolution u.
Gegenrevolution. Weiszenburg, R. Acker-
mann. ^32 pp. 8vo. M. 3.50. •Sorel, Albert. Eastern question in the eighteenth
century. 292 pp. 8vo. 3s. 6d. (Academy,
S. 3 + +) (Nation. O. 20+) •Statham. F. R. Paul Kriiger & his times. L.,
Unwin. 32opp.8vo. 7s. 6d. (Academy. Je. 18
— 1-) (Athenaeum. Ag. 6 f-) (LC.,My.i4)
•Steevens.G. W. Egypt in i8q8. N. Y.. Dodd,
Mead & Co. (Academy, Je. 11 -f ) (Outlook,
S. 17+) •Stevens, B. F., ed. Facsimiles of manuscripts in
European archives relating to America 1773-
83. V. 25. Index. L., B. F. Stevens.
(Nation, Ag. 11 -+- +) (Athenxum, Jl. 16
+ +) •Story, A. T. Building of the British empire.
N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 2 v. $3.
(Outlook, S. 17 + +)
•Stutzer, Emtl. Deutsche Socialgescbichte, vor- nehmlich der neuesten Zeit. Halle, Buchh. des \Vaisenhauses in Halle a. S. 272 pp.
(2S.,My.) •Thorpe, F. N, Constitutional history of the American people, 1776-1850. N. \ ., Harper Bros. 2 V. 8vo. $2.50 each. (Dial, O.
•Tout, T. F. Empire & the papacy, 918-1273.
N. Y., Macmillan Co. (Periods of European
history, 2.) 534 pp. 8vo. ?2. (Nation, S. 29
+ + -) •Younghusband, Francis. South Africa of todar.
L., Macmillan & Co. 177 pp. 8yo. (LC.,
Je. 18)
II. International La^v. Koblcr, G. Die Quarantine-Frage in der inier-
natinnalen Sanitiits-Gesetzgebung. Wicn, A.
Holder. 96 pp. 8vo. M. 1.50. Liszt, Frz. V. Das Volkerrecht, systematisch
dargestellt. B., O. Haering. 254 pp. 8vo.
M. 6. Nouveau recueil general de traites et autres actes
relatifs ^x rapports de droit international.
Continuation du- grand recueil de G. F. de
Martens par Felix Stoerk. 2c serie. T, 23. 2*
livr. Lp., Dietrich. M. 16. [Rivista di diritto internazionali c di legislazione
commerciale. Anno i, fasc. i (giugno, 1898).
Napoli, Detken e Rocholl edit. 48 pp. 8vo.
L. Ill fasc.J
12. Labor.
Aftalion, Albert. Les lois relatives i I'epargne de la femme mariee; leur importance pratique pour la protection del'epouse dans les classes laborieuses (these). P., libr. Pedone. 212 pp., 8vo.
Aldrich, M. A. American federation of labor. N. Y., Macmillan Co.(for Am. Econ. Assoc). . 2ig-66. i2mo. $0.50. (Economic Studies, ■ 3. no. 4.)
Brooke, Emma. Tabulation of the factory laws ol European countries in so far as they relate to the hours of labor & to special legislation for women, young persons & children. L., Richards.
Cruchon. Joseph. Etude sur la reglementation de la duree du travail industrlel (these). Avranches, impr. Jeanne, i8opp. 8vo.
•Deutsche Arbeitsnachweis-Konferenz (Erste). . . . Verhandlungen .... 1897, hrsg. v. J. Jaslrow. B., H. S. Hermann. 165 pp. (ZS., Je.)
Drucksachen der Kommission f. Aibeiterstatistik. Verhandlungen. Nr. 15. 2do. B., C. Hey- mann's Verl. M, 0.60.
Dyhrenfurth, Gertrud. Die hausindustriellen Arbeiterinnen der Berliner Blusen-, Unterrock-, Schiirzen- u. Trikotkonfektion. Lp., Duncker & Humblot. 141 pp Bvo. (Staats- u. social- wiss. Forschungen, hrs. Schmoller.) CZS.,Ap.)
Hird, Frank. The cry of the children: an expo- sure of certain British industries in which children are inic]iiiiously employed. N. Y., M. F, Mansfield & Co. 96 pp. ismo. $0.75.
Jourdain. Victor. La legislation frani;aise sur les coalitions ouvrieres; son evolution au 19^ siecle. Lille, libr. I-< Bigot freres. 180 pp. 8vo.
•Lcvasseur, Emile. L'ouvricr americain. (AJS., S..p. 277-) fZS.,Ag.)
•Lloyd, H. D. Labor copartnership: notes of a visit to co-operative workshops, factories, and
farms in Great Britain & Ireland N.Y.,
Harper Bros. 351 pp. i2mo. $1. (Nation O. 13++.)
Reichenbach. A. Die Arbeit in ihrem Wesen. ihrer Entwicklung u. kulturgeschichtlichen Bedeutung. Ziirtch, Buchh. des schweiz. Grutlivereins. 160 pp. 8vo. M. 1.25.