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British ethics. Pt. i. Individual in relation fo aw and Institufons. C. Univ. of Ch.cago Press. 53 PP- 8vo. $0.35. (Un.vc'.oiCh,caEO contributions to philosophy. No. s-.l •Wundt. Wilhelm. Ethics: an '»';« '8^'°" V the lacs and laws of the "I?"' '■ '""l'; Z • I & 2. N. Y., Macmillan Co. $2.25 & »'-75-

(Outlook, S. 24 + + — )

8. Family.

Deshay«. F. Questions P^'il^^/'f";!/' ^"^

morale sur le manage (clandestinite). V.,

libr. Lethielleux. 455 PP- Svo. Goldstein I. Ue vermeintlicheo u. die wirk- ^° lichen l/rsachen des B"ttl'=«™"f ^^LT",^

in Frankreich. ( Aus-Bayer. HandelsZeilg. )

Munchen, Piloty & Loehle. M i. Juvara, AUred. Us enlants naturels en drmMn ' ternational prive (these). P., I'br. Pedone.

MorsiVr^A de°' Rapport au congres de Londres (.sV sur la l!»te con.re la prostitution I'^mentee en France. Alengon "npr. Guy^ Rohleder, H. Die Masturbation. B., Fischers medicin. Buchh. M. 6. t.„„,

Vem^' Honore. De /'""P^'^/'^. ^= '°pTibr mariee, en droit fran^ais (these). P., "t>'- Pidone. 157 PP- 8vo.

g Finance, Taxation.

tip. fratelli Salmin. "7 PP- J'"- „y

•Carver T.N. Ohio tax inquisitor law. N. » ., '^' Manilla" Co. [for the Am. Econ Assoc 1 15 pp. 8vo. (Economic studies.) (Rib., »• x)

decreTe circolari sulie Imposte dirette e

"^S^rU ^1^^*"- ^r Ja; Franie?^ Bo e Pictro Tappari. V ,. Torino, Unione

lin rdit 681pp. 8vO. L. 2.25- , -,..

.Dann'enberg. Her^m^nn. Die d-'schen Munzen der sachsischen u. frankischen lS?'«""'- 3. Bd. B., Weidmann. pp. 759-874- S^O-

Finance"(lei,d^e-liRuLie; dette P"Wl-;,';7„ merce exter eur, chemins de ter, apres les "ocuLn^offici'els. P.. libr. Chaix. 296 pp.

ForellrCiulio. Pane, governo e tasse in Italia: ^ considera°io„i im^polari. Napoli, Luigi

Picrro 167 PP- 8vO. L. 2.50.

Heim/rh, Yir Deutschlands Mun^reform u die Silberentwertung. . . . . b'-. A- """^ "■

^^^r-^^^ ^c;;eait,"-;rotsione ad un OTRO libero di scinza mon-taria nella r. Sniv^AiJa dT Padova. Padova, fratelli Dnicker

Lu.ra^^ GTac'^'-DdU moneta ideale ne' suoi rap_. 4 'i«.la moneta reale in circola^ione m un ^„e. Verona, fratelli Drucker edit. 60 pp.

Mac?eo°d. H. D. Indian currency. L., Longmans.


Steuem im preussischen btaate. l-ir. 35- V. Decker^ ^* 5^;i':°temfdTSnsumo nella """toHa"; n"ella sclenrie'e finanze : note di studio. Castrocaro, tip. Am.lcare Barboni.

[MoVoS;T.b: English practical banking Ed. 9-

I I Hevwood. 1 20 pp. 8vo. 4S. 00. j Norman J & British India's future standard

Tui^incV- i-.Gce 36 PP- 8vo. . 6d .PrageT. Mix. Uie W^'<™?p'"e"L,'^<" ^" linigten Staaten von Nordamerika

Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta, 1897. 476 PP- .^o- M. 10. (Munchener volkswirths. Snidien, 23!) (LC, Ap. 2)

•Russell H. B. International monetary confer- ences: their purposes, character & results. N. Y., Harper & Bros. 477 PP- 8vo. S2.50. (Athenieum, Ag. 13 ++) . „ . 1, „„.

•Schurtz H. Grundriss einer Enstehungs- ge"chich.e desGeldes. Weimar, Emil Felber.

Trasi Ant."' Proposita di una tassa unica in sur-

rigazione del dazio consumo. Milano, tip.

Nazionaledi V. Ramperti. 14 PP. 8vo. Wolfrum, Max. Die Wahrungsrelorm u. die

Notenbanken in Deutschland. Gablonz, H.

Rossler in Komm. 18 pp. 8vo. M. 0.50.

._. History. •Andrews, C. M. Historical developmeiit of

  • mXn Europe from the Congress of Vienna

to the present time. In 2 v. V. 2, 1850-97- N Y G P. Putnam's Sons. 467 pp. »vo $2.50. (Outlook, S. 17 + +) (Nation.O. 20+) •Aubrey. John. Brief lives, ch^fly of contem- poraries, set down between 1669 and '696, <^. U Andrew Clark. 2 v. L., Henry Frowde. 25s.

(Critic O X) (Nation. S. i X)

Beer Adf Die Hsterreichische kandelspolitik

""unter Maria Theresia u. Josef U- (*"'

"Archiv. f. osterr. Gesch.' ) Wien, L.

Gerald's Sohn. 204 pp. 8vo. M. 3.40.

Beitriige zur alten Geschichle u Geographie.

Festschrift f. Heinrich Kiepert, B., D.l^e.mer.

•ICC pp. Svo. M. 28. 'HA.

BonnaffeVEdmond. Enides sur la vie P"V«e de "a reiaissaoce. P., libr. May. .96 PP- -S™-

•Colquhoun, A. R. China in transrorma.ion S. Y., Harper Bros. 397 PP- ^iV\ ^2.:\ (Athenaum. Jl. 3° + +) (D-al. S. 16 + +-) (Outlook, O. 1 + + —) , ,t. V,.

Connelly, W. E. P'°visional govt, of the Ne hraska territory. Kansas City, Mo., l». l>. F?arey, secretary Western Hist. Soc. 400 pp.

.r, *""?;. *W A Essays on the Civil War & ^^s.^ctio^'n.. n"7., Macmillan Co. (Critic,

S. + +) LN^'r'Jl!.", t,+^r

Egerton, tl. tl..

ition, \\, ix T ^ I . , , . ,

1 t. A history of British colonial

policy. N. Y., New Amsterdam Book Co. $4-

Esco'trf.'H. S.^Ir'sonal forces of the period. L Hurst & Blackett. 366 Pp. Svo. 6s.

• c- ,„ A F M Imperial A rica: the rise, "^"pTg essi; future of'th? British possessions in

Afrfca V. T. British West Africa. L-. '■"- periar'Press. 52_8 PP. 8vo. .2s. 6d. (Athe-

• Forbfs^'Ar^chi'b'ald. L"?fj of Napoleon the Thi^d

N Y , Dodd, Mead & Co. (^Dial, O. i + -) Outlook, O 1+) (N«'°'!i'-*-° + r:.' . ,h,

Gairdner. James. Life & reign of Richard the Third. (Academy, 3- 3 + "~^ . . ,-,. o,


GibbTns'"'H."de'B: lhl°English people in the rniteenth c.ntury: a short ii.story. L.,

Rlart 180 pp. I2m0. . . , ,

•Ha^isse Henr;.Viplomatic history of Amenca

its first chapter. i45^'493->494- L., B. r.

Steven. (Nation, S. 8 X) . ..

•Hartmann, L. M Das i'a'i-Uch. Konigre.ch.

Lo G. Wigand, 1897. 409pp. 8vo. M. 12.50.

r&schichtl Itaiiens im Mittelalter. .. bd.)

Heco^'j." E^innirungen e. Japaners Schilderung "'"der-" Entwicklg Japans vor "• - f/' Et

offng. bis auf die NeuzeU . . . "be'selz. ...

Stuttgart, Strecker & Moser. 364 PP- 8™-

M. 3-50, geb. 4-50-

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