by C. A. Markham; V. 2 ed. by J. C. Cox. Published by order of the corporation of North- ampton. (Athenaeum, Ag. 13 h)
Statistische Daten Uber die Stadt Wien f. d. J. 1896. Wien, W. BraumuMer in Komm. 38 pp. i6mo. M. 0.40.
Statisttsches Jahrbuch der Stadt Wien. 1896. 14.
Jahrg (Mittheilungen des statist. Dc-
partements des Wiener Magistrals.) Wien, W. Braumiiller in Komm. 891 pp. 8vo. M. 10.
5. Criminology and Penology. Ferri, Enrico. Difcse penali e studi di giurispru-
denza. Torino, fratelli Bocca. 469 pp. 8vo.
L.9. [Garraud, R. Traiic theorique et pratique du
droit penal fran^ais. ae ed. T. 2. P., libr.
Larose. 752 pp. 8vo. Complete, f. 60.] Gross, Hanns. Criminalpsychologie. Graz,
LcuRchner & Lubensky. 721 pp. 8vo. M. to. Harpner, Gust. Dasosterreichische Strafverfahren.
Rechte u. Pflichten der Behorden u. Staats-
bijrger. Leichtfasslich dargestellt. Wien,
Wiener Volksbuchh. 152 pp. i6mo. M. i Leloir, G. Code d'instruction criminelle avec
rindii-jtion sommaire dc la doctrine el de la
juri^^prudence. P., libr. Pedone. 582 pp. 8vo.
f. 18. Marzo, Salvatore. Storia della procedura crimi-
nale romana: la giurisdizione dalle origini
alle 12 tavole. Palermo, Alberto Reber edit.
164 pp. 8vo. L. 4. •Proal, Louis. Political crime, 'r. fr. the French,
D. Appleton & Co. 355 pp. 8vo. $1.50.
(Criminology scries.) (Academy, S. 10 )
6. Education.
•Butler, N. M. Meaning of education. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 230 pp. D. $1. (Academy, S. 17 ) (Dial, 0.16+)
•Davidson, Thomas. Rousseau as an educator. (Great Educators.) N. V., Chas. Scribner's Sons. 253 pp. 8vo. $1. (Critic, Ag.-i-"|-) (Academy. S. 17 ++) (Dial, O. 16 + + -) (EdR.,S. + + -)
•Eliot, C. W. Educational reform; essays & ad- dresses. N. Y., Century Co. 418 pp. 8vo. $2. (Dial., O. 16 + -f ) (Outlook, O. 8 + +)
France — Slinistere dc I'instruction publiquc ct des beaux-arts. Rapport sur I'eaucation popu- laire en 1897-8 adresse "a M. Alfred Ram- baud, ministre .... par M. Edouard Petit. P., Impr. nationale. 90 pp. 8vo.
•Harris, W. T. Psychologic foundations of edu- cation. N. Y., Appleton. 400 pp. 8vo. $1.50. (International education series, V. 37.) {Dial,
O. 16 4- -1 ) (Nation, Ag. 18 X) (EdR.,
•Hcrbart, J. F. Application of psychology to the
science of education, trans N. Y.,
Chas. Scribner's Sons. 231 pp. 8vo. $1.50. (Nation. Ag. 18 X)
Hogan, Louise E. A study of a child; 11. with over 500 original drawings by the child. N. Y., Harper Bros. 220 pp. 8vo. $2.50.
Holman, H. English national education. (Acad- emy, S. 17 -t )
Lois et reglements organiques de I'cnseignemcnt
primaire en France (1881-99) P., libr.
Delalain freres. f. 2.50.
Muller Joh. Padagogik u. Didaktik auf modern- wissenschaftlicher Grundlage. Mainz, F. Kirchheim. 192 pp. 8vo. M. 3.
Nisio, G. La instruzione primaria e la normale nella esposlzlone nazlonale svizera del 1896- in Genevra ; notizie, giudizi, parazioni c pro- poste. Torino, G. B. Paravia e C. 363 pp. 8vo. L. 3.
Padagogische Zeit- u, Streitfragen. 54. Hft. 8vo, Wiesbaden, £. Behrend. 54. Bergmann,
Paul. Die Sittlichkeitsfrage u. die Schule.
Vortrag. 35 PP- M. O.80. •Petersilie, A. Das offentlichc Unterrichtswesen
im Deuischen Reich u. die iibrigen euro-
paischen Culturlandem. 2 Bde. Lp., Hirsch-
feld, 1897. 448 pp. u. 608 pp. 8vo. M. 28
(Hand- u. Lehrbuch der Staatswiss. 3. Abth.
2. Bd,) {LC, Je.4> Prates! Plinio. Questioni pedagoglche e di am-
ministrazione scholastica. Torino, G. B.
Paravia e C. 142 pp. 8vo. L. 2.50. •Rein, W. Enc>xlopadisches Handbuch der
Padagogik. 3. Bd. 4. Bd., i. Hft. Langen-
salza, Beyer & Sohne, 1897. 968 pp. u. pp.
1-480. 8vo. M. 22.50. (LC., S. 10) •Rouse, W. H. D. History of Rugby school.
(English public schools.) L., Duckworth.
436 pp. 8vo. 5s. (Academy, S. 17 +)
(Alhenseum, O. 8. -|-) [Rivista di filosofia e pedagogia: pereodico
mensile diretio dai Pietro Romano e Angelo
Valdarnini. Anno I, fasc i (lugllo 1898).
Asti, tip. G. Brignolo. 64 pp. 8vo. L. 1 il
fasc] _ Schmid. K. .A.. Geschlchie der Erziehung vom
Anfang an bis auf unsere Zeit, bearb. in
Gemeinschaft m, e. Anzahl v. Gelehrten u.
Schulmannern. FortgefLihrt v. Geo. Schmid.
4. Bd. 2. Abtlg. 2. (Schluss-) Lfg. St., J. G.
Cotta. pp. 317-881. 8vo. M. 18.
7. Ethics, Philosophy, and Psychology.
Alexander. Archibald. Theories of the will in the history of philosophy. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons. 357 pp. i2mo. $1.50.
Annee (T) psychologique, publiee par Alfred Binet [and others]. P., libr. Schleicher freres. 853 pp. 8vo.
•Baldwin, J. M. Story of the mind. (Library of Useful Stories.) N. Y., D. Appleton & Co, 236 pp. i6mo. (Nation, O. 13 -j — | )
Brockdor^, Baron Cay v. KantsTeleoIogie (Diss.), Kiel, Gnevkow & v. Gellhom. 60 pp. 8vo. M. 1.20.
Dagneaux, H. Histoire de la philosophle. P., libr. Retaux. 524 pp. f. 5.
•Gioos. Play of animals. N. Y., Appleton. 341 PP- D. $1.25. (Dial, S. 16 -f)
•Hartmann, Eduard von. Ethische Studien. Lp., Haacke. 241 pp. 8vo. M. 5. (LC, S. 24)
Kowalewski. Arnold. Ueber das Kasualitatspro- blem. Eine philosoph. Studle. Lp., O. Mutze. 121 pp. 8vo. M. 2.60.
•Lipps, Theodor. Zur Psychologie der Sugges- tion. Vortrag Lp., J. A. Barth, 1897.
45 PP- 8vo. M. 1.20. (DL., S. 24)
Mantegazza, Paul. Ratsel der Liebe. Aus dem
Ital Jena, H. Costenoble. 301 pp.
8vo. M. 3.
•Mills, Wesley. Nature & development of ani- mal intelligence. N. Y.. Macmillan Co, 307 pp. 8v& $2. (Dial, O. 16 X)
[Revue du monde invisible, paraissant le 15 de chaque mols. ire annee. No. i, 15 juin 1898. 64 pp. 8vo. P., impr. Teque, 29 rue de Toumon. France, f. to; etranger. f. 12.]
Scherer, K. C. Das Tier in der Philosophic des H. S. Reimarus. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der verglelch. Psychologie. Wiirzburg, A. Gobcl. 183 pp. 8vo. M. 2.50.
•Stem, Paul. Einfuhlung u. Association in der neueren Aesthetik. Ein Beiirag zur psy* chologischen Analyse der aesthetlschen An- schauung. Hamburg, Voss. 82 pp. 8vo. M. 3. (LC.,S. 17)
•Sutherland, Alexander. Origin & growth of the moral instinct. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co. (Nation, S. 15 j-)
Tufts, J. H.. & Helen B. Thompson. The indi-
vidual & his relation to socie^ as reflected in