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Pomeroy, Eltwcld. Law of averages, NT., My. Posada, Adolfo. Le droit et la question sociale,

RIS., Ap. Ratzel, F. II suolo e la popolazione, RItS., Mr. Roberty, E. de. L'^lite et la foule, HN.,J1. Simmel, Georg. Persistence of social groups,

AJS.. Jl. Sociale Refonnbcstrebungen, Das Leben, Ap. Solvay, Ernest. Priocipes de politique sociale,

AIS, 4; I. Steinmetz^ S. R. Le cours d'ethnologie et de

sociologce & I'Universit^ d*Utrecht, RIS., Mr, Tarde, G. t*s lois sociaJes, RMM., My. Tosti, Gustavo. Social psychology & sociology.

PsR., Jl. Wines, F. H. Sociology & philanthropy,



vbrms, Ren^. L'^conomie sociale, RIS.,Je, See also Population, United States, Speculation: see Exchanges. Stocks : see Exchanges.

Statistics: Baines, J. H. Census matters dis- cussed at statistical institute, 1897, RJS., Je. Bliss, H. L. Eccentric official statistics, AJS.,

Jl. Cannan, Edward. Demographic statistics of the

United Kingdom, JRS., Mr. Collet, Clara E. Collection & use of statistics on industrial employment of women, JRS., Je. Hauptergebnisse der Gewerbezahlung im deut-

schen Reich, JNS., My. Kiaer, A. N. Die reprasentative Untersu-

chungsmethode, AS Ar^ 5 : i. Mcinzin^en, Fr. von. Die Reorganization der Statistikder Bevolkerungsbewegung inOestcr- reich, ASAr., 5: i. Salvioni, G. B, Statistik der Haushaltung, ASAr., 5: 1. Street Railways: Rowe, L. S. Relation of cities & towns to street railway companies. AAP., Tl. Streets: Waring, G. E. Street cleaning methods in European cities (and other articles on street cleaning), MA., Je., Supplement. Strikes : George, J. E, Settlement in the coal- mining industry^ QJE., Jl. Suffrage: see Elections. Sugar: Zolla, D. La question des sucres, AEL.,

« J'-

Superstition: Evans, E. P. Witchcraft in Ba- varia, PSM., My. Pokagon, Simon. Indian superstitions & legends, F., J 1.

Suicide: Proaf, Louis. Les suicides par misere ^ Paris, RDM., My. i.

Sweating System; Richter, G. E. Sweaters of New York, New Time, Je,

Syndicates: Sorel, G. L'avenir socialiste des s^dicats. HN.. Mr.

Tariff; Ford, W. C. Official tariff comparisons. PSQ.,Je. Hobson, J, A. Free trade & foreign policy, CoR., Ag.

Taxation: Myrbach, Franz von. Die Reform der direkten Steucm in Oesterreich, JGV., ,22: 3- Sie^hart, R. Reform of direct taxation in Aus- tria, EcJ., Je. Wells. D. A. Principles of taxation, XIX., PSM., Ag.

Zeumer, Karl. Zur Geschichte der Reichssteuem im friiheren Mittelalter, HZ., 81 : i. Trusts: Donald, R. Defeat of the oil kings, CoR., Ag.

Edgeworth, F. Y. Prof. Grazianion the mathe- matical theory of monopoly. EcJ., Je.

Jenks, J. W. Recent legislation & adjudication on trusts. QJE., Jl.

Rousiers, Paul de. Les industries monopolisees

aux Etats-Unis,"Le Trust "de I'acier, SS., Jl.

Unemployed: Channing, F. C. Oversaving &

the unemployed, EcR., Ap. United States: Adams, Brooks. Spanish war & the equilibrium of the world. F., Ag.

Adams, C. K. Neglected aspects of the Revolu- tion, Atlantic, Ag.

Anglo- American Joint High Commission. NAR.,


Carnegie, Andrew. Distant possessions, NAR., Ag.

Collision of the old world & the new, CoR., My.

Coubertin, Pierre de. Die Beziehungen zwischen Europa u. den Vereinigten Staatcn im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert, UR., My.

Hasse, A. R. Our national records, F.. Jl.

Herbert, H. A. The fifty-million appropriation & its lessons, F., My.

Hull, J. A. T. Hull army bill, F., Je.

Lieber, G. N. Independence of the military sys- tem, F., My.

Nelson, H. L. The people & their government, Harper's, J I.

Olney, Richard, International isolation of the United States, Atlantic, My.

Peffer, W. A. United States Senate, NAR.,Ag.

Ridpath, J. C. United States & the concert of Europe, A., Ag.

Rives, G. L. Need of a permanent diplomatic service, F., Ag.

Schouler, lames. New constitutional amend- ments, F., Ag.

Thurlow, S. L. Repetition of our history In our war with Spain, F., Ag.

Urdahl, T. R. Relation of the colonial fee sys- tem to political liberty, AAP., Jl.

Vincent, G. E. A retarded frontier. AJS., Jl.

White, S. M. Our inadequate consular service, F.,II.

See also Canada, Cuba. Utopias: Adier, Georg. Plato's Idealstaat, Z3.,

My. Vacant-Lot Cultivation: Potato patches in the South, ChR., Ag.

Riviere, Louis. Les jardins ouvrieres aux Etats- Unis, RefS., Je. 15. Voting: jtf.f Elections. >VBges : Gunton, George. Are wages really

Mane, Karl. Quelques questions relatives aux

dettes publiques, DS., Je. War: Barrows, S. J. Ethics of modern warfare,

F., Jl. Water ; Hazen, Allen, Purification of river

water supplies, EM., My. Philadelphia's filthy water, S., Jl. Weather: Moore, W. J. Weather forecasting,

F.,My. Wheat: see Food. Women : Niemann, Sup. Die moderne Frauen-

bewegung in Deutschland, MIM., Je.

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