Political Science: Burgess, J. W. Corporations & political science, PSQ., Je.
Prothero, Prot. Parltameat of Paris, EHR., Ap.
Stengel. Karl von. Staatenbund und Bundcs- staat, JGV, 22: 3.
See also Indians. Politics, National & International : see each
number of RDM.. RRL., RRN., RPP. Poor: Devine, E. T. Studies in the life of the
poor, ChR., My.-Je. Population: Jostenoode, H. A. van. Modeme Volkerbewegungen, Leben, Jl.
Lcvasseur, E. Sur I'etat aciuel de la demo- graphie. JEc, Je.
Mouire, Charles. L'affaiblissement de la natalite cst-il un bien ou un mal? RefS., Jl. i.
See also Biography. Populism; Vrooman, Carl. International popu- lists & populism. New Time, Je. Porto Rico: Gunton, George. Porto Rico, GM.. Ag.
Ober, F. A. Island of Porto Rico, Century, Ag. Press: Avenel, Walter. Journalism as a profes- sion, F., My,
Smalley,G. W. Notes on journalism, Harper's, Jl. Prices: Davis, K. B. Price o* wheat & other
farm products since 1890, JPE., Je. Primaries: see Elections.
Psychology : Fouillee, Alfred. Le peuple grec: esquisse psychologique, RDM., My. i.
Hyslop, J. H, Problem of immortality, F., Ag.
Mcllinaud, Camille. The psychological cause of laughter, PSM., Jl.
See also Genius. Railroads : Allen, W. H. Charter tax of the Illinois Central railroad, JPE., Je.
Locke, F. B. Railway crossings in Europe & America, Century, \fy.
McLean, S. J. Early Canadian railroad policy, JPE.,Je.
Onclcen, A. Nationalization of Swiss railways, JEc. Je.
Weyl, W. E. Causes affecting railway rates & fares, AAP., My.
Weyl, W. E. Development of the railways of Canada, EM., Je. Reciprocity : Osborne, J. B. Development of
the policy of reciprocity, F., Ag. Religion : Alviella, Count d', & others. Chris- tianity compared with other religions, Progress Ap.
Herron, Georges. Questions 6conomiques et reli- gion. Revue du Christianisme sociale, My.
Howerth, H. H. Early history of Babylonia, EHR, Ap.
Mozumdar. Christianity as the future religion of India. NW.,Je.
Schroeder, L. v. Buddhismus und Christenthum, Das Leben, Ap.
Stanley, H. M. On the psychology of religion, PsR., My.
Tolstoi, Leon. Religion ct morale, HN., Mr.
Ward, W. H. Story of the serpent & the tree, Am. Antiquarian, Ag. Rent : Domanski, Ladislas. Quelques considera- tions sur la rente et le profit, JEc, Jl.
Falkner, R. P. Some aspects of the theory of rent, AAP., Jl.
Hyde, A. M. Concept of price determining rent, }pi..Je.
Vandervelde, Emile. Le livre 3 du "Capitale" de Marx et la theorie de la rente fonciere, AIS., 4:1. River and Harbor Improvements : Coppee, H. S. L. Improvement of the government en- gineers on the great river, EM., Je. Roads : McAnnally, D.R. The Roman highways, PSM.,Je.
Russia : Gary, Clarence. Trans-Siberian rail- way; its new terminus in China, F., My.
Ralph, Julian. Awakened Russia, Harper's, My.
Ralph, Julian. The czar's people. Harper's, Je.
Stead, W. T. Russia & Mr. Chamberlain's long spoon, CoR., Je. Sanitary Science : Benedict, A. L. Sanitary science & indecency, S., Ag.
Cothran, Lincoln, ^tirpation of consumption, A., Ag.
Howard, W. A. The psychology of strength & endurance, PSM., Je,
Jaeger. Die Bedeutung der Bakteriologie fiir die Krankenpflege u. die Hygiene dcs taglichen Lebcns, Hygienische Rundschau, Jl. 15.
Mobius, P. J. Ueber einzelne Aufgaben der Gesundheitspflegc, Das Leben, Ap.
Powell, Mrs. £. A. Home sanitation, S.. Jl.
Rody, N. J. Weather forecasts & health, S., Ag.
Sajous, C. E. de M. Malaria & the Cuban cam- paign, S., 11.
Sternberg, G. M. Sanitation of Havana, Cen* tury, Ag.
Twelvetrees, W, N. Heating & sanitation ol public institutions, EM., Ag.
See also each number of Hygienische Rund- schau, RBP., S. Science : Tolstoy, L. N. Superstitions of science,
A., Jl. Sewage : Hering, Rudolph. Dilution process of
sewage disposal, EM., Jl. Shipping: Foord, John. The great lakes & our commercial supremacy, NAR., Ag.
Law, Alice. Notes on English mediaeval ship- ping, EcR., Jl. Social movements: see each number of AAP.,
ReS., RIS., SS. Socialism : Bernard, Andre. Le sociallsme dans
Deploige, S. Politique catholique et politique
socialiste, RSC, Je. Fiamingo, G. Municipal socialism in Europe,
JPE..Ie. Guyot. Yves. Le socialisme et I'individualisme,
JEc. Je. Hirst & Ball. Individualism & socialism, EcR.,
Ap. Kingsbury, Mary M. Socialism as an educative
& social force on the east side, Publications of
the Christian social union. My. Muller, Victor. Le Vooruit, SS., Jl, Pohlmann, Robert. Die Anfange des Sozialis-
mus in Europa, HZ., 80 : 3. Talmo, S. II futuro ordinamento economico-
politico proposto da un sociatista, RISS., Jl. See also Biography. Sociology ; Abramowski, Edouard. Le material-
iste historique et le principe du ph^nomene
social, DS., Ap. Ardy, L. F. Dante e la modema filosofia sociale,
RIF., Ap. Barth, Paul. Zum 100. Geburtstage Augustc
Comte's. VWP.. Ap. Benini, R. Le combinazioni simpatiche in de-
mografia, Rivista Italiana di Sociologia, Mr. Cosentini, Francesco. La sociologie et G. B.
Vico. RIS., Je. Fiamingo, G. M. Das Gesetz des sozialen
Fortschritts, ASAr., 5: i. Kleinwachter. F. Collectivbediirfnisse u. Grup-
penbildung, ZVS., 7; 2. LaGrasserie, R. de. Definizione e class ificazione
della sociologia e della scienze sociali, RItS.,
Mr. Lindsay, S. M. Study & teaching of sociology,
AAP.. Jl. Mondaini, G. La filosofia della storia quale so- ciologia, RItS., My.
Novicow, J. La mort des socl^tes, HN., Jl,