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Hungary: Bernat, St. Die Agrarbewegung in Ungam, Leben, JI. (La) Conslitution hungroist, RPP., Jl. Immigration: MacDonald, William. French

Canadians in New England. QJE., Ap. Indians: Powell, J. W. How a savage tribe is

governed, F., Ag. Individualism: Darin, A. De M. Brunetiere et de Pindividualisme, RMM., My. Kohler, J. Collectivismiis u. Individualismus in der Geschichte, 2S., Ap. Infanticide: Maiignon, J. J, Note comple- menlaire sur I'infanticide en Chine, AAC., My. 15. Injunction: Rogers, J. T. The injunction, N 1., My. Stillman, j. W. Misuse of injunction. A., Ag. Innere Mission: set each number of MIM. and

Fliegende Blatter aus dem Rauhen Hausc. Insane: Daniel F. E. Criminal responsibility

of the insane. A., Ag. Institutional Church: set each number of Open

Church. Insurance: Friendly societies & the poor law, ChOR., Je. Rauchberg, Heinrich. Die Statistik der Un- fall- u. Krankenversicherung der Arbeiter in Oesterreich 1890-5, ASG., 12: 6. Ueber Privarversicherungswesen, JGV., 22: 3. Interest: J^^ Finance.

International Law: Desjardins, Arthur. La guerre hispano-americaine et le droit des gens. Ireland: O'Shea, J. J. Ireland looking back, ACQ., Ap. Russell, T. W. What the unionists have done for Ireland, NAR., Ag. Irrigation: Palmer, George. Tank irrigation

in India, EM., My. Italy : Calajarmi, N. La demiere crise italienne, RPP., Jl. Ferrero, G. Le condizioni dell Italia, GEc, Jc Fioretti, Giulio. La diselte en Italic, SS., 23 ' 6! Misgoverament of Italy, FR.,Je. Vecchia, G. D. Revolt in Italy, CoR., Jl. Zorboglio, Adolfo. Les revoltes et la reaction en Italie, DS.. Je. Japan : see Family.

Joint Stock Companies: Kuefstein, Franz.

Das Actienwesen u. seine Bedeutung im heute

herrschenden Wirtschaftssystem, Leben, JI.

Labor: Avenel, George. Paysans et ouvriers

depuis sept sii?cles, RDM., Je. 15-Ag. i.

Bosanquet. Helen. Industrial democracy fRe-

view of Webb's book]. ChOR , Jl. Clement, Henri. La vie ouvriere aux Etats-

Unis, R«S., Je. 16. Felton, Katherine. Rousier's theory of the

evolution of the laborer, JPE., Je. Gratzer, Rudolf. Die Lage des deutschen Handwerks u. seine Organisation, ZS., Ap.- My. Kclley, Florence. United States court & the

Utah eight hours' law, AJS., Jl. Kelley, Florence. Drei Entschcidungen Ober- ster Gerichte uber den gesetzl. Arbeitsttg in den Vereinigten Staaten, ASG., 12: 6. North, S. N. U. Levasseur's American work-

ingmen, PSQ, Je. Rousiers, Paul de. L'ouvrier am^ricain et

revolution industrielle, SS., 25:4. Smith, E. J. New trades combination move- ment, EcR., Ap. Stanton, Theodore. French view of the Ameri- can workinginan, F., Je. Stevens, Alzina P. Die Gewerkvereine der

Vereinigten Staaten, ASG., 12:6. Stimson. F. J. National arbitration law, IJE., Jl. Willoughby, W. F. French workingman's com- pensation act, QJE., Jl.

See also Cooperation, Machinery, Strikes, Unemployed, Wages. Labor Colonies : Buxton, Noel. Labor homes EcR.,JI. See also each number of Der Wanderer. Land : Gallouedec, M. L. Man's dependence on the earth, PSM., My. Vallee- Poussin, J. de la. La propriete paysanne en Belgique, RSC, Ap. Language: Vidmar, Const. Die Weltsprache-

Idee u. das VolapUk, Das Leben. Jl. Lawj: Barclay, Shepard. The danger line, ALR.,

Lewis, W.D. Studyof the common law, ALR Ag.

Pollock, Frederick. English law before the Nor- man conquest, LQR., Jl.

See also each number of ALR., ALRR., LQR.,

Legislation: Vergilii, Filippo. Legislation ou- vriere, DS., My. See also each number of ASG., EcR., JNS., RPP. Liquor Question : Denis, Jules. Consequences sociales de I'abus des boissons. Revue du Chris- tianisme social. My. Lippert, G. Die Frage des Alkoholmonopoles,

ZVS., 7: 2. Rouby, Dr. Les crimes de I'alcoolisme, AAP.,

My. Vincelles, Comte de. Une tentative de lutte lo- cale centre I'alcoolisme, RefS., Je. i. Literature: Faguet, Emile. The influence of Balzac, FR., My. Thomas, Calvin. Have we still need of poetry'

F.. Je. Wildenbruch, Ernst von. Evolution of the Ger- man drama, F., My., Jl. Manual Training : see Education. Mailufactures : McKinney, L. F. Depression in the cotton industry, F., Jl. Dowd, Jerome. Textile war between the North and South, F., Je. Machinery: Davis, C. W. Does machinery

di.splace labor? F., Jl. Monopolies : see Trusts. Music : see Esthetics.

Navies : Clowes, W. L. Sea power at the end of the 19th century, EM., Jl. Wilson, H. W. Navies & naval constraction programme of 1898, EM., Ag. Oklahoma: Candee, Helen C. Social conditions

in our newest territory, F., Je. Peace : Smith, F. Peace as a factor in social &

political reform, PSM., Je. People's Palace: Pyffetoen, Oscar. Le peo- ple's palace et les polytechnics de Londres, RefS., Je. I. Philippines: Gunton, George. The Philippines, an unknown empire, GM., Je. Hilder, F. F. Philippine islands, F., Jl. Vanderiip, F. A. Facts about the Philippines, Century, Ag. Philosophy: Brunschvieg. L. De quelques pre- juges contre la philosophic, RMM., Jl.

  • -^P',°^^'. Alfred. Babeuf et le Babouvisme,

RIS., My. See also History. Political Economy: Green, H. S. S. Mr. God- kin & the new political economy. A., Jl. Marx, Kari. Salaire, prix et profits, DS., My. Pantaleoni, M. Attempt to analyse the concepts of strong & weak in their economic connection, EcJ.,Je. Sorel, G. Nuovi contributi alia teoria marxislica

del valore, GEc, Jl. Veblen, Thorstein. Why is economics not an

evolutionary science, QJE., Jl. Wolf, Julius. Illusionisten u. Realisten in der

Nationalbkonomie, ZS., Ap.-My.

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