Ziegler, Theobald. School system of Germany,
F.,Je. See also Children. Egypt: Dicey, Edward. Egypt, 1881 to 1897,
FR., My. Elections : Branson, W. J. New York primary
election law, AAP., My. Oddi, Carlo. A proposito del voto plurimo,
RISS., Je. Record. G. L. Reform of the primary, MA., JI. Vauthier, L. L. Des proc^d^s electoraux ct du
vote cumulatif, RIS.. Ap, Equality : Allen, Grant. L'in^galite naturelle,
HN., Jl. Bryce, James. Equality, Century, Jl. Ethnology: Allen, Grant. Romance of race,
PSM., Ag, Denker, J. Lcs races de TEurope, L' Anthro- pologic, Ap. Ethics : Macmillan, Michael. Sidgwick &
Schopenhauer on the foundations of morality,
IJE.. JI. Hudson, W. H. Veracity, PSM., Je. Westermarck, E. Essence of revenge, Mind, Jl. Exchanges: Emery, H. C. German exchange
act, PSQ.. Je. Stokes. Henry. Business in futures, EcR., Jl. Factory Inspection : see each number of ASG. Family: Cunow, Heinrich. Lcs bases ^cono-
miques du matriarcat, DS., Ap. Kochi, Chujiro. Japanese home life as con- trasted with American. A., Ag. Finance: Atkinson, F. J. Statistical aspect of
the recent bimetallic proposals, JRS., Mr. Atkinson, F. J. Silver prices in India for 1897,
TRS.,Je. Bill for the establishment of a Swiss federal bank
of issue. QJE-- Ap. . Brown, W. G. History of interest, Jour. Cana- dian Bankers' Assoc, Jl. Curtis, C. E. Bank clearings, interest rates, and
politics, YR., My. DeGreef, GuiHaume. Essais sur la monnate,
le credit et les banques, AIS., 4: 1-3. Dehn, Wladimir. Russian currency reform. EcJ.,
Denis, Hector. Atlas mon^taire et de I'histoire
des prix, AIS, 4 : 2. Fonda, A. L. Government notes vs. bank notes,
A. JI. Helfferich, Karl, Die Entwickelung des deul-
schen Notenwesens unter dem Bankgeset2 von
1875, JGV.,22:3. Issaieff, A. A. La politique du ministere des
finances en Russie dcpuis 1885, AIS., 4: i. Laughlin, J. L. War & money : some lessons of
1862, Atlantic, Jl. Mase-Dari. Quelques questions relatives aux
dettes publiques, DS.. Je. Ripley H. L. Two plans for currency reform,
YR., My. Sablemont (de). Etudes fiscales. RefS.,Ap. 16. Sandoz, A. Bank note system of Switzerland,
QJE., Ap. Shortt, Adam. Canadian currency under French
rule, Jour. Canadian Bankers' Assoc, Jl. Sumner, W. G. Spanish dollar & the colonial
shilling. AHR, Jl. Taylor, F. M. Objects & methods of currency
reform in the U. S., QJE-ยป Ap. Taylor F. M. Report of the Indianapolis mone- tary commission, JPE., Je. Wolff, H. W. Money in the wrong place, EcR.,
Jl- See also each number of AIS., Finanz Archiv,
JPE. Food: Ford, W. C. The question of wheat, 11,
PSM., My., Jl. Weichs, F. v. Theueres Brot, Leben, Jl. See also Prices.
France: Auzou, Emile. La boucle du Niger,
RDM., My. 1. Berton, H. La constitution de 18^8, AEL., My. Coubertin, Pierre de. Contradictions of modern
France, FR., Je. Coubertin, Pierre de. Present problems and
politics of France, RRN. Darmesteter, Mary J. Bodley's France, CoR.,
Dasproni, Noel. Ce que coute la bureaucratie
fran^aise, SS., 25:5. Demoulins, Edmond. Les Frangais d'aujour-
d'hui, SS., 25: 5. Etcheverry, L. Quelques traits de la situation politique en France d'apres un livre Anglais
recent, R^fS.. Jl. i. Larcher, Emile. L'initiative parlementaire pen- dant la sixieme legislature (1893-8). Mathiez, A. Etude critique sur les journ^es des
5 et 6 octobre, 1789, RH., Ag. Morse, J. T. Dreyfus & Zola trials, Atlantic,
My. Payen, E. L'oeuvre d'une legislature (1893-8),
AESP., My. Whitrid^e, F. W. Zola, Dreyfus, and the
republic, PSQ.. Je. See also Political Science, Population. Gas: Gray, J. H. Gas supply of Boston, QJE., JI. Gray, J. H. Relation of the gas supply to the
public, MA., le. Rowe, L. S. Niunictpality and the gas supply,
AAP., My. Genius: Dallemagne, Jules. Le g^nie devant la
science contemporaine, HN., Jl. Rafael, Altamira. Observations sur le probleme
de I'homme de g^nie et de!a collectivite en
histoire, RIS., Je. Germany : Blondel, Georges. Les questions
sociales en AUemagne d'apres de r^cents
ouvrages, RefS., My. 16. Martin, Germain. L'esso! economique et indus-
triel de rAllemagne, RefS., Ap. 16. Poinsard, Leon. L'Allemagne contemporaine :
les populations rurales, SS., Jl. Guilds: Hopkins, E. W. Ancient and modern
Hindu gilds, YR., My. Girls: Conover, D. S. B. Chicago protective
agency for women and children, ChR., Ag. Davidson, Thomas. Ideal training of the
American girl, F., Je. Gladstone : see Biography. Great Britain : Brassey, T. A. Can we hold our
own at sea? FR., Jl. Flux, A. W, Our foreign trade rivals, EcR., Ap. Guerin. Urbain. Des causes reelles du developpe -
ment industriel et colonial de I'Angleterre,
Ref.S., My. 16. Henry, Rene. Le probleme rural et le probleme
Economique general en Angleterre, RPP., Jl. Lefort, Joseph. L'accroissement de la popula- tion et de la richesse en Angleterre, JEc, Je. Maltbie, M. R. Local government board, PbQ.,
Je Our future empire in the East, CoR., Ag. Stobart, W. L. Lord Rosebeny and his fol- lowers, FR., Je. Temple, Richard. 1st England isoliert? DR., Jl. Position and policy of Mr. Rhodes, FR., My. Trevelyn, G. M. Account of the rising of 1381,
EHR.,J! n. H.
Wilson, H. W. Our navy against a coalition.
FR., Te.
Yorke, R. S. Wei Hai Wei, our latest lease- hold possession, FR., Jl. Hawaii: Townsend, H. S. People of Hawaii,
F..JI- History: Bernheim, Ernst. Geschichtswissen-
schaft u. Erkenntnisstheorie, Zeit. f. imma-
nente Philos., 3: 3.
Housing: Hyde, T. A. The Mill's hotel, A., JI.