New York state custodial asylum for feeble- minded women. ChR.. Ag. Parry, Judge. The insolvent poor, FR., My. Pecker, Dr. L' association des dames Mauloises :
secours aux femmes en couches, RP., My. Wines, F. H. Flood at Shawneetown. ChR., Je. See also each number of ChOR.. ChR., RBP.,
RP. Chemistry: Berthelot, M. E. Genealogj' of
chemistry, PSM., Ag. Child - Saving : see Boys.
Children: Adier, Felix. Punishment of chil- dren. Ethical Addresses. My. Barr, M. W. Defective children, their needs &
their rights. IJE., JI. Barr, ftl. W. Training of mentally deficient
children. PSM., Ag. Burk, Frederick. Growth of children in height ,
& weight. AJP., Ap. Matiegka, Heinrich. Die Beziehungen zwischen
Korperbeschaffenheit u. geistiger Thatigkeit
bei Schulkindern. Mittheilungen der aothro.
Gesellschaft in Wien. 28: 3. Thulie, H. Premieres mesures a prendre contre
le developpement de la criminalite infantile,
RPh.,JI. See also Girls. China: Brandt, M. von. Germany S: China. F.,
My. Christianity: see Religion. Christian Socialism: see each number of Re-
\'ue du Christianisme sociale. Churches: Beyschlag, Willard. Origin & de- velopment of the Oid Catholic movement,
Alf., Jl. Buckley, G. W., & others. Churches & the
social question. A., Ag. DeW'ltt, John. Place of the Westminster as- sembly in modern history, Presbyterian &
Reformed Review, Jl. Cities: Bamett, S. A. Twenty-five years of
East London, CoR., A^. Bertolini. A. Gli Italiani a Chicago, GEc. Je. Estabrook, H. K. Slums in Boston, ChR., Jl. Harrison, Frederic. Ideal London, CoR., Jl. Maltbie, ftL R. Recent municipal progress in
London, MA., Je. Martin, E. S. East side considerations, Harper's,
My. Prienne, H. Villes, marches et marchands au
moyen age, RH., Je. Tooke, C. W. Uniformity in municipal finance,
MA., Je. White. Henry & others. The city's health,
MA., je. Wilcox, D. F. First municipal campaign of
Greater New York. MA., Je. See also Criminology & Penalogy, Socialism.
Water. Coal: Taylor, Benjamin. Coal supplies of the
world. NC, JI. Collectivism: see Individualism, Cooperation. Colonies : Collier, James. Evolution of colonies.
PSM., Jl.-Ag. Constitution: Whitney, E. B. Cuban revolt &
the constitution, YR., My. Consumption : see Sanitary Science. Continental System: Sloane, W, M. Conti- nental system, PSQ., Je. Co-operation; Brelay, Ernst. Les societes
ouvrieres de production. RefS.. My. i. Cooperation in practice, EcR., Jl. Lambrechts, H. Le credit rural. RSC, My. McVey, F. L. Cooperation by farmers, JPE.,
Je. Mullcr, Victor. Le Vooruit: un type de societe
cooperative, SS., 25 : 6. (Les) societes de cr^it en 1897, JEc, Jl. Wolff, H. W. Eine intemaiionale genossen-
schaftliche Statisiik. JNS., My.
Credit: see Cooperation.
Criminology and Penalogy: Amos, Sheldon.
The prison treatment of women, CoR., Je. Bonsai, Stephen. Convict system of Siberia,
Harper's, Ag. Bromby. C. H. Judicial sentences and the
habitual criminal. LQR., Ap. Howard John. Elisabeth Gilman, ChR., Jl. Mailly, Caignart de. L'evolution de I'idee
criminaliste au iqe siecle et ses consequences.
RefS., Je. 16. Makarewicz, J. Evolution de la peine, AAC,
Mr. Morrison, W. D. Prisons & prisoners, FR.,
My. Orme, Eliza. Our female criminals. FR., My. Pottet, E. Les bibliotheques dans les prisons,
RPe, Je. Saccozzi, Augusto. L'idea della pena nei pazzi
criminali, RDC. Sighele, Scipio. La delinquenza delle grande
citta, RDC., Je. Solovieff, Wladimir. De la peine de mort, RIS.,
Mr. Tarde, G. Problems de criminalite, AAP., Jl. Vence, C. de. Les criminels dans Tart et la lit-
terature, RPe., Je. See also Children and each number of BG.,
ChOR., ChR., RDC, RPe. Cuba: Chamberlain, J. E. War for Cuba. F..Je. Davery, Richard. Glimpses of Havana & the
Havanese, FR., My. Foraker, J. B. Our war with Spain: its justice
& necessity, F. Je. Gossip. I. H. D. The mournful case of Cuba.
FR.. My. Gunton, Georg. Spain & Cuba: a few facts,
GM., My. Hershey. A. S. Intervention & the recognition
of Cuban independence, AAP., My. Hull, R. T. Cuba & its value as a colony. F.,
Lee. Fiizhugh. Cuba & her struggle for free- dom, FR.. Je. Musgrave, G. C. The Cuban insurrection, CoR.,
Democracy: Alix, Gabriel. Les lois de la
democratie, RefS.. My. i. Demography: see Population, Statistics. Dependents: j^f Charities. Direct Legislation: see each number of New
Time, District of Columbia : West, H. L. Little
kingdom of the President, F., Je. Domestic : Smith, Mary Roberts. Education
for domestic life, PSM.. Ag. Education : Bezold. Fr. v. Die altesten deut- schen Universitaten in ilirem Verhaltnis zum Staat. HZ.. 80: 3. Bumham, W. H. Some aspects of the teaching
profession, F.. Je. Dewey, John. Harris's psychologic foundation
of education, EdR.. Je. Dewev, John. Primary-education fetich, F.. My. L'evolution politique de I'ecole primaire, RDM,
Je. 15. Fouillee, A. Les refonnes universitaires, RPP.,
JI. Henderson, C. H. The philosophy of manual
training, PSM., Je.-Ag. Levy, R. G. Les universltees et I'^conomie
politique aux Etats-Unis, AEL., 11. Mackenzie, J. S. Bearings of phllsoophy on
education, IJE., Jl. Medd. J. C. State in relation to education.
EcR., Ap. Schiedt, R. C. Rational training of children a
problem in pedagogical psychology, S., Ag. Vanderwalker, N. C. Some demands of educa-
tion upon anthropology, AJS., Jl.