r, uaiversita di Bologna. . . . Bologna.
Nicola Zanichelli. $6 pp. 8vo. L. j. Volksunterhaltung (Die). Vortrageu. Bench te v.
F. S. Archenhold u. a Bericht iib.
den I. Kongress f. Volksunterhaltg .... 1897
2U Berlin .... B., F. Diimmler's Verl. 136
pp. 8vo. M. 1.50. Walcker, Karl, Die Kompetenz der Religion,
der Ethik, des Patriotismus, der Verfassung,
Gesetzgebung, Justiz, Presse, der Vereine u.
der bffentlichen, nationalen u, intemationalen
Mcinung m. besond. Berucksicht. der Frage
der Beleidigungen u. der Pressfreiheit. Lp.,
A. Strauch. 76 pp. M. 2. Willoughby. W. F. Workingmen's insurance.
N. Y., T. Y. Crowell & Co. 386 pp. izmo.
$1.75, (Library of economics & politics.) Wokurek, Ludwig. Die dsterrcichische Unfall-
versicherung. Fine krit. Studic. Wien, F. Deuticke. logpp, 8vo. M. 2.
Wolff, H.W. Cooperative credit banks: a help alike economic & educational for the laboring & cultivating classes. L., P. S. King. 58 pp. 8vo. 6d.
Young, Arthur. Autobiography, with selections from his correspondence; cd. by M. B. Ed- wards. N. Y., imported by C. Scribner's Sons. 480 pp. il. i2mo. $4.80.
Zacher, Dr. Die Arbeiter- Versichening im Auslande. a. u. 3. Hft, 2. Die Arbeiter-Ver- sicherung in Schweden. 3. Die Arbeiter- Versicherung in Norwegen. B., Verlag der Arbeiter-Versorgung. M. 2.
Zenker, E. V. Anarchism; a criticism & history of the anarchist theory. N. Y., imported by C. Scribner's Sons. 266 pp. 8vo, $3.
[Articles preceded by stars and followed by a reference to a number of the Journal will be found in ract under the head " Notes and Abstracts in that number of the Journal.]
Esthetics: Doumic, Rene. Les idees du comte Tolstoi sur I'art, RDM, My. 15. Dubufe, M. G. Art et metier. 11. L'architec-
ture, RDM., My. 15. Finck, H. T. Utility of music, F., My. Agriculture: Ballod, Carl. Die Bedeutung der Landwirthschaft u. der Industrie in Deuisch- land, JGV,, 22: 3. Deherain, P. P. La science et ragriculture: la terre arable, RDM., Je. i. Anarchism: Lum, D. D. Bases d'une morale
anarchiste, HN.. Ap. Anglo-Saxon Alliance: Br>'ce, J. A. Essen tial unity of England and America, Atlantic.
Flower, B. O. Proposed federation of the Anglo
Saxon nations. A., Ag. Greenwood, Fred. Anglo-American future, NC.
Jl- ♦Vallerou, Hubert. Procedes Anglo-Saxons, apro- pos de la guerre Hispano-Americaine, RefS.
My. 16. (AJS.. Jl.) Anthropology: Ammon,0. Histoired'une idee,
L'anthroposociologie, RIS.. Mr. Fouillee, Alfred. L'anthroposociologie, RIS.
My. Peet. S. D. Caves and cliff-dwellings compared
Am. Antiquarian. Ag. Pulle, F. L. Profilo antropologico dell' Italia
AAE., 5:1. ThieuIIen, Ad. Les veritables instruments usu
els de I'age de la pierre. Bulletins de la Societe
de I 'anthropologic, 1898: i. See also Education. Architecture : Middleton, G. A. T. Fire resist- ing construction, EM.. Ag. Associations; Banneanx, L. La Ligue ducoinde
terre et du foyer insaisissable, RSC, Je. Brown, M. W. Evening Press newsboys' assoc.,
Ch.R.,Jl. Austria: Benoist, Charles. L'Autriche future et la
future Europe, RDM. Hirst, F. W. A dissolving empire, FR., Jl. Schaffle, Albert von. Austria-Hungary under
the reign of Francis Joseph, F., Jl.-Ag. Baths : Van Alstine, Mayor. Don't need public
baths, S., Jl. Biography: Gladstone, Atlantic, Jl. Gladstone. Leroy-Beaulieu, AEL., Jl. Gladstone. Theodor Barth, Cos., Ag. Gladstone. Norman Hapgood, CoR., Jl. Gladstone. F. de Prcssense, Cos., Jl. Gladstone. Lord Stanmore, FR., Jl. Gladstone. A. de Malarce, JEc, Jl. Gladstone. Justin McCarthy, F., Jl.
Gladstone & the Roman Catholic church. Wil- fred Meynell, NC. Jl.
Gladstone. Francis de Pressense, RDM., Jl. i.
Gladstone & the nonconformists. Guinness Rogers, NC, Jl.
Gladstone. Paul de Ronsiers. SS., 25; 6.
Gladstone's theology. G. W. E. Russell, CoR.,
Gladstone. W. T. Stead, RRN., Jl. Malthus, Centenary of. J. Bonar, EcJ., Jl. Pobedonostzeff. Constantine, a statesman of Rus- sia. A. D. White, Century, My. Wilhelm, Kaiser. Poultney Bigelow, Century,
jl. Wiseman, Cardinal. St. George Mivart, ACQ.,
Ap. Biology: Dastre, A. Th^orie de I'^nergie et Ic
monde vivant, RDM., My. i. Oswald. F. L. Secret of atavism, PSM., Je. Boys : Brown. M. W. Evening Press newsboys'
assoc., ChR., Jl. Sanborn, A. F. Boys & boys' clubs, N AR., Ag. Building : see Architecture. Canada: Bentzon, Th. Au Canada: I'educa-
tion et la societe, RDM., Jl. 15. Burinot, J. G. Canada's relations with the U.
S. & her influence in imperial councils, F.,
My. Farrer, Edward. Anglo-American commission,
F., Ag. Canals: Haupt, L. M. National influence &
the isthmian canal, EM., Jl. Ludlow, Wm. Trans- isthmian canal problem,
Harper's, My. Nimmo. Joseph. Nicaragua canal in its com- mercial & military aspects, EM., Ag. Central America: Curtis, W. E. Central
America: its resources & commerce, F., My. Charities: Bentzon, Th. Les femmesdu Canada
fran^ais. I. Etablissements de charite, RDM.,
My. 15. Charities of Bristol, ChOR.. My. Hayter, Richard. Army & navy aid: relief of
dependent families, CR., Jl.-A^. Lallemand, Leon. Le associazioni di beneficcnza
nella provincia di Quebec, RBP., Ap. (La) Mendicita in Pieraonte e il regio recovero
di Torino, RBP., My. Millis, H. A. Relief & care of dependents, AJS.,
Miinsterberg, Emil. Bericht iiber die 17. Jahres- versammluop des deutschen Vereins fiir Armen- pflege u. Wohlthatigkeit, JGV., 22: 3.
National conference of charities & corrections,
report of meeting, 1898, ChR., Je.