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assoc.]. PP- I67-2I2- "mo. Pap. $0.50.

(Economic studies.) Chesnelong, Ch. Le regime fiscal des successions

et I'impot progressif. P., impr. de Soye e< his.

t: pp. 8vo. Conigliani, C. A. La riforaia delle leggi sui tributi

locali; studi e proposte. Modena, tip. della

Societli tip.-antica tip. Soliani. 751 PP- 8vo.

Cotton W. Everybody's guide to money matters (English) ; with a description of the various investments chiefly dealt in on the exchange, also some account of the pitfalls prepared lor

the unwary N. Y., F. Wame & Co.

ISO pp. i2mo. $1.

Dubois, Paul. Esfai sur les finances communales. P.. Perrin & Cie. 313 PP- i6mo.

Farrer, Lord. Studies in currency 1898: or, eii- quiries into certain modern problems connected with the standard of value & the media of ex- change. N. v., Macmillan. 440 pp. 8vo. 12s.

F_,„ce— Ministeredes finances. Budget des de- penses. Exercice 1898. Budget annexe de fadministration des monnaies et medaiUes. P., Impr. nationale. 128 pp. 4to.

r;»on>e Henrv- Writings. Memorial ed. In 10 ?oTs. VoU. 5-8. N-\.,Doubleday&McClure Co. Per set $25- . , • j k

(Thel Gold standard : a series of papers issued by the Gold Standard Defence Association, 1895-8. L. ■ Cassell & Co. 8vo. 2s. 6d.

Great Britain— India. Financial staleinent & proceedings of the legislative council of the governor general thereon. L., Eyre & bpottis-

woodc. is. 6d- T J- /•

Great Britain - Pariiamenl. East India (income & expenditure^ Return for the 11 years ,886-7—1896-7. L.. Eyre & Spottiswoode. 7d. Great Britain — Parliament. Local taxation re- turns (England) rSgS-;*. P'- 7- Summary with appendix. L., Eyre & Spottiswoode.

GreaVsriain — Parliament. Revenue departments for 1898-9. Estimates, customs, inland reve- nue, post-office, post-office packet service, post-office telegraphs, with index. L., Eyte & Spottiswoode. is. 3!^d.

Great Britain- Royal commission on local taxa- tion. Minutes of evidence. V r (ist to 29th days). L., Eyre & Spottiswoode. 4S. 2d

Gtossi Nic. Nuovo progretto per le finanze dello stato e comuni italiani. Napoli, tip. di <-.en- naro Errico e figlio. 30 pp. 8vo.

Hand- u. Lehrbuch .... Finanzwissenschaft .

Hoy1e'(p'seud.). The game in Wall street & how to play it successfully. N. Y.,J. b. uigive Pub. Co. 80 pp. $1- , „ . ,. ..

Italv— Direzione generale delle imposte dirette. Lesee, decreto, regolamento, cipitoli nonnali e tabella dei compensi per gli alti esecutivl per la riscossione delle imposte dirette. Roma, tip. Nazionale di G. Benero,i897- i22pp.8vo.

Italv-- Ministero delle finanze. Relazione della direzione generale delle imposte direttee del catasto per I'esercizio finanziario 1896-7. Roma, tip. Elzeviriana. 97 PP- 4lo

Tuttice A. R. An equiuble exchange systsm. Ph . A.J. Ferrii. 141 pp. i6mo. $0.50.

Kappelmann, H. Handbuch f^reussische Spar- kassen. Lp., Duncker & Humblot. 144 PP-

KieW°'Herm^' Die Steuerpolitik der Besitzen- losen. Wien, M. Breitenstein. 50 PP- 8vo.

Ridley', \^.°' Interest or usuij: thoughts on mod- V^^ methods of finance & their eKect on na- tional life. L., Simpkin, Marshall, etc. 104

DO. 8vo. IS. ,

•Rosund, Eugene. Le concours des caisses

d'epargne au credit agricole. Applications \ r^tranger et modes pratiques de realisation en France . . P., GuiUaumin &Cie., 1897. 278 pp. Bvo. f. 6. (JEc, D.-F-h) ,

Say, Leon. Les finances de la France sous la troisieme Republiquc. T. i" (1871-5)- P-. libr. C. Levy, w PP- 8vo.

Steieer J. Die Silberentwertung u. ihre Beoeu- tung f. die Volkswirthschaft der Gegenwart, zumal f. die Schweiz. [Aus Zt?<:hr. f. schweiz. Statistik.] Basel, R. Reich. 47 pp. 4to. M. r.6o. . ,. ,. 1

Straufino, Giov. Le instituzioni di credito e la circolazione monetaria nello stato: studio di economia politica. Firenze, fratelli Bocca. 236 pp. 8vo. L. 2.50. ,

Supino, Cam. La botsa e il capitale improduttito. Milano, Ulrico Hoepliedit. 180 pp. L. 3.

Tenerelli, F. G. L'azione delle imposte indirette sui consumi, com particolare riguardo alia legislazione italiana. Torino, fratelli Bocca. 287 pp. 8vo. L. 3.

U. S. bankruptcy law of 1898, uniform '^'"?- with marginal notes & index. Wash.. Wash. Law -Book Co. 30 pp. 8vo. pal>er. $0.50.

War revenue law of 1898, with index. Wash., Wash. Law- Book Co. 40 PP- 8vo. paper.


10. History.

Davitt, Michael. Life & progress in Australasia. N. v.. New Amsterdam Book Co. 500 pp.

\_BibUogi-athy of History will be brought to date in next issue.^

II. International Law.

Bai«s, C. Le blocus pacifique. Toulouse, impr. Berthoumicur. 160 pp. 8vo.

Nouvcau recucil general de traites et autres actes relatifs aux rapports de droit international. Continuation du grand recueil de O. (. de Martens par Felix Stoerk. 2. sene. 1. 23. i livr. Lp., Dieterich's Veri. pp. 1-292. M.

Recueil ties traites et convenrions, conclus par 'a Russie avec les puissances ^trangeres. Public . par F. de Martens. T. 12. St. Peters- burg, A. Zinseriing. 504Pp.8vo. M- 12. Reddaway, W. F. Monroe doctnne. N. V., Macmillan Co. i62pp.i2mo. $1.25. (Cam- bridge Univ. Press.) ■ n T r R Ullman.E. Volkerrecht. J'^bufg '■ % J- C- »• Mohr. 376 pp. 8vo. M. 9. [Aus Handbuch desoffenU. Recht.l

xa. Labor. Arbeitsvermittelung & Arbeitseinstellung: j« Aus- tria— Statist. Dept., Handelsminislenum, 19. Bender, Emile. Le salaire effectif ; sa protecUon par la loi (these). Lyon, impr. Legendie & Cie 182 pp. Centralstelle f. Arbeitei-Wohlfahrtseinrichtungetl. Schriften, Nr. 14. Br., C. Heymann s Verl. c;i pp. 8vo. M. 1.20. Great Britain -Labour Departinent. Report by Miss Collet on changes in the employment ot women & girls in industrial centers. Pt.i, Flax & jute centers. L., Eyre & Spottis- woode. 8vo. 6d. c. -I ff- •Great Britain — Labour Department. Strikes S lockouts: report of the chief labor correspond- ent. L., Eyre & Spottiswoode. 209 pp. Svo. / T pc" Ic X 1 Internationale (der) Kongress f. Arbeiterschutx in

Zurich 1897- Amthcher Ber.cht des Or-

eanizationskomitees. Zurich, Buchh. des tchweiz. Griitlivereins in Komm. 280 pp.

JurJS^hek, Osc. Ueber den Strike der englischen

Maschinenbauarbeiter in den J. i»97-o-

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