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Great Britain — Parliament. Endowed charities (County of London). Tooting, Graveney & Lower Tooting. L., Eyre & Spottiswoode. 3d.

Koch, E. Les inralides du travail et de la guerre. Historique et organisation generalc de I'ocuvre nationale des maisons de retraite regionales et departe men tales. P., Impr. Hennuyer. 67 pp. 8vo.

•Mackay, Thomas. The state & ::harity, L., Macmillan & Co. 201 pp. i2mo. $1. (JPE.,

Je. +)

  • Miinsterberg, E. Die Armenpflege. Einfuh-

rung in die praktische Pflegcthatigkeit. B., Otto Liebmann, 1897. 213 pp. M. 3. (AJS.,

J1-++) Poor law conferences. Proceedings of the various conferences, 1897-8, with papers read at each conference . . . . L., P. S. King. 755 pp.

8vo. I2S.

Tuetey, Alex. L* assistance publique \ Paris pendant la Revolution. Documents inedits . . . . 3 Hopitaux et hospices. 4 Hospices et ateliers. P., Impr. nationale. 821 £933 pp. 8vo.

Wichem, J. Die Briiderschaft des Rauhen Hauses. Eine Jubelgabe. Hamburg, Agenmr des Rauhen Hauses. 131 pp. 8vo. M. i.

4. Cities.

Artigues, Geo. Du regime municipal de Paris (these). P., libr. Arthur Rousseau. 193 pp. 8vo.

Baddeley, J. J. Guide to the Guildhall of the dty of London .... and the municipal work car- ried on therein. L., Simpkia, Marshall, etc 206 pp. 8vo. 6d.

Great Britain — Parliament. Water supply of the metropolis; report .... i8g8. L., tyre & Spottiswoode. ■ 6d.

Harris, Mary Dormer. Life in an old English town: a history of (Coventry from the earliest times, comp. from original records. L., Swan Sonncnschein. 416 pp. 8vo. 4s. 6d. (Social England series.)

Histoire gen^rale de Paris. Topographie historique du vienx Paris. Ouvrage commence par A. Berty, continue par S. M. Tisserand. T. 6. Region centrale de I'Universite. P., Impr. nationale. 597 pp. 410. f. 50.

London Manual for 1898-9, ed. by Robert Donald . . . . L., Lloyd. 330 pp. 8vo. IS. 6d.

Mandat-Grancey, E. de. Chicago. P., Plon, Nourrit & Cie, 32 pp. 8vo. f. 0.15. (Blbli- otheque illustree des voyages . . . .)

Mauri, Aug. Le Bnanzedi Milano nel medio evo: noto di conferenza. Monza, tip. Artigianelli- orfani. 27 pp. 8vo.

Meiklejon, M. J. C. London; a short history. With maps and illustrations. L., Holden. 262 pp. 8vo. IS. 6d.

New Jersey — An act relating to boroughs (revision of 1897) in the state ; with notes . . . compiled by A. F. Skinner. Newark, Loney & Sage. 94 pp. 8vo. paper. $1.50.

New York City — The law and practice of the mu- nicipal court under "The Greater New York Charter,'* with the boundaries of boroughs, dis- tricts, and wards; with forms and exhaustive index, by G. F. & J. C. L. Langbein; 4th ed. N. Y., Banks & Bros. 609 pp. 8vo. $5.

Pennsylvania. — The law of boroughs, including the rights and duties of borough officers, by W. Trickett. V. 2, 1893-8. Phil., T. & J. W. Johnson Co. 381 pp. 8vo. $4.

Sparling, S. E. Municipal history and present or- ganization of the cit>' of Chicago ; thesis .... Madison, Wis., the University of Wisconsin. 188 pp. 8vo. $0.75. (Bulletin of the Univer- sity of Wisconsin.)

Strassenhygiene in europaischen Stadten. Sam- melbenchtder aus Anlassdesg. intemationalen

Kongresses f. H\ gicne u. Demographic in Ma- drid . . . 1898. B., A. Hirschwald. 83 pp. 8vo. M. 2.40. •Strong, Josiah. Twentieth century city. N. Y., Baker & Taylor Co. 186 pp. $0.50. (AJS., Ji- +)

Boulnois, H. P. The municipal & sanitary en- gineer's handbook. Ed. 3. N. Y., Spon & Chamberlain. 474 pp. 8vo. $6.

Gregorovius, Ferdinand. Hist, of the city of Rome in the middle ages, from the 4th German ed. by Annie Hamilton. In 5 vols. Vols, i & 2. N. Y., Macmillan CZo. i2mo. Each $2.

5. Criminology and Penology.

Bianchi, G. L. Intomo al fondamento dell' impu- tabilit^ penalc; teorica del iibero arbitrioj cri- tica della scuola positiva: dtssertazione di lau- rea. Torino, tip^ Pietro Gerbone. 58 pp. 8vo.

Cosentino, Pa. I delinquent! : note di antropotogia criminale. Palermo, tip. Matteo Verso. 135 pp. 8vo. L. 3.

Great Britain — Parliament. Judicial statistics, England & Wales, 1896. Pt. i. Criminal Sta- tistics; statistics relating to criminal proceed- ings, police, coroners, prisons, reformatoiy & industrial schools, & criminal lunatics, for 1896. L., Eyre & Spottiswoode. is. 7d.

Jaeger, Johs. Zunahme der Verbrechen u. Abhil- fe. Ein Beitrag zur Losg. der sozialen Fragc. Lp., A. Deichert Nachf. 131 pp. 8vo. M. 1.80.

Minovici, Prof. L'anthropologie criminelle et la r^ponsabilite. P., impr. A. Levy. 15 pp. 8vo.

Proal, L. Political crimes, with an introd. by F, H. Giddings. N. Y., D. Appleton & Co. 355 pp. i2mo. $1.50. (Criminology ser.)

Sammlung ausserdeuischer Strafgesetzbiicher in dcutscher Uebersetzung. Hrsg, v. der Red, der Zeits. f. die gesamte Strafrechtswissen- scfaaft. II. Entwurf e. allgemeinen biirgerli- chen Strafgesetzbuchs f. das Kcinigr. Norwegen .... B., J. Guttentag. 126 pp. 8vo. M. 4.

Statistik der zum Ressort des kdnigl. preussischen Ministeriums des Innem gehorenden Straian- stalten u. Gefangnissc f. den i. IV. 1896-7, B,, R. V. Decker. 221 pp. 8vo. M. to.

Untersuchungen zurdeutschen Staats- und Rechts- geschichte, hrsg. v. Otto Gierke. 55. Friese, Vict. Das Strafrecht des Sachsenspiegels. Breslau, M. & H. Marcus. 206 pp. 8vo. M. 9.

Weismann, Jak. Ein Vierteljahrnundert deut- scher Strafgesetzgebung. Rcktorsrede. 25 pp. 8vo. M. 2.40.

6. Education.

Binet, A., & V. Henri. La fatigue Intel lectuelle. P., libr. Scheicher freres. 342 pp. 8vo. 90 fig. & 3 planches.

Crowell.J. F. Logical process. . . .educational policy; see 18.

Davidson, Thomas. Rousseau & education ac- cording to nature. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons. 253 pp. i2mo. $1. (Great educators series.)

France — Ministere de Tinstruction publique . . . Annuaire, 1898. P., libr. Delalam freres. f. 5.

France — Ministere de I'instruction publique .... Enquetes et documents relatifs ^ rensejgncment superieux. 69. Rapports des conseils des uni- versites pour Tannee scolaire 1896-7. P., Im- pr. nationale. 257 pp. 8vo.

France — Ministere de I'instruction publique .... Services de I'instruction publique et des beaux- arts. P., Impr. nationale. 224 pp. 4to.

Friedburg, Emil. Die Universitat Leipzig in Ver- gangenheit u. Gegenwart .... Lp., West & Co. 160 pp. 8vo. M. 3.50.

Great Britain — Parliament. National education

in Ireland. Appendix to the report of the com-

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