< Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 4.djvu
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September — for May-August.



Explanation. TitUs not starred represent new publications announced in the standard pub- lishers' lists since the last issue of the bibliography. A star prefixed to a title indicates that it was taken from a review of the work in the periodical cited after the title. It may or may not be a new announce- ment. The arithmetical signs following the citation to a review indicate the tenor of the review: X uncertain ; +, favorable ; — , unfavorable; +— , favorable, but with reservations ; — + , unfavorable,

but with commendation ; + + , very favorable ; very unfavorable ; + + — , very favorable, but with

reservations; (- , very unfavorable, but with commendation. Absence of any sign indicates that

review has not been read. The publication date when not given is understood to be the current year. Prices quoted are usually for volumes bound in cloth in the case of American and English books, in paper in the case of all others. Neiv editions, translations, and neiv periodicals are placed at end of classes.

Abbreviations, See at end of Bibliography.


[The figures refer to the number of the class ; each of the letters following the figures refers to dof title.]

initial of author's surname, or to entering wordc

Administration. I4fp Esthetics, 2ogt Agriculture, 30, i8w,

i9f Amusements, aov Anarchism, 20 z Anthropology, 1,5m Archseology, i Associations, 2ohks Bibliography, 13c,

20m Biography, 20 Biology, 2 Capital, 12, 13 Cen-tralization, I4f Child-Saving, 3 Cities, 4, 19IS Coal, 30C Collectivism, 2og

Congress. 14m Constitutions, 14 Contracts. 14 Cooperation, 20 cw Credit, gbr Criminology, 5 Deaf, 3

Degeneration, i Democracy, i4gm Domestic, 16 Education, 6, 7m, t8c Elections, 14c Ethics, 7

Evolution, 2, i8km Exchanges, 9 Family, 8 Finance, 4m, 9 Hours of Labor, i2rt Immigration, 20cg

Industry. 2odn Innere Mission, 3 Insurance, i2is, 20 Interest, gr International Law,ii Labor, 12, i8.s Land, 20s Law, 4np, 5u, 14c Legislation, 4np,

5SW. 14CS Liquor Question, 20 Magic, 7 Marriage, 8 Milling, 2ob Money, o

Monroe Doctrine, 11 Navies, 14 Nursing, 16 Penology, 5

Philosophy, 7 Political Science, 3m

Poor Laws, 3 Population, i4h, 19m Primaries. i4n Profit Sharing, 20b Progress, i8m Property, i7d, 180,

30 1 Prostitution, 8 Psychology, 7 Press. 20W Railroads, 20 Reichstag, 14s Rent, 20m Representation, 14 Sanitary Science,

4bs, 16


Savings Banks, 9ak Single Tax, 9b Socialism, 17 Social Question, 18 Sociology, 18, 17! Statistics, 5gs, 9ag,

i4Sy Strikes, i2aj Superstition, 7 Tariff, 2ogms Taxation, 9 Tobacco, 20 1 Trade, 2ogt Vivisection, 2 Wage"!, 12, 13CS War, 20m Wealth, 13 Women, 12, 20a


Annee (1*) sociolo- Great Britain, 12 Mackay, 3 Robinson, 20

gique, 18 Grinling, 20 Mallock, 18 Rostand, 20

Boyd, 14 Levasseur, 12 Mayr, 19 Schmoller, 13

Cunningham, 20 London — Statistics, Miinsterberg, 3 Strong, 4 19

X. Anthropology.

Florke, Gust. Der Einfluss der Kiefer u. Zahnc

auf den menschlichen Gesichtausdruck. Ein

anthropologisch-ethnograph. Studie. Bremen.

W. B. Hollmann. 96 pp. 8vo. M. 1.50. Robin, Paul. Degenerescence de Tespece humaine,

causes et remedes, communication a la Societe

d'anthropologie de Paris. P., libr. Stock.

8 pp. 8vo. f. 0.25. Thomas, Cyrus. Introduction to the study of

Amer. archaeology. Cin., Robert Clark Co.

391 pp. 8vo. $2.

2. Biology, Evolution, Science.

Blackwell, Elizabeth. Scientific method in biol- ogy. L.. Elliot Stock. 84 pp. i2mo. 2s.

Lc Dantec, Felix. Evolution individuelle et heredite. Theorie de la variation quantita- tive. P., F. Alcan. 512 pp. 8vo.

Vaccario, 18

Vincent, 18 Watrigant, 18 Willey, 12

Rawitz, Bemh. Fvir die Vivisection. Eine Streit- schrift. Greifswald, J. Abel. 45 pp. 8vo. M. I.

3. Charities.

Burdett, H. Burdett*s hospitals & charities, 1898; being the yearbook of philanthropy & the hospital annual. L., Scientific Press. 970 pp. 8vo. 5s.

Chilcott, T. B. The law relating to the adminis- tration of charities under the charitable trusts act, 1853, 1894, etc. L., Stevens & Hall.

Fiirth, Henriette. Das Ziehkinderwesen in Frank- furt am Main u. Umgebung .... Frankfurt a. M., Mahlau & Waldschmidt. 23 pp. 8vo.

M. I.20.

Gaillard, Henri. Le troisieme congres interna- tional des sourds-mueis (Geneve, 1896). P., 35 rue du Faubourg Saint-Jacques. 96 pp. 8vo. f. I.


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