fessor Gumplowicz is unfortunate in his excursions outside the field of Austrian jurisprudence and legal history. On that territory he is a master. In sociology — and possibly in politics — he is an amusing amateur. A. W. S.
Reflections on the Formation and the Distribution of Riches. By Turcot. Economic Classics Series. Edited by Professor W. J. Ashley. The Macmillan Co. Pp. xxii + 112. go.75.
This series is wisely planned, and furnishes easily accessible means of studying important chapters in the history of economic theory from the sources. The execution of the plan on the part of both editor and publisher leaves nothing to be desired, unless we demand that the series be indefinitely extended. A. W. S.
Students' Edition of a Statidard Dictionary of the English Language. James C. Fernald, Editor ; Francis A. March, LL.D., Con- sulting Editor ; Associate Editors: John W. Palmer, M.D; Francis A. March, Jr., Ph.D.; William R. Cochrane; Emma Fiske Roberts, M.A.; Frank H. Vizetelly. Funk & Wagnalls Co. Pp. 915, 8vo. $2.
The title page states the aim of the volume as follows : " Designed to give the orthography, pronunciation, meaning, and etymology of over 60,000 words and phrases in the speech and literature of the English-speaking peoples, with synonyms and antonyms, containing, also, an appendix of proper names, foreign phrases, faulty diction, disputed pronunciations, abbreviations, etc., etc., and 1,225 pictorial illustrations."
This is a busy man's compend of the complete "Standard." For all but the one scholar in ten thousand it contains enough.
The Twentieth Century City. By Rev. Josiah Strong, D.D. The Baker & Taylor Co. Pp. ix4-i86. Paper, S0.25 ; cloth, go. 50. This little book would be rated higher if Our Country and The New Era, by the same author, had not already made a stronger impression in the same cause which the present essays serve. Prac-
tically no new facts are presented in this argument. The variations