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ordination, 178-85 ; growth and character of sub- ordination, 185-0; the church and, 250; static, defined, 240-4; dynamic defined, 244-6; nature of social progress, 246; conscious or "telic" progress defined, 247-8 ; telic progress, past and future, 248-54 ; scheme of social mechanics, 254; needs to be more definite, 289, 586 ; pedagogical scientific aspect of, 289-91 ; classification of social activities, 293 ; limitation of the principle of " consciousness of kind," 294 ; objective vs. subjective method in, 296; need of study of social activities, 306; the organic concept, 307, 311, 725-30; biology not a safe foundation for, 311; is a synthetic science, 312 ; need of work in the special social sciences, 314; Schaffle's method for, 314; analysis of types of superiority and subordination in society, 392-415; necessity of subordination, 400,408,411; excess of talent in society over opportunity, 412 ; ranks in society decrease unhappiness, 412; static and dynamic schools of, 446-8 ; Ward's position as to dynamic, 449; task and purpose of, 87, 167, 234, 454-60, 802; ethics and, 461, 464; need of social sanita- tion, 500; signification of term and nature of social "genesis," 532-46; definition of, 570; Simmers conception of, 570 ; Ton nies' concep- tion of, 570; materialism 31^,574-7; idealism and. 577; philosophy of histoiy and, 578-88; social evolution suppresses genius, 625; Spen- cer's work and influence, 653, 741 ; method of observation in, 662-79; society a product of pas- sive evolution, 699; potentiality of ideological factors, 700; table of physical and psychical development, 702 ; the conative faculty, 703-6 ; opposition of telic jaw to natural law. 708 ; influ- ence of telic law in animal and vegetable life, 708-11 : in progress of the arts, 711-16; Schmol- ler's view of social classes, 719 ; nationalism as a compromise, 722 ; Biicher's view of classes, 722 ; Tonnies destruction of society, 730-4 ; Simmel's principle of reciprocity, 754 ; teaching of, in Ger-

' many, 799-800; will become an applied science, 801 ; collective telesis through government, 802 ; nature and operation of government, 803-7 social function of legislation, 807-9; modern democratic governments, 811; education from the point of view of, 839-51 ; duty of individual to society, 842 ; as a science, 84, 415, 567, 1-67 sup; Giddings' treatment of, passim sup; in what respect a " natural " science, 9-29 sup; is nomological instead of ontological, 27-9 sup, 66 sup; the prominence of, 29-67 sup; classi- fication of, 29-54 sup; comparative sociology vs., 54-60 sup; confusion from moral and prac- tical bias of the sociologist, 60-2 sup; method more important flian province of, 64 sup; Spen- cer and Giddings committed to the aetiological method, 64-7 sup. (See also Democracy, De- mography, Sanitary Science, Social Control, Society)

Socrates, 424, 581, 628

Sommer, H., 650

Spahr, C. B., 746 bk, 871

Spearman, E. R., 136

Spencer, Miss Belle, 498

Spencer, Herbert, 41, 103, 148, 154, 240, 252, 304, 305 37 3 2 4 354. 447. 54 2 > 5 6 7 609, 611, 649, 650, 651, 653, 654, 699, 721, 725, 726, 734, 741 bk, 804, 831, 832, 834, 857, 870, passim sup

Spinoza, 146, 148, 234, 8 sup, 21 sup ^

Stahl, 298


Starke, 600

Starr, Frederick, 612 rv

Starr, Miss, 632

STATISTICS. Vital in England, 75 ; need of exact definition in, 381 ; Eccentric Official Statistics, 515-81 ar; criticism of statistics of Census

Bureau and Department of Labor 515-31 ; accu- racy of, 747

Staummler, 587, 588, 734

Stein, 347, 616

Steinmetz, S. R., 315, 610 bk

Stephen, Leslie, 660

Stetson, Charlotte Perkins, 815

Steuart, W. M., 516, 521

Stewart, Ethelbert, 819

Stimson, F. J., 135, bk, 627 ab

Stirner, Max, 792

Stocker, Adolf, 72, 73, 482, 483, 751

Strickland, Agnes, 471

STRIKES. See Labor.

Strong, Josiah, 62, 871

Stuart, Charles, 216

Stubbs, William, 395

SUFFRAGE. Universal organic suffrage, 100 ab; Female, municipal and provincial suf- frage, 625 ab.

Suttner, Baroness von, 4

SWEATING SYSTEM. The Sweating System, 144 ab

SWITZERLAND. The Swiss and their Politics, 25-42 ar, 26; Swiss history, 26; patriotic festi- vals, 27; elections, 30-2; proportional repre- sentation, 32 ; democracy of, 34 ; taxation, 35 ; municipal control, 37; government burial, 38; utilization of water power, 38; socialism, 39-41; unemployed, 42.

Taine, 573, 649

Talbot, Marion, 74-81 ar, 879

Tallack, William, 141 ab

Tangorra, Vincenzo, 144 ab

Tarde, G., 132, 155, 315, 433, 828

TARIFF. Economic depression and, 12

Tavares de Madeiros, J. J., 315

TAXATION. In Switzerland, 35 ; Essays in Taxa- tion, 127 bk; rational basis for, 128; single tax, 128 ; taxation of corporations, 128

Taylor, Sedley, 44

Taylor, T. W., 152 ab

TEMPERANCE. See Liquor Question

TENEMENTS. See Housing

Tennyson, Alfred, 561

Terry, B. S., 118 rv, 467

Thomas, W. I., 316 rv, 317 rv, 611 rv

Thompson, G. W., 481 ab

Thompson, William, 645

Thon, O., 567-88 ar, 718-36 ar, 792-800 ar

Thoreau, Henry, 564

Tolman, W. H., 751 bk

Tolstoi, 205

Tonnies, Ferdinand, 315, 371, 725, 731, 732, 734

Tourgee, A. W., 13-24 ar

Toynbee, Arnold, 655-8

TRADES UNIONS. Knights of Labor, 44; in Ger- many, 60; Labor unions in Germany and their regulation, 331 ab; On changes in trade organizations, 890 ab. (See also De- mocracy)

Traill, H. D., 646

TRAMPS. The criminal in the'open, 885 ab

Trarieux, 3

Triggs, O. L., 656

Tucker, W. J., 136

Tylor, E. B., 330 ab, 37 sup

Tyndall, 21 sup

Uhde, 205

UNEMPLOYED. In Switzerland, 41; An unem- ployed census, 892 ab. (See also Insurance, Labor, Political Economy)

UNITED STATES. The History of the Last Quar-

ter Century in the United States, 464 bk;

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