Nitti, F. S., 875 bk
Nobiling, 50
Nordcau, Max, 327
North, S. N. D., 332 ab, 481 ab
Novicow, J.,6, 606**
OLD-AGE PENSIONS. See Insurance O'Shca. M. V.. , 42 a* Owen, Robert, 644, 645, 646
Paine, R. T., 125
Palmer, B. M., 835
Parisel, 146
Parker, G. F., 660
Parkes, E A., 77
Parsons, Willard, 136
Passy, Frederick, 1-12 ar
Pater, Walter, 357
Paton, 660
Patten, S. N., 239, 300, 456, 825
Patton, 21 sup
Peabody, F. G., 69; 329 ab
PEACE MOVEMENT. See Arbitration, International
Peackover, Miss, 3
PERIODICALS. Characterization of periodicals of sociology, 156, 320
Pestalozzi, 30
Phelps. E. J., 475 *>*
PHILOSOPHY. Principles of empirical, 14-15: em- pirical cannot logically deny freedom of the will, 16 ; monistic and atomistic contrasted, 23 ; con- tradiction between law of continuity and princi- ple of heterogeneity, 25
Piche, Albert, 67
Pichot, Abbe, 4
Pierce, A. H., 616
Place, Francis, 645
Plato, 248, 274, 463, 20 sup
Plener, 646
POLITICAL ECONOMY. Overproduction, 14-20, 134, 716; Studies in Economics, 129-31 bk; social- izing of consumption, 129; utility vs. value, 129; The Criterion of Distributive Justice, 264-73 ar relation of moralist to, 264; difficulty of denning justice in, 265 ; welfare vs individual deserts, 266-7 \ untenableness of the latter, 268 ; work of the Austrian school, 299; the idea of value, 327; the purpose of, 454; Owen on labor and value, 645; Ruskin's influence on, 652; Bagehot's estimate of classical, 655 ; Smart and the Austrian school, 658; qualitative vs. quanti- tative consumption, 659; Economics: An Ac- count of the Relations between Private Prop- erty and Public Welfare, 739 bk ; wealth vs. welfare, 740; the economic man, 744; The old generation of economists and the new, 888 ab; Economic morality, 888 ab; Restoration of economics to ethics, 889 ab. (See also Finance Taxation)
POLITICAL SCIENCE. Absolute monarchy and ab- solute democracy, 178 ; character of majority rule, 181-3; political institutions no longer sacred, 349; enterprises for piofit not a legitimate func- tion of government, 380: society without gov- ernment, 542; strengthening of government ad- vocated by Bentham, 644; enlargement of pro- tective functions advocated by Shaftesbury, 646 ; nature and operation of government, 803-7
Pomeroy, Eltweed, 621 ab, 872 9
POPULATION. The Reversal of Malthus, 13-24 ar; Malthus' principle stated, 15; overproduction, 15 ; cause of reversal, 16-19; ine remedy, 20-24; Growth of the French Canadian race in America, 477 ab; The Problem of population, 482 ab; duty of limiting, 860; as an element in society, 861-7. La Population et le Systeme
Social, 875-8 bk; conditions governing birth rate, 877-8
Porritt, Edward, 628 ab
Posada, Adolphe,6o 7 bk
POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS. Postal Savings Ranks, 621 ab
POVERTY. /s poverty diminishing, 145 ab; Commercial relations of the poor, 147 ab; Is poverty diminishing, 328 ao; Rich and Poor, 874 bk; unequal distribution as a cause of, 879: liquor question and, 885
Powers. H. H., 315
Powers. L. G., 887 ab
Pratt, Hodgson, 3
Procter, W. C., 43
PROFIT SHARING. Profit Sharing at Ivory dale, 43-57 ar; favored by Nicholson, 473
PROPERTY. Justification of private, 128; idea of ownership, 623 ; distribution of, 624 ; inheritance of, 794
Proudhon, 178, 330
PSYCHOLOGY. As a science, 84 ; appetites and emotions as dynamic force, 85, 237, 324; force of mind from force of atom, 86; individual and social, 137; psychology of subordination, 169; Epidemics of hysteria, 327 ab; Alterations of Personality, 614 bk; hypnotism, somnambulism, hysteria, 614
Publications of the Church Social Union, 621 rv
Puglia, F., 315
Quetelet, 671
Rae, John, 58 Raiffeisen, 60 RAILROADS. Railways of the world, 150 <z. (See
also Insurance) Randall, 738 Randon, L., 618 ab Ratzel, Friedrich, 611 bk Rauschenbusch, Walter, 202-19 ar Reed, T. B., 5 i5 RELIGION. Nature of, 96-107, 433 ; as a factor in
social control, 433-5; function of religious
gatherings and ceremonies, 823-38. (See also
Christianity) Reveillere, 7
Revue du Christianisme Social, 618 ab Revue du Travail, 625 ab, 785 Revue Socialiste, 151 ab Reynolds, J. B., 148 ab Ricardo, 539, 654,655 Richards, Henry, i, 3, 6 Richet, Charles, 3 Riis, J. A., 136 <Mr Ritchie, D. G., 153 ab, 658 Roberty, E. de, 461 Robinson, Ellen, 3 Rogers, Thorold, 655 Ross, E. A., 96-107 ar; 255-63 ar; 313; 433-45
ar > 547-66 ar; 823-38 ar Rousseau, J. J., 346, 442, 628,846 Ruskin, John, 43, 649, 651, 652, 653, 654, 656, 658,
Sadler, M. T., 646
Salmon, Lucy M., 879 bk
Salter, W. M., 5 6t
Sanborn, F. B., 126
SANITARY SCIENCE. Sanitation and Sociology, 74-81 ar; narrow views of, 74; financial gain
from improved, 75; higher end of, 76-79; influ-