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Kepler, 533

Ketteler, 61

Keutgen, 326

Kidd, Benjamin, 134, 153, 351

Kingsley, Charles. 646, 647, 648

Kirkland, Joseph, 136

Kirkup, 58


Kolping, Father, 61

Kovalewsky, Maxime, 315

Krauz, C. 06,315

Kropotkin, Prince, 153 ab

LABOR. In Germany, 59, 70 ; Labor in its Relation to Law, 135-6 bk; Chicago injunction criti- cised. 135 ; Labor legislation in the U. S., 14 ab; Labor unions in China, 141 ab ; Labor and the injunction, 147 ab; The miners of Mariemont, Belgium, 330 ab; effect of ma- chinery and inventions on, 358-61, 473; Classes and Masses, 472 bk; condition of, 472 ; Strikes and Social Problems, 473 bk; trades unions and wages, 473, 490; Our Industrial Utopia, 474 bk; The standard rate, 479 ab; The standard of living of American workmen, 482 ab; statistics and wages, 526-31 ; Thelabor movement and socialism in U. S., 623 ab; Free employment agencies in France, 625 ab; Strikes in France, 625 ab; State of employment in Great Britain, 625 ab; Strikes and lockouts in Great Britain in I&Q5, 625 ab; Hw to attain the tight- hour day, 88 1 ab; Public employment offices in Belgium, 887 ab; Proposed Belgian la-w governing labor contracts, 891 ab. (See also Building Trades, Industry, Insurance, Machin- ery, Law, Legislation, Political Economy, Trades Unions, Unemployed)

LABOR COLON IBS. In Germany, 69; Labor colo- nies and casual lodging houses in Ger- many, 142 ab

Labour Gazette, 479 ab, 625 ab, 785

Lacombe, P., 132

Lafarque, Paul, 870

Lamarck, 699

LAND. As an element in society, 857-9

Lavisse, Ernest, 6

LAW. Conception of morality in jurisprudence, 152 ab. (See also Labor) '

Le Bon, Gustave, 132, 443, 612 bk

Lecky, W. E. H.. TOO, 101, 439, 562

LEGISLATION. Danger of top much, 354 ; Recent economic and social legislation in the U.S., 627 ab; Recent legislation in England 627 ab ; nature and province of, 807

Leibnitz, 628, 8 sup, -24 sup

Le Play, Ferdinand, 662, 849

Leslie, Cliffc, 65$

Lestrade, G. C. de 315

Letou i neau, Charles. 6

Levassetir, Emile, 482 ab, 877

Lewes, G. H., 649


I.ilimfrld, Paul von, 726, 307, 311, 715

LIQUOR QUESTION. In Germany, 05 ; Substitutes for the saloon, 329 ab; the relation of the liquor traffic to pauperism, crime, and insanity, 885 ab

LITERATURE. Change in ideals of, 203 > .,148

Llano, Antonio, 324 ab, 462

Lloyd, Samuel, 470, 474

Loch.C. S.,887*

Locke, John, 6a8, 14 tup

LombnMo, 325

Loria, Achflle, 326^,878

Lowell. I. R.,8 5 3

Lowell, W. R., 204

Loyola, 424 Lubbock. John, 608 Luchaire, Achille> 470 Lucretius, 24 sup Ludlow, J.M.,647 Luther, Martin, 67 LUXURY. Growth of, 876 Lyell, 458

Macaulay, T. H.. 471

MACHINERY. Effect of, on food and clothing sup- ply, 16; building trade* and. 787-91

Mackenzie. J. S., 305. 324, 658

McKinley. William. 13

MacLennan, Donald. 330, 608

Macy, Jesse, 25-42 ar

Maine, Sir Henry, 178, 406, 607

Mallock, W. H., 328 ab, 329 *. 472, 749. 871

Malthus, 15. 453, 454, 477, 539, 645, 876


MAN. Rights of, to necessaries of life. 130; inherent worth of, 203 ; nature of. 863

Mario, J. W., 136

MARRIAGE. See Family

Marshall, Alfred. 869, 871, 888 ab

Martial, 74

Martin, Rudolf, 327 ab

Martineau, Harriet, 645, 649, 650

Martineau, James, 564. 647

Marx, Karl, 59. 208, 276, 573, 577, 583, 587, 645, 655, 656, 657, 658, 718, 726, 731

Mason, N. T., 481 ab

MATERIALISM. Growth of, 217

MATHEMATICS. Ages of, ^34

Mathews, Shailer, 108-17 ar, 302; 416-33 ar, 438

Maurice, F. D., 350, 645, 646, 647, 648

Maurice, J. F.. 648

Maxwell, Clerk, 25 sup

Mayo-Smith, Richmond, 869

Mazzini, 209, 442, 564

Mehring, Franz, 572, 574, 575, 576, 578

Merrill, E. G., 319

Metchnikoff, Leon, 865

Mill,J.S., 3 2, 146, 347, 473. 647, 649. 650, 651, 654. 745- 817, 858, 870, 15 sup

Millet, J. F.,2o6

Mischler, E., 331 ab

Moch, Gaston. 2, 7, 9, 12

Mommsen, 470, 581

MONEY. See Finance

Monod, Henry, 4

Monroe, Paul, 501-14 ar, 730 rr. 771-85 ur

Montesquieu, 539, 869

Moore, Dorothea, 629-42 ar

Moore, 1. B., 319

More, Henry, 234

Morgan, 608

Morley, John, 514, 647, 654

Morris, William, 656. 6< 7 , 658

Morrison, W. D., 737 bk

Mncnsterberg. K., 589 605 ar, 680-98 mr

Muirhead, J H., 324 ab, 341-4? *r. 479 *

M linger, T. 1


Naquet, 871

Nathusius, Martin von, j8 KcnoM. Set

Naumann. Fr., 58, 7t, 483

Naville.A., 889**

NEGRO PROBLEM. Solution *f tkt race /rW/sw,

Newman J. H., $6a


Nietzsche, Friedrlcn, 441. 463. TV. 794

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