trades unio nism, 477 ab; Problems of Modern Democracy ', 743*5 "k ; good and bad qualities of modern, 81 1-3 ; Sociology and democracy, 154 ab
DEMOGRAPHY. Relation of, to sociology, 875
Denis, H., 330 ab
Denis, Pierre, 883 ab
Descamps, Desire, 482 ab
Descartes, 239, 820, 5 sup
Desdozeaux, 5
Desjardins, Arthur, 3
Devas, C. S., 889 ab
Dewey, John, 137 bk
Dicard, Jean, 12
Diderot, 628
DISTRIBUTION. See Political Economy
Doggett, L. \~, yibk
Dolge, Alfred, & Sons, 506
Domanski. Ladislas, 619 ab
Donald, E. W., 318 bk
Donaldson, H. H., 132, 874 rv
Donisthorpe, W., 660
Donnelly, J.W., 43
Drage, Geoffrey, 661
Draper.J. W., 869
Ducommum, Elie, 8
Diihring, Eugene, 794
Duncker, 60
Dunn, A. W., 849
Durkheim, 132, 155
Earle, John, 102
Eberts, Pastor, 143 ab
Eckenstein, Lina, 317 bk
Ede, W. M.. 318 M
Edersheim, in
EDUCATION. Need of industrial, 197, 362, 365,480; Universite Nouvelle, Brussels, 462; Some De- mands of Sociology upon Pedagogy, 839-51 ar; criticism of report of The Committee of Ten, 839-40; end of, 839; needs to harmonize with cosmic philosophy, 840; what and how to teach and study, 842-8, reform in teaching of geography, 847 ; categories for rational study, 349-51
Egglcston, Edward, 833
Eliot, C. W., 482*4
Eliot, George, 564, 649
Ellis, G.Hf.Jas Ellwood, C. A., 662-79 ar Elsing, W. T., 136 Ely, R. T., 872
son, R. W., 78, 263, 346, 561, 563, 564, 649 Engel, 670, 671
Engels, Frederick, 59, 656, 718 Epictetus, 559. 56* Erasmus, 98
Kspmas, 6.*,
s. The Study of Ethics, 137 bk; Limita- tions of the introspective method in ethics, 145 ab; definition of, 221 ; Rights and duties. 323 ab; Morality the last of dogmas, 324 ab; Ethics from a practical standpoint, 324 ab; Abstract and Practical Ethics* 341-57 ar; paradox of hedonistic, 348 ; study of, 348 ; ethical societies, 357 ; L'Ethique; It Bien et le Mai; Essai sur la Morale consideree com me Soci- ologie Premiere, 461-4 bk; sociology and, 462, 463; Ethics from the point of view of sociol- ogy, 69606; self -dent ruction of, 809; natural Origin of ethical feeling*, 823 ; as a science, 6 tuf
ETHNOLOGY. The History of Mankind, 611 bk. (Seealto Folk -psychology)
EVOLUTION. . ' tton, 133-4 bk; A phase
of social selection, 154 ab; natural selection, no. 709, 714; similarity between evolutionist and creationist, 60 /*/
FACTORY INSPECTION AND LEGISLATION. Care for employes at Ivory dale, 51 -a; Factory legisla- tion in Italy, 325 ab; Factory inspection in Austria, wab; Owen and, 644 ; Shaftesbury and, 646 ; Professional risks, 823 ab
Fairbairn. A. M., 439
Fairbanks, Arthur, 305 bk. 849. 869
Fairbrother, 652
Fairchild, E. M , 22o- 3 .ir
Falk, H. I., 891 ab
Falkner, R. P., 89* ab
FAMILY; Heredity and.
of hoods system,
330 o4; social laws and, 411; kinship. 434; Is the family declining. 478 a*/ The Smoky Pil- grims, 485-500 ar\ life of a degenerate de- scribed, 489-08; origin of, 607; evil of i
d. 132: Hotynmg
of. 212; Thf matriarchal family and, 411; kinship.
Fair. 75
Farrar, 430
Ferrarese, L., 248
Ferri, Enrico, 315
Flamingo, Giuseppe, 484 ab
Fichte, 564
FINANCE. Economic depression and currency, 13; bimetallism advocated, 130; Banks of emission in Switzerland, 146 ab; Scottish banks, 466
Fisher, S. G.. 483 ab
Flach, Jacques, 326
Flagg, Ernest, 136
Fletcher -Vane, Francis, 465
Fliedner, Theodore, 64
Fliegende Blatter aus dem Rauhen Hause. 143 ab
Flint, Robert, 60, 643
Fliigel, 649
Flynt, Josiah, 885 ab
Focsillon, A., 673
FOLK - PSYCHOLOGY. The Child and Childhood in Folk-thought, 316-7 bk; Endokannibalismus, biobk; causes of cannibalism, 610; use of tools 711 ; nature and function of assemblage, 824-38; nature and function of ceremonies, 831-8
FOOD SUPPLY. Past and future. 16
Fong, W. N.. 142 ab
Fou il lee, Alfred. 149 ab, 282 ab, 650.
Fouquet, G., 146 ao
Frankenstein, Kuno, 332 ab
Franzos, 205
Freeman, E. A., 125
Freemantle, 427, 439
FREE TRADE. See Tariff
Freytag, Gustav, 721
FroebeT, 66
Froude, J. A., 307, 471, 649
Fry, Elizabeth, 64
Fuller, S. D., 143 ab
Galileo, 7 sup Galton, 145,251,797 Gamble, D. B., 43, 47, 48 Gamble, J. N., 45 Garneld, James. 465 Garofalo, R., 315 GAS SUPPLY. Sre Cities Gautier, Armand, 3 Gate, 290
George,' Henry. 128. 655, 6j6, 871
Gibbon, Edwaid, 471. 849
Giddlngs, F. H., 80, i6, s88**, 109* 903. M.**.
869 \passim sup Gide, Ch., 883 ab
'. 38, 473
Giraud Teuton, 608