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ABBREVIATIONS. a r, article by person named or with title given ; bk, book reviewed of which person is author or which has title given ; rr, review by person named ; **/, affixed to pages indicates pages in the supplement.

N. B. For bibliography of recent literature on many of the subjects mentioned in the index see pp. 158-65, 333-8. 752-69. 893-8-

Abbott, Lyman, 609 bk Abrikossoff, 515 Adams, Brooks, 98, 467 bk Adams, H. C., 473 AGRICULTURE. Tht

146 ab

Alexander, S., 549 Alix, Gabriel, 626 ab Altgdd, J. P.,622

agricultural movement,

Amiel, 441

, Otto, 797 ANARCHISM. Wille's

Ammon, Otto,

theory of, 794-6. (See also Socialism)

Andrews, E. B., 464

Angel, J.B., 319

Angell, J. R.,6i7 rv

Angelo, Michael, 574

ANTHROPOLOGY. See Ethnology, Folk-psychology

ARBITRATION, Industrial. Industrial arbitra- tion and its limitations, 332 ab ; Compulsory arbitration a practical remedy, 481 ab

ARBITRATION, International. The Peace Move- ment in Europe, 1-12 ar; war once thought a necessity, 2 ; increase of societies for promoting, 3; prominent individual promoters,?; litera- ture of, 6, 10 ; internal, congresses lor, 7-10; The American Conference on International A rbitration, 319 bk

Aristotle, 133, 574, 7 /, 66 sup

Arnold, Matthew, 86

Anonval, d', 3

ART. Change in ideals of. 905; Psychology of

artistic creation, 323 ab Ashbee, 656 Ashley, O. D., 512 Ashley, W. J., 526 ab

ASSOCIATION. Modern tendency towards, 208 Atkinson, Edward, 319 Aurelius, Marcus, 442, 561, 563 Axon, 653


Francis, 832, 7 sup

Roger, 7 sup

t, Walter, 655, 832


Bam, Mrs., 334 a Baier, Frederick, 4 Baldwin, J. M., 258, 617 Balfnur, 444 Ball. Sirlnry, 6<8 Bancroft, H. H., 829 Baraurult, 335 Barberi, Maria, 903 Barjeau. I. P. de, 483 ab Barnes, M.S., 554, 565 Barnett, Canon, 318

Earth, Paul, 577, 578, 726, 709, 800

Barton, Clara, 638

Bastable.C. F.,8 7 2

Beaurin-Gressier, L., 140 ab

Bebel, August. 39, 69

Bedell, Lelia 6., 646

Bell, Alonzo, 498, 660

Bellamy, Edward, 484

Beman, 43

Bentham, Jeremy, 146, 347, 456, 644, 647

Bentley, A. F., 131 rv, 137, 614 rv

Berkeley, 66 sup

Bernard, Claude, 3

Bernes, Marcel, 132, 153 ab, 478, 628 ab

Berthelot, 3

Berthold, 6., 69

Bicknell, Ernest, 627 ab

Binet, Alfred, 614 bk

Bismarck. 59

Blackie, J. S., 863

Blaine, J Bliss, H. L., 515-31 ar Blumenbach, 458 , G. D.,

Blackmaf, J.' W., 43, 485-500 ar, 745 **, 865 I. G., 24, 46;


Boardman, l>. U., 210

Boardman, W. E., 75

Bodelschwingh, von, 69

Booth, Charles, 145. 486

Booth, William, 559

Borgia, Cxsar, 581

Bosanquet, Bernard, 660. 661, 870, 887 ab

Bosanquet, Mrs. Bernard, 874 bk

Bosch, 654

Boscovitch, 24 sup

Bougie, C., 131 bk, 155 ab

Bourget. 205

Bowditch,74, 77

BOYS. The Workinr Boy, 358-68 ar; \ education of, need oT manual training for, (See also Child-saving, Criminology)

Bradford, A. H., 132 ok

Brewer, 126

Bright, John, 647

,.i, D. G., 138 **

Brooks, Phillips, 319

Brown -Sequard, 3

Buill. lit

Brush, E. F., 886 ab

Bryan, W.J.,63

HUcher, Karl. 733

Buckle. H.f., 581,857,858,869

Buddha, 559

BUILDING TRADES. Some Economic Losses in

tke Building Trades, 786-91 r Buisaon, 5 Bulletin de L'Office du Travail, 6*5 *. 7*4


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