Inheritance: see Property.
Insurance: Der Entwurf des neuen Invalidities- u.
Altersversicherungsgesetzes, Zeller, JGV.,
21 :i. La production des compagnies frangaises et
Americaines d'assurances sm la vie, Eugene
Rochetin,JEc,, F. Workers' insurance legislation in Germany,
Henriette Jastrow, FR., Mr. Interest : see Political Economy. Labor: Das Handwerk u. sem goldener Boden,
ZGS., ja:i. Die Heimarbeit u. ihre geplante Regelung in
Oesterreich, Stephen Bauer, ASG., 10:2. Die Thatigkeit der Arbeitsabteilung (Labour
Department) im englischen Handelsministe-
rium, A. S. Bowley, ASG., 10:2. Die Kleingewerbliche Korpershaftsbildung, A.
Schaffle, ZGS., 52:1. Du degre de bien-etre de 1'ouvrier aux Etats-
Unis, Emil Levasseur, JEc., Mr. 15. Harfenarbeiter u. Seeleute in Hamburg vordem
Strike 1896-7, Ferdinand TOnnies, ASG.,
10 : 2. How to attain the eight-hour day, J. H. Jones,
GM., Mr. L'Ouvrier Americain, Emil Levasseur, AMP.,
F., Mr.
Organized labor abroad, GM., Mr. Trade-union organization in the U. S., W. L. M.
King,JPE.,Mr. (For valuable statistics & information on labor
see BDS., BOT., LG., Revue du Travail.) Law: The path of the law, Justice Holmes, HLR.,
The present state of the law, U. M. Rose, ALR.,
Legislation: Political & municipal legislation in 1806, E. D. Durand, AAP., Mr. (Ste also each issue of ASG., BSt.. ZGS.) Liquor Question : Drink & drunkenness in London,
NAR., Mr.
La rtforme des boissons, RPP., F. The physiology of alcohol, C. F.Hodge, PSM.,
Luxury : see Political Economy. Medicine : Recent triumphs in medicine & surgery,
G. F. Shrady,F.,Mr. Money : see Finance. Monopolies: Les monopolies industriels aux Etats-
Unis, Louis Paul-Dubois, RDM., F. i. Lexow ant i- trust report, GM., Ap. Pooling contracts & public policy, C. W. Willard,
Municipal government : see Cities.
, Rudolf Eucken, M., Philosophy & immortality, A.W. Jackson, NW.,
Systematic philosophy in America in the yean
1893. 1894, & 1895, Josiah Royce, ASP., Mr. The^etapnysics of T. H. Green, S. S. Laurie,
(Ste alto Biology.) Political Economy: Are luxuries wasted wealth?
Pres. Gunton, GM., Mr. Donde il progresso della scienza economica, G.
Toniolo, RISS., F. La storia dell' usura nel mondo paganoe nelcris-
imo, Angelo Main. RIS> Political & municipal legislation in 1806, E. D.
Durand. AAP., Mr. Theorie de la valeur: De la juste valeur, de la
plus-value et de la mesure de la valeur, Henri
Savatier. AC, Mr. (Sit alto Biography.)
Political Science: Political science & history,
AHR., Ap. (Ste also Democracy, and under names of
Poor Relief : see Charities. Population: Un aspect de la depopulation, H.
Dagan,RMM..Vlr. Postal Savings Banks : see Saving*. Prisons: *r<- Criminology & Penology. Property: De Heritage. GustaWifuard. RIS., F. La propriety et le Code Napoleon, G. de Pascal,
ideale, Eugene Fourniere, ReS.,
La reforme des droits de succession et ses conse- quences sociales, Armand Simon in, RefS.,
Mr. i & 16. Protection : see Tariff.
Psychology: The problem of instinct, A. R. Wal- lace, NS., Mr. Railroads: The railway problem, Lloyd Bryce ft
others, NAR., Mr. Religion : Kant's influence in theology. C. C.
Everett, NW., Mr. Origine psychique et caractere sociologique de la
religion, L. Stein, RIS., Ja. Spencer's philosophy of religion, E. S. Carr,
BS., Ap.
(See also Christianity.) Sanitary science: Hygiene & its accessories, A.
Jacobi, S., F.
The effects of nicotine, J. W. Seaver. A., F. Savings : Esquisse d'une thebrie de 1'epargne, P.
De Kerongal, ReS., Mr. L'organisation d'un service de cheques et de
virements de comptes a la caisse d'cpargne,
A. Dupont, RSC., F.
Science : Recent science, Prince Kropotkin, NC.,F. The paradoxes of science, G. F. Wright, BS., Ap. Senate : see United States. Socialism: Democracy and socialism, Perry Bel-
mont, NAR., Ap. L'Allemagne socialiste en 1896, H. Thuron,
ReS., Mr. Individualists & socialists, Dean of Ripon,
NC., F. Les socialistes et les citations des Peres de
FEglise sur le droit de proprietc, E. DeGryse,
Salaries et capitalistes, Daniel Zolla.RefS., F. 16. Un autre economiste socialiste, H. M. Hynd-
man, Jules Magmy, ReS., F. (Set also Christian Socialism.) Social Movements: see each issue of AC.. RefS..
SS., RIS., RISS. Sociology: Apaisement social; les cere les popu
laires, Ch. Francois, RIS., Ja. Die sociale Entwicklung der fiihrenden \
Europas in der neueren u. neuesten Zeit, Kurt
Breysig,JGV.,2i:i. La frayeur de la question sociale, Paul Lapeyre,
AC La methode d'ctude de la question sociale,
Georges Renard, ReS., F. The conflict of races, classes & societies, G.
Flamingo, M., Ap. The genesis of social interests. J. M. Baldwin.
M., Ap. The process of social change. C. H. Cooley,
PS<$., Mr. The psychology of social progress, Helen Bosan-
Un en'quete'sur la question sociale, A. Deb ire,
F. 16.
(See alto Cities.) South Carolina : see Unite.! Statistics: Die Statistik in der alt
OttoSeeck.JNS., 13: a.