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Grant, U. S. Conversations and unpublished let- ters, by M. J. Cramer. N. Y., Eaton &

Mains. 207 pp. 900. King, Rufus. The life and correspondence of

Rufus King. ed. by C. R. King. N. Y., G. P.

Putnam's Sons. Vol. 4. 8vo. $5. Kron, Karl. Deutsch-nationale Politik. Wien

i VIII, Legnaugasse II), Selbstverlag. 100 S.

8vo. fr. i. Leipziger Studien aus dem Gebiete der Geschichte.

II Bd. 4 Hft. Leipzig, Duncker & Hum- blot. Leliwa, Comte L. Russie et Pologne. Krakau,

Buchh. d. poln. Verlags-Gesellschaft. 150 S.

8vo. M. 3.50. Monumenta Germanise historica .... Scriptorum

rerum Merovingicarum, torn. III. Hannover,

Hann. 686 pp. 410. Monumenta Germanise historica .... Scriptorum,

tomi XXX. Pt. i. Oman, Charles. A history of England. London,

E. Arnold. 8vp. 55. Stern, Bernh. Zwischen der Ostsee u. dem Stillen

Ocean. Zustande u. Stromgn. im alten u.

modemen Russland. Breslau, Schles. Buch-

druckerei. 305 S. 8vo. M. 5.


Burdett, H. C. A practical scheme for old-age pensions, sick-pay and old-age provision for all classes, great reduction in the poor rates. The friendly societies safeguarded. London, Times Office. 45 pp. 24mo. 6d.

Wilson, A. J. Plain advice about life insurance. London, C. Wilson. 06 pp. 8vo. is.

International Law. Benedetti. Essais diplomatiques. Paris, Plon,

Nourrit & Cie. 417 pp. 8vo. fr. 7.50. Glenn, E. F. Handbook of international law. St.

Paul, West Pub. Co. 478 pp. 8vo. $3.75.

(Hornbook series).


Peronnet, Ch. La conciliation et 1'arbitrage en matiere de conflits collectifs entre patrons et ouvriers ou employes. Paris, Larose, 1896. 346 pp. 8vo.

Davidson, J. M. The annals of toil; being labor- history outlines, Roman & British. In 3 pts. Pt. 2. London, W. Reeves. 8vo. is.

Coste, Adolphe. Les benefices compares du tra- vail et du capital dans I'accroissement de la richesse depuis cinquante ans. Paris, Berger- Levrault & Cie. 19 pp. 8vo.

Hecht, E. Pullman city et la question ouvriere aux Etats-Unis. Paris, imp. Chaix. 34 pp. 8vo.

Levasseur, E. The concentration of industry & machinery in the U. S. Phila., Am. Acad. of Pol. & Soc. Science. 25 pp. 8vo. 2$c.

Philosophy and Psychology. Ebbinghaus, Herm. Grundziige der Psychologic.

Leipzig, Veil & Co. i Halbbd. 320 S.

8vo. M. 6.60. Hecker, Max F. Schopenhauer u. die indische

Philosophic. Koln, Hubscher & Teufel.

255 S. 8vo. M. 3.60. Janet, Paul. Principes de metaphysique et de

psychologic. (Legons, 1888-94.) Paris, lib.

Delagrave. 650 pp. 8vo. Joseph, Max. Die psychologischeGrundanschau-

ung Schopenhauer's. Eine krit. Unterschg.

Berlin, Mayer & Miiller. 176 S. M. 3.60. Loewenthal, Ed. System u. Geschichte des Natu-

ralismus oder die Wahrheit iiber die Entste-

hung der Weltkorper und ihrer Lebewescn.


Political Economy.

Adams, H. C. Economics & jurisprudence.

N. Y., The Macmillan Co. 48 pp. 8vo. 5 oc.

(Economic studies, Vol. a, No. i.) American Economic Association. Handbook of

the Am. Econ. Ass'n. N. Y., The Macmillan

Co. 162 pp. tamo, soc. Annuaire de la Societe d'economie politique pour

1897. Paris, imp. Henuyer. 66 pp. i6mo. Geib, Otto. Theorie der gerichtlichen Compen- sation. Tubingen, H. Laupp. 357 S. 8vo.

M. 7. Guyot, Yves. Quesnay et la physiocratie. Paris,

Guillaumin & Cie. 80 pp. 32mo. iggs, H. The physiocrats ; six lectures. N. Y.,

The Macmillan Co. 158 pp. 8vo. $1.10. Macleod, H. D. The history of economics.

N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1896. 690 pp.

8vo. $4.50.

Political Science.

Bourgeois, Emile. Manuel historique de politique

etrangere. ae ed. Paris, Belin freres. 605 pp.

i8mo. fr. 4.50. Giura, Dom. L'autonomia organica della scienza

dell' amministrazione. Bologna, ditta Nicola

Zanichelli di Cesare e Giacomo Zanichelli tip.

edit., 1896. 157 pp. 8vo. L. 3. Jona, Guido. II voto collettivo. Torino, fratelli

Bocca edit., 1896. 169 pp. 8vo. L. 3. Maccunn, J. Ethics of citizenship. N. Y., The

Macmillan Co. i2mo. $i. Macy, Jesse. The English constitution. N. Y.,

The Macmillan Co. 534 pp. 8vo. $2.

Religion and the Churches.

Anzoletti, Louise. La croyance au surnaturel et son influence sur le progres social, essai histo- rique et religieux. Tr. de 1'italien par Mme. Louis Vismara. 1899. Paris, Delnomme & Briguet. 421 pp. i2mo.

Church Congress in the U. S. (Prot. Epis. Ch.). Papers, addresses, & discussions at the seven- teenth church congress in the U. S. N. Y., T. Whittaker. 187 pp. 8vo. $1.50.

Farrar, F. W., and others. The prophets of the Christian faith. London, J. Clarke. 260 pp. 8vp. 55.

Gardair, J. Philosophic de saint Thomas. La nature humaine. Paris, lib. Lethiellieux. 420 pp. i6mo.

Mead, G. W. Modern methods in church work : the gospel renaissance. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co. 363 pp. i2mo. $1.50.

Mtiller, F. M., ed. Sacred books of the East. Vol. 42, Hymns of the Atharya-Veda, tr. by Mau- rice Bloomfield. Vol. 46, Vedic hymns. Pt. 2: tr. by Hermann Oldenberg. N. Y., The Macmillan Co. 8vo. Vol. 42, $6.50. Vol. 46, pt. 2, $4.50.

Smith, Henry. A plea for the unborn: an argu- ment .... that man may become perfect by means of selection & stirpiculture. London, Watts & Co. 102 pp. 8vo. as. 6d.

Socialism. Boccardo, Gerolamo. Socialismo sistematico e

socialist! inconscienti. Roma, tip. Forzani e

C., 1896. 165 pp. 8vo. L. 2. Buono, Lu. La scuola e il socialismo in Italia.

Napoli, tip. Tramontano, 1896. 30 pp. 8vo. Chiappelli, Aless. II socialismo e il pensero mo-

derno. Firenze, succ. Le Monnier, edit. 343

pp. 8vo. L. 4. De Amicis, Edm. Inemici del socialismo. No-

vara, Enrico Repetto edit. (tip. Economica),

1896. 34 pp. r6mo.

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