made, a map being used whenever it will add to clearness, and that will probably be in almost every case. Outline maps of the district studied may often be secured from real-estate agents or from the local press. In the hope that many will wish to con- sult the literature of the subjects discussed, a brief bibliography is subjoined to each topic :
Name and Object. i . This organization shall be called
2. Its object shall be the actual investigation of the social conditions
and institutions in and the study of social questions, with
a view to the improvement of local conditions and the advancement of the members of the club in the knowledge and art of true social life.
3. The officers shall be a president, vice president, and secretary and treasurer, elected by separate ballots at each annual meeting.
4. The executive board shall be the president and four members appointed by him and confirmed by the club.
5. The secretary and treasurer shall record all proceedings and those present at each meeting of the club, have charge of its books, papers and correspondence, and notify members of election, appointments or other mat- ters requiring personal attention, and shall have charge of and record all receipts and disbursements.
6. The executive board shall prepare the programme, provide places for meetings, assign topics to members, receive and propose the names of all candidates for membership, and act for the club in the intervals between meetings, subject to the approval of the club at the next regular meeting.
7. Such committees as are required may be appointed in the usual manner.
8. Any citizen of - interested in social study shall become an active member of this club when he or she has been elected and has signed the constitution and by-laws, by signing which he or she agrees to support and abide by the constitution and rules of this club, and to perform all duties assigned by the executive board, or to provide a substitute unless excused by the same. A two-thirds vote of members present is necessary for the elec-
tion of an applicant for membership, which vote shall be taken by ballot.