viduals in each other's presence are brought to have the same I feeling at the same moment, and to perceive this identity of feeling. \ With this perceived convergence of sentiment the hostility, drs- trust, or indifference that accompanies strangeness fades away : the sense of separateness is blunted, and the consciousness of kind becomes more vivid. The self, which is not, as metaphy- sicians fancy, a mathematical point, but a sphere of varying diameter, is enlarged. In Professor Patten's happy phrase it becomes "synthetic." The ordinary round of feelings is broken in upon, and more of the man comes to reside outside of him- self, his family, or his neighborhood.
There is needed a master emotion that shall orient the mindsl of all assembled in one direction. This may be love or hate,* rapture or reverence, defiance or admiration. Its object may be! a god, a hero, an event, or another people. Wliat it is is not so important as that it be powerful and common to many. When many participate in the same emotion at the same moment, and each is aware of this participation, we get three effects: (r)^ The emotion spreads by contagion till the unanimity is perfect ; C (2) the feeling is intensified in each because shared by all; (3) \ the unison perceived inspires a sympathy that may survive the ) original emotion.
When the assembly is broken up and its members are again scattered, the disintegrating forces resume their work. Slowly the newly formed bond relaxes, the recent cement ceases to bind, antagonisms reappear, and the self contracts. Then the sense of a common life must be renewed again in the same way. Hence assemblage in order to meet the needs of society j must be periodical.
The raison d'etre of the periodical assemblage is its power to harmonize. Hut this supplies no motive to the individual. He cares nothing for spiritual enlargement. He will make no pil- grimage at heavy expense in order to have his sympathies quick- ened. To him, therefore, the feast wears a different aspect. It comes at a natural season of festivity harvest or vintage. It I
is to him an occasion of feasting, dancing, and merrymaking,