Sociology : Moral limitations of state interference,
E.T. B. Fell, EcR.,Ja. Principe et raison d'etre du comptabilisme social,
E. Solvay, AIS., D. Sociologie et sociologies, Henri Joly, RefS., Ja.
(Sff also Biography and Man.) Statistics: On some developments of statistical re- search and methods during recent years, J RS., D. Strikes: For current information on strikes set
BDL., BOX., LG. Suffrage : s<t Political science. Sweating system: Das Sweatingsystem in Eng- land, Adolphe Smith, ASG., 9: 3. Sweating system in New Yorfc city, J. M.
Mayers, CM., O. Tariff: L'union douaniere de 1'Europe centrale,
G.deMolinari.JEc., N.
Patriotism & protection, G. Fiamingo, EcR., O. The decline of Cobdenism, Sidney Low, NC.,
L'ironie des faits et le protectionism, J EC., Ag. Decline of Cobdenism, GM.. F. Middle ground on the tariff, O. D. Ashley, F.,
The protectionist reaction in France, EC J., S.
The tariff & the constitution, A. P. Winston,
JPE., D.
Taxation: The shifting of taxes, T. N. Carver, YR., N.
Einkommensteuer in Frankreich, ZVS.. N.
Die landwirthschaftliche, Steuerreform in Eng- land, C. H. P. Imhulsen, VSV.. 5 : 3.
The principles of taxation, D. A. Wells, PSM., Ja. & F.
Twenty -five years of the income tax, W. M. J.
Williams, IR., O. Telegraph: The telegraph monopoly, XII, Frank
Tenements : see Housing.
Towns, country: The small towns of New Eng- land, LH.,0. Trade unions : see Labor. Tramps : The treatment of tramps in small cities,
LH..O. United States: The problem of the west, F. J.
Turner. Atlantic, S. The future of the American republic, G. W.
Thompson, AMC., S. Democracy & despotism, Rabbi A. Moses,
AMC., O. A permanent census -bureau, R. Mayo-Smith,
Evils to be remedied in our consular service. W.
W. Rockhill, F., F. Citizenship of the U. S. under the ^th amend*
mcnt. Nt. B. Woodworth, ALR., A/?. Government publication. \v. 1 . Willoughby,
YR.,Ag. Office seeking during the administration of John
Adams, Gaillard Hunt, AHR.Ja.
Abraham Lincoln's war policy, QR., Ja.
The colonial corporation, H. L. Osgood, PSQ.,
S. & F. Constitutional changes which are foreshadowed,
Walter Clark, ALR., O. The election of the president, J. B. McMaster.
Atlantic, S. Mr. McKinley's opportunity, J. L. Whittle, FR.,
Citizenship, Judge Wm. J. Gaynor, AMC., O. Future of the Democratic organization, D. B. Hill, F., F.
i:iing of Bryanism in American politics, GM.. D. Social classes in the republic, E. L. Godkin,
Atlantic, D.
Money & the masses in America, OR., O. The rise of the " National Democracy," E. G.
Dunncll, RRN., O. Encouragement in the present crisis, A. D.
White, F., S. The populists at St. Louis. H. D. Lloyd,
RRN., S. (Sff also International 'law, Political science, &
Election, the recent.) Vaccination: The vaccination commission, J. A.
Picton, CoR., O. Vivisection: The vivisection question, C. F
Hodge, PSM., S.
War: La guerre, Celso Ferrari, RIS., O. Water supply: Sand filtration of Philadelphia
water supply, Allen Hazen, S., N. Purification of public water supplies, G. H.
Rohe, LH., S. The water supply of London, W. H. Dickinson,
CoR., F. Wealth: The concentration of wealth, Eltweed
Pomeroy, A., D. La courbe de la repartition de la richesse, G.
Francois, JEc., S. The use & abuse of millionaires, Investors'
Review, D.
(See also United States.) Weather: Scientific weather forecasting, Alfred
Harker, SP..O.
Women: Le mouvemente feministe, Arnold Mas- card, RefS.,0. i. Woman from the standpoint of the naturalist,
K. W. Codington, F.. N.
Zur Beurteilung der Frauenbewegung in England und Deutschland, Lily v. Gizycki, ASG., 8:4. Zur Statistik der Frauenarbeit in England und
Wales, Ludwig Sinzheimer, ASG., 8:4. The " new woman " and her debts, C. de Graf
enricd. PSM
American women, Cecil de Thierry, CoR., O. Ladies' clubs in London, Alice Zimmern. > Woman's battle in Great Britain, W. G. Blaikie,
Zoology: Zoology since Darwin, II. Ludwig von
Griff, NS., N;