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Labor : Les conditions du travail et le collcctivisme, Paul Deschanel, RPP., O.

Trade- union democracy, Sidney & Beatrice Webb, PSQ., S. & F.

(Set also Agriculture and Arbitration, indus- trial, i

Land question : How Prince Edwards Island set- tled its land question, J. H. Hastam, A., O.

Les questions agraires au Congrcs de Budapest, Georges Blonde!, RefS., D. i.

Land transfer & land registry, E. K. Blyth,

LOR., D.

Law : Government by lawyers, S.fcD. Thompson, ALR., O.

The growth of trial by jury. F. E. R. Stephens, HLK

Der Positivismus in der Rechtswissenschaft, A. Affolter, AOR., 12:1.

Ursprung u. socialer Charakter des Rechts, Lud- wig Stein, ASP., N.

The history of English law, Heinrich Brunner, PSQ., S.

Judge and jury, ALR., O.

The threatened annihilation of the judge and jury system, W. K. Townsend, F., S.

Coke & Bacon ; the conservative lawyer & the law reformer, ALR., F.

Papers of the finance department (Am. Soc.

Science Assoc.), Journal of Social Science, N.

Legislation : Account of the French society of

comparative legislation, Henri Levy-Ullmann,

HLfe., N.

Recent economic and social legislation in the U. S., F. J. Stimson, YR., N.

Social & economic legislation of the states in 1806, W. B. Shaw ; QJE.,Ja.

Recent legislation in England, Edward Porritt,


Liquor question: L'alcool & Falcoolisme ; les re- forms & 1'hygiene, Charles Dupuy, RPP., N.

Drunkenness a vice, A. N. Bell, S., O.

Le regime de 1'alcool en Angleterre, R. Me- Kennia, RPP., D.

Total abstinence, Rev. Harry Jones, NC., D.

L'etatisme en fait alcool, Eugene Rostand, RefS.,

D. i. Lighting: Acetyline, the new illuminant, V. J.

Yoomans, PSM., O.

Literature : Estimate of the year's output in litera- ture, H. W. Mabie & others, RRN., D. Machinery: Machinery as a factor in social & in- dustrial evolution, J. M. H. Frederick. AMI ..

Labor-saving machinery the secret of cheap pro- duction, A. E. Outerbridge, EM., Ja.

Man: La genese des grandes hommcs, H. Joly, RP., N. .ige: stt Family.

Mining: The prospective resumption of mining activity, D. T. Day, EM., Ja.

Money: tee Finance.

Municipal government: ser Cities.

Pavements : Pavement construction & city growth, Stevenson Towle, EM., O., N.

Penology : see Criminology & penology.

People's banks: see Cooperation.

Philosophy: Sur la formule logique du raisonne-

ment inductive, H. Lachelier. RP.. O. From Berkeley to Hegel. Edward D. Fawcett,

Theories du monde extcrioir, J. Payot, RP.,



La logique de Hegel ; Hegel et li

temporaine.G.NV, >litical economy : Uncertainty as a

duction, E. A. Ross. AAP., S. Enutehen und Werden der phytiokratuchen ft Democracy.

Theorie, August Oncken, VSV., 5 : 3. Protection, set Tariff.

What is capital? Irving Fisher, EcJ., D. Examen des principes essentiels de la philoso- phic chretienne traditionntlle sur le capital,

Henry Savatier, AC., la. A forerunner of Bohm-Bawerk, C. W. Mixter,

QJE.Ja. The old generation of economists & the new,

Alfred Marshall, QJE,Ja. Values, positive & relative, W. G. L. Taylor,

AAP., Ja.

Walker's contributions to economics, GM., F. The modern version of the law of supply & de- mand, R. H. Thurston, Sc., D. 4. Deux theories d'equilibre economique, Leon

Winiarski, RIS., D. Note sur 1'idee traditionnelle de la valeur et sur

le capital, G. de Pascal, AC., S. Hadley's economics, W. G. L, Taylor, JPE., S. The natural basis of interest, F. W. Sanders,

JPE.,S. Die wirthschaftliche Bedeutung von Sibirien.

C.Ballod,JNS.,S. (For economic chronicle see JEc.) Le mecanisme de la production et la distribution

des richesses, G. de Molinard, JEc., D. Claims of Cuba for self-government, GM., D. Les theories politiques de Taine, Albert Aftalon,

RIS..S. Des institutions representatives, Marquis de La-

Tour-Du-Pin Chambly, AC., la. The first apportionment of federal representatives

in the United States, E. J. James, AAP., Ja. La Crise de la souverainete nationale et du suf- frage universel, Th. Fernel, RPP., D. La riforma degli ordini rappresentativi, L. Cais-

soti di Chiusano, RISS., D. Nominating conventions in Pennsylvania, J. S.

Walton, AHR.,)a. Rioettes municipales . . . . et decentralisation,

G. N. Tricoche, IEc.,0. Representation in the national congress from the

seceding states, 1861-65, I, F. W. Moore,

AHR.,Ja. La representation proportionnelle, Ernest Naville,


Some questions on silver answered, Gm., S. De 1'organisation du suffrage universel, La-Tour-

Ihi- Pin Chaml.ly. AC.,5. Party government on its trial, C. T. Cotham,


The decay of party government, Frederic Green- wood, CoR., S.

The American ballot, H. H. Lusk, F., O. L'organisation du suffrage universel, Charles

BenoiM. KI>M.. Aj,-. 15. D. i. (For chronicle of Political science see RPP.) Politics: see United States & Election, The recent Poor relief: see charities. Population : La question de la population en France,

.rvsson.RPP.,0. Lois positives & lois tendencielles. Discussion

sur la limitation volontaire de la population,

Robin, Bulletins de la Socictc d'Anthropologie

de Paris, 7 : aio. Postal savings banks: L'organisation rt le fonc-

tionnement du service de cheques et de vire-

ments de comptes a la Caiue d'epargne postale

. US., i'. Press, Ihc: The German press & the United

States, Poultney Bigelow, NAR., Ja.

Property : La Terre et la propri^td privee, Maurice


La propriety immobile che< les Arabesde I'Alg^-

ne.A. Bochard. JEc.,O.

Proportional Representation, tee Political

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