Education: Prospects of education in England, I.
E. Gorst, NAR., O. Modern ideals of education, W. K. Hill, CoR.,
O. Elementary education & taxation, Francis Peek,
CoR., hi " "I'is sixty years since," E. E. Hale, Atlantic,
O. Experimentale Padagogik, Ludwig Stein,
Deutsche Rundschau, Ag. Princeton college & patriotism, J. G. Hibben,
Patiiotism in our public schools, C. P. Colgrove,
AMC., S. The education controversy in England, Edward
Porrit, X\\ (See also Child study.) (For general university
& educational news see Sc, & Nt.) Election, the recent : Some practical lessons of the
recent campaign, A. D. White, F. 1 '. The brewing of the storm, Goldwin Smith, F.,
Will government by the people endure? D. M. Means, K., L>.
The meaning of the votes, H. C. Lodge, NAR., Ja.
The election & republican institutions, GM., Ja.
Presidential elections paralyzing to business: a remedy, A. B. Cornell, F., F.
L'elezione del presidente negli Stati Uniti, H. de Viti de Marco, GEC. ? N.
Lessons from the American election, F. H. Hardy, FR., D.
The effect of the Republican victory, T. C. Platt,
NAR., N.
Electricity: The relations of electricity to steam & water power, C. E. Emery, IFI., S.
Niagara on tap,T. Commerford Martin, JFI.,O.
The wonderful expansion in the use of electric
power, Louis Bell, EM., Ja. England : sfe Great Britain.
Epileptics: The care of epileptics, W. P. Letch- worth, LH., O.
Ethics: Ethics & literature, Julia Wedgwood, CoR.,Ja
The moral standard, W. H. Hudson, PSM., N.
Obstacles to business principles in public affairs,
C. R. Woodruff, NAR., D.
Ethnology : Etudes d'ethnographie prchistorique, Ed. Piette, Ant., A.
The German & the German American. Josiah Fly", Atlantic, D.
A study in race psychology, Anna T. Smith, PSilT.Ja.
The awakening of the negro, B. T. Washington, Atlantic, S.
The growth of the French Canadian race in
America, J. Davidson, AAP., S. Evolution : On M. Dubois' description of remains recently found in Java, named by him Pithecan- thropus erectits. With remarks on so-called transitional forms between apes & man. Wil- liam Turner, Proceedings of the Royal Society linburgh, 20:433.
Precurwur de 1 homme & pithecanthrope, G. de Mortilln. .
Humanity's missing link, H. B. Bashon-.
Coniciousnew ft biological evolution, II, H. R.
Marshall, Mind, O. Human evolution an artificial proceM. H. G.
Influence of mind in evolution
The present evolution of man, G. Archdall Reid, . N.
Pithecanthropus. Ein Bindrglicd iwichea Awe u. Mensch, W. Dames*, Deutsche Rund- schau, S.
The causes of variation, H. M. Vernon, SP.,
Selection in man, John Beddoe, SP., la.
Prof. Baldwin's "New Factor in Evolution,"
Herbert Nichols, AN., 30: 607. (See also Heredity.) Family: La simplification du mariage, F. Grivaz,
RPP., D. A new departure in French marriage law, O. E.
Bodin K ton, ALR.. F. La monographic de famille, E. Cheysson, RefS.,
Is the'family declining? J. H. Muirhead, IJE.,
Beginning of marriage, W. J. McGee, A A.. N. Finance: Bond sales & the gold standard, F. W.
Taussig, F., N. Conditions foi a sound financial system, E. W.
Coding ton, F., N. The battle of the standards in America. W. L,
Alden & William Dillon, NC., Ag. The safe pathway of experience, T. B. Reed,
NAR.. 0.
The best currency, A. W. Tourgee, NAR., O. Free silver and wages, R. M. Smith, PSQ., S. Silver in commerce, W. C. Ford, PSQ., S. If silver wins, Louis Windmuller & W. Clark,
NAR, "The old silver dollar," J. O. Herdman, CoR.,
After effects of free coinage, J. B. Clark, PSQ.,
American currency cranks, W. R. Lawson,
CoR., S. Banks of issue in the United States, W. G. Sum-
ner, F., O. Financial procedure in the state legislatures, E.
L. Bogart.AAP., S. Can contracts to pay in specific coin be enforced?
N. M.Thygeson, ALK.. '. International bimetallism, H. W. Farnam, VK..
(See all the magazines, especially for A^., S., O.) Money & investments, H. R. Haweis, CoR., Ag. The gold money fallacy, J. C. Elliot, ANK The cry for fraudulent money in America, NC.,
O. History and present application of the quantity
theory, H. P. Willis, J PI Indien und die Silbercntwertung, Johannes
WernickeJNS., S. The question of the free coinage of silver. E. W.
Bemis, BS..O. What free coinage means, Benjamin Harrison &
others, F., O.
Monrta e cost! comparati, G. Valenti, GEc., S. " Thou shah not stral," I. 1 . 1 Early and recent currency legislation : a contrast,
I. I. Lalor, I Would American free coinage double the price of
silver in the markets of the world? Affirma- -pahr; negative, J. L. Laughlin,
KRN..S. Silver money. W. E. C. Wright, BS..O.
lution monctaire, R.-G. l.r\v. K !>!>.. N. 15.
i gold, Alex. : .!..!'.
Golil & thr nrii rs of products of the farm, L. G.
Has the election settled the silver question ? W.
.n,F. A. Walker & H.W. Farm
Postal wings banks. K. T. Heyn. A A Andrew Jackson & the national bank, R. S.
A cure for a vicious monetary system. W. A.
Evolution monetairc, R. G. Levy, RDD., N. 15.