Charities: Horse ambulances, Dudley Leigh, NC. O.
Organized charities of two cities, Lillie B. C. Wyman. I.H.. ().
The social philosophy of charity organization, CpK
Indictment of organized charities. C.M., F.
The charity organization system of today, C. H. d'E. LepV . Ja.
Charity organization : a reply, H. & B. Bosan-
quet, CoR., Ja.
Cheni Achievements of physical chem-
istry. \V. A. -^461.
Children: i iy children, Mrs. J. D.
Thompson, NAK.. 1 >. Child - be education of children under
the poor law, ChOR... I a.
Child Study : The accuracy of observation & of recollection in school children, S. J. Franz & H. E. Houston, PsR., S.
L'instinct de la conservation chez les enfants,
Paolo Lombroso, Rl'.. (>.
Christianity : L'Allemagne religieuse: 1'evolution du protestantisme contemporain, George Goyau. Rl >.}!.. Ag. 15, O. i.
Practical Christianity as I conceive it, E. A. Horton, E. E. Hale & others, A., D.
(See also Religion.)
Christianity & social work : Die evangelisch-soziale Bewegung, NZ., 47.
Une n-iu -rt- d'cditcation morale aux Etats-Unis: les Unions chretienne de jeunes gens, Em. Sut- ter, RefS., N. 16.
The religion of Jesus Christ in its relations to Christianity and reforms, Rev. G. D. Coleman, A.,0.
Churches: The results of Cardinal Satolli's mis- sion, Edward McGlynn, F., F.
Religious statistics, Howard Evans, CoR., F.
The problem of Christian unity, LoQR., Ja.
The papal bull, S. F. Smith, CoR., Ja.
The problem of the divided church, George Hodges, NW., S.
Church reform, Rev. Chancellor Lias, CoR., S. Cities: The spirit of an Illinois town, II, III, Mary H. Catherwood, Atlantic, S., O.
Municipal reform, W. H. Tolman, A., O.
Economic productivity of municipal enterprises, W. F. Wilcox, Journal of Social Science, N.
Modern municipal reform, St. Clair McKelmay, Journal of Social Science, N.
Municipal enterprises for profit, S. M. Lindsay. Journal of Social Science, N.
Boss rule in old English municipalities, Edward Porritt, NAR., Ja.
Problems of municipal govt., J. H. Gray. Jour- nal of Social Science, N.
For notes and miscellaneous information on
Mimic. Government, see AAP., AMC. Citizenship: see United States. Civilization: Five American contributions to civi- lization, C. W. Eliot, Atlantic, O. Commerce: British laziness & German energy, Rees Davies, IR., O.
The commercial war between Germany & Eng- land, B. H. Thwaite, NC., D.
Etude sur le commerce international compare, Yves Guyot, JEc., Ja.
Paramount control of the commerce of the world, Edward Atkinson, EM., Ja.
Progress & promise in American shipbuilding, Lewis Nixon, KM., Ja.
(See also Shipping.) Communism: Les Jault et les pecheurs de Fort
Mardyck, Albert Marou, RefS., S. Constitution: see United States. Cooperation : Les Syndicats et la loi penale, Mau- rice Vanlaer, RefS., S. 16.
Trois idees directrices du mouvement du credit populaire, Kugrue Rostand, RefS., S. i.
Agricultural credit banks, R. A. Yerburgh, Jour- nal of the Royal Statistical Son.
The cooperative alliance at work, H. W. Wolff, EcR.
Le huitieme congres du credit populaire, G. Franc,ais, ) Kc., Ag.
(See aLo Labor.)
Criminology & penology : Enrico Ferri on homi- cide, Helen Zimmern, PSM.. S.
Immigration and crime, S. G. Fisher, PSM., S.
The criminal in the open, Josiah Flynt, F., F.
Les jeunes criminels, 1'ecole et la presse, Alfred Fouillt ; e, RDIX, Ja. 15.
The convict labor problem, Gunton's Magazine.
Instinctive criminality & social conditions, E. B.
Rowlands, LQR.Ja.
Crime & the census, R. P. Falkner, AAP., Ja. Considerations generates sur la psychiatric cri-
minelle, Naecke, AAC., S.
Criminalite professionelle, G. Tarde, AAC., S. The criminal law in force in Italy, Pasquale
Fieri, ALRR., N. Die Frage nach dem geborenen Verbrecher,
Paul Hirsch, NZ., 15:6. Prison labor, C. E. Felton, LH., D. Relation of crime to economics, S. G. Smith,
LH.. D.
Penal colonies, NAR., D. Les associations et 1'etat dans la lutte centre
crime, H. Joly, RefS., N. i ; Temperament & criminalite, Enrico Ferri,
AAC., S. Democracy : La Democratic, les systemes electo-
raux et la representation proportionelle. Conservatism of the British democracy, W. E.
H. Lecky, NAR., F.
Democracy & leadership, Emeritus, FR., D. The destinies of democracy. F. H. Giddings,
PSQ., F.
Drunkenness : see Liquor question. Education: Educational fads, QR., Ja. The efficiency of voluntary schools, Bishop of
Ripon. FR., Ja. How shall the child be taught? II, J. M. Rice,
F., F. Legal education & the universities, E. C. Clark,
LQR., D. L'enseignement social a 1'ecole primaire, A.
Delaire, RefS., D. i. The new education, W. T. Harris, A., F. Papers & debates of the depaitment of education
(Am. Soc. Science Assoc.), Journal of Social
Science, N.
The religious education of children, J. H. Jack- son, LQR., D. The urgent need of a national university, D. S.
Jordan, F., F. Another phase of the new education, Gertrude
Buck, F., N. Drawbacks of a college education, C. F. Thwing,
F.,D. Influence of the college in American life, C. F.
Thwing, NAR., N. Nature study & intellectual culture, J. M.
Coulter, Sc., N. 20. Obstacles to rational educational reform. J. M.
Rice, F., D.
Princeton in the nation's service, Woodrow Wil- son, F., D.
Recent centralizing tendencies in state educa- tional administration, I, W. C. Webster, EdR.,
Theatric system, T. C. Mendenhall, PSM., O. The pay of college women, Frances M. Abbott,
NAR., S.