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Bachman, Hcnn. Gmndlagen der Volkswirth- schaft. i Tl. Stuttgart, E. Ulmer. 66 S. 8vo. M. 1.20.

Beitrage, Berner, zur Gcschichte dcr National - okonomie. Hrsg. v. Aug. Onckcn. Nr. L Bern, K. I. M

Biblioteca dell' economista scelta collezione delle piu important! produzioni di economia politica, antiche e modeme, italiane e straniere, diretto dal Prof. S. Cognetti De Martiis. 4 serie, disp. 57 & 58. Torino, Unione tip. edit. L. 1.50 la disp.

Commercial year book : a statistical and historical record relating to trade, industries, agricul- ture, banking, currencies, railroads, shipping, insurance, population, etc. Comp. by the Journal of Commerce & Commercial Bulletin. Vol. i. N. Y., The Journal of Com- merce & Commercial Bulletin. 430 pp. 8vo.

Cunningnam, W. The growth of English industry & commerce during the early & middle ages. London, Cambridge University Press. 730 pp. 8vo. 1 6s.

Daw bam, C. Y. C. The principles of wealth dis- tribution. London, Simpkin. 106 pp. 8vo. as.

Leroy Beaulieu, Paul. Precis d'economie poli- ..,. tK l ue '. Paris, lib. Delgrave. 409 pp. iamo.

Philippovich, Eug. v. Grundriss der politischen Oekonomie. i Bd. Allgemeine Volkswirth- schaftlehre. 2 Aufl. (in 3 Abthlng.), i u. 2 Abthlng. Freiburg, J. C. B. Mohr. 288 S. 8vo. M. 3.35.

Ross, E. A. Uncertainty as a factor in production. Phila., Am. Academy of Polit. & Soc. Science. 1 19 pp. 8yo. 2*c.

Sammlung nationalokon. u. statis. Abhandlungen d. staatswissenschaftl. Seminars zu Halle, i Hrsg. v. Joh. Conrad, g Bd., 2 Hft. Jena, G. Fischer. 4458. 8vo. M.S.

Schonberg, G. von. Handbuch der politischen Oekonomie, 4 Aufl.. 2 Bd. Volkswirthschaft- lehre, 2 Bd., i Halbbd. Tiibingen, H. Lupp. 731 S. 8vo. M. 16.40.

Smith, Adam. Lectures on justice, police, rev- enue, and arms, delivered in the University of Glasgow; reported by a student in 1763 & ed. by Edwin Cannan. N. Y., The Macmillan Co. 293 pp. $3.50.

Sociite internal, des etudes pratiques d'economie sociale. Historique par F. Le Play. Liste desmembres; travaux de la socicte ; publica- tions. Paris, 54 rue de Seine. 160 pp. 3 2mo.

Worms, Rene. La Science et Part en economic politique. Paris, Giard et Bricre. 135 pp. i6mo. fr. 2.

Political Economy: Problems.

Brant, Alex. v. BeitrSge zur Gesch. der franzo- sischen HandeUpolitik von Colbert bis zur Gegenwart. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot. 233 S. 8vo. M. 4.30.

Cobden, Richard, and the Jubilee of Free Trade, by Henry Dunckley, Paul Leroy Bcaulieu & others. London, T. Fisher Unwin. 246- pp. 8vo. 38. 6d.

Curt ins, G. B. Protection 8t prosperity. An ac- count of tariff legislation & its effect in Europe & America. London, Low. 896 pp. 8vo.


Emery, H. C. Speculation on the stock & produce exchanges of the United States. (Colin- Coll, studies in hist., economics ft pub. law.) The Macmillan Co. 230 pp. 8vo. $2.

Fridrichowiez, Eng. Die GetreidehandeUpolitik des ancien regime. Weimar, E. Felber. 316 S. 8vo. M. 6.

Political Science.

Baggio, C. Etudes politiques. Elections. Les Trois Scrutins (le scrutin d'arrondissement, le sffH 1 ' 11 de liste, et la representation p report ion - elle). Carvin, imp. Plouvier-Cardon. 39 pp. xSmo.

Bibliotheca di scienze politiche e amministrave. beconda sene, scelta callezione delle piu im- portanti opere moderne italiane e straniere di diritto amministravo e costituzionale, diretto da Attiho Brunialti, Fasc. 62. Torino, Unione

D uW **'" t- l -S 1 fascicolo.

Bahcki, S. L'Etat comme organisation coercitive de la socicte politique. Paris, Giard et Briere. 183 pp. Svo. fr. 6.

Bryce.Ja. The American commonwealth. Abridged edition for the use of colleges & high schools. N. Y., The Macmillan Co. 547 pp. 8vo.

Chambrun, Adolphe de. Le pouvoir executif aux ttats Unis (etude de droit constitutionnel). Pans, lib. Fontemoing. 341 pp. Svo. fr. 10.

Courcelle, L. Repertoire de police administration et judiciaire, public sous la direction de M. Lepine, prefet de police. Livraison 8. 337- 1024 pp. L'ouvrage in 2 vols. fr. 50.

Couturier, H. Des sections de commune ; leur per- sonnalitc juridique (these). Paris, lib. Larose. 219 pp. Svo.

Follet. M. P. The speaker of the House of Repre- sentatives, with an introduction by A. B. Hart. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co. 404 pp. Svo.

Giura, Dom. L'autonomia organica della scienza dell admmistrazione. Bologna, Zanichelli, tip. edit. 157 pp. Svo. L. 3.

HH1.H.W. Development' of consiitutional law in New York State & the constitutional con- vention of 1894. Buffalo, The Peter Paul Book Co. 41 pp. 8vo. 2 5 c.

Jahrbuch der mternationalen Vereinegung & ver- gleichende Rechtswissenschaft u. VoTkswirth- schaftslehre zu Berlin, hrsg. v. Profs. Bernhoft u. Meyer. 2 Jahr. 1896. MUnchcn, R. Olden- burg. 572 pp. Svo. M. 13.

Joanne, Paul, and others. Dictionnaire geogra- phique et administratif de la France et de ses

colonies Livraison 113, pp. 3045-3068.

Paris. Hachette & Cie. 4 to. fr i.

Jona, Guido. II voto collettivo. Torino, fratclli Bocca edit. 169 pp. Svo. L. 3.

Keltic, J. S. & Rcnwick, I. P. A.,eds. The statea-

man's year book for 1896. N. Y.,The

Macmillan Co. i2mo. $3.

Kirchenheim, Arthur v. Die Litterarur des Staars- rechts u. Verwaltungsrechts, 1884 bis 1894. Letpxif , Hinrichs Verlag. M. i.

Landmann, Max. I tatsbegrirl bei den

'. Theorrtikcn von Iran Bodin bis auf Jean Jacques Rousseau. Leipzig, Veil ft Co. 136 S. M. 4.

Lombardo. Pellctrino. Ij questione del parlia- mcntarismo. Kircn/e, fratelli Cammri! Raffacllo Conti. 244 pp. Svo. L. 3.50.

Ix>wrll, A. L. Governments ft parties in r

iropc. Boston. Hotighton, Mifflin ft .vols. 377 & 455 PP. Jvo

r Reichstag. Gesch. . 1867-01. a Au~ 480 S. Svo. M.S. so.




comenti della

forme e forze politiche; sovraniu). Torino,

Koux, hrasMtl e C. ><*j pp. Svo.

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