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Montesquieu. Considerations sur les causes de la grandeur des Remains & de leur decadence. Nouv. ed. Paris, lib. Poussielque. 243 pp. i6mo.

Petrie, W. M. F. A history of Egypt during the i7th & i8th dynasties. London, Methuen. 370 pp.. il. 8vo. 6s.

Powell, B. H. Baden-. The Indian village com- munity examined with reference to the physi- cal, ethnographic, & historical conditions of the provinces. London, Longmans. 472 pp. 8vo. 1 6s.

Vartoogan, Armayis P. Armenia's ordeal : a sketch of the main features of the history of Armenia & an inside account of the work of Am. mission- aries among the Armenians & its ruinous effect. N. ., by the author, xoi pp. $i.

History: United States & Canada.

Bourinot, J. G. The story of Canada. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 436 pp. 12 mo. $1.50.

Byington, . H. The Puritan in England and New England, with introduction by Alex. Mc- Kenzie. London, Low. 446 pp. 8vo. IDS. 6d.

Curtis, G. T. Constitutional history of the United States from their Declaration of Independence to the close of their Civil War. In 2 vols. Vol. 2. Ed. by J. C. Clayton. N. Y., Har- per & Brothers. 780 pp. 8vo. $3.

Cushing, H. A. History of the transition from provincial to commonwealth government in Massachusetts. (Columbia Coll. studies.) N. Y., The Macmillan Co. 189 pp. 8vo. $2.

Davidson, J. The growth of the French -Canadian race in America. Phi la.. Am. Academy of Polit. & Soc. Science. 23 pp. 8vo. 2$c.

Du Bois, W. E. The suppression of the African slave-trade to the United States of America, 1638-1870. (Harvard historical studies, No. i.) N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co. 335 pp. 8vo. $1.50.

Dugard. La societe americaine. Paris, Hachette & Cie. 324 pp. i6mo. fr. 3.50.

Eggleston, Edward. The beginnings of a nation : a history of the source and rise of the earliest English settlements in America, with special reference to the life and character of the peo- ple. N. V., Appleton. 377 pp. 8vo. $1.50.

Fisher, S. G. Pennsylvania Colony & Common- wealth. Phila., H. T. Coates & Co. 442 pp. i2mo. $1.50.

Fiske, John. The American revolution, illustrated with portraits, maps, facsimiles, contempo- rary reviews, prints, and other historic ma- terials. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & Co. a vols. 351 & 321 pp. 8vo. $8. Ed.de luxe, $16.

Frederick, J. M. II. National party platforms of the U. S., presidential candidates, electoral & popular votes. Akron, O. , J . M . H . Freder ick. 99 pp. 8vo. :.

Harding, S. Bannister. The contest over the rati- fication of the Federal Constitution in the tate of Massachusetts. (Harvard historical studies. No. a.) N. Y.. Lorfgmans, Green & Co. 194 pp. 8vo. $1.25.

Jesuit relations and allied documents; travels and explorations of the Jesuit missionaries in New ' , 1610-1791 ; the original French. Latin, and Italian texts, with Eng. translations and notes. Ed. by R. G. Thwaites. (In about 60 vols.) Vols. 1-3. $3. 50 per vol.

Johnston, Alex., ed. American orations; ttudies in American political history. Re edited by J. A. Woodburn, in 4 vol.. Vol. a. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 433 pp. tamo. $1.15.

Lamb, Mrs. M. J. The history of the city of New York. New enlarged edition. N. Y., A. S. Barnes. 3 vols., il. 8vo. $15.

Lewis, Jessie. A topical analysis of United States history, with literary references for teachers and pupils. Chicago, A. Flanagan. 147 pp. ismo. 25C.

McMaster, John Bach. The origin, meaning, & application of the Monroe doctrine. Phila., H. Altemus. 53 pp. 8vo.

Shepherd, W. R. History of proprietary govern- ment in Pennsylvania. (Columbia College studies.) N. Y., The Macmillan Co. 601 pp. 8vo. $4.

Sparks, F. E. Causes of the Maryland revolution of 1680. (Johns Hopkins studies). Balto., The Johns Hopkins Press. 108 pp. 8vo.

Stanwood, E. A history of presidential elections. Ed. 4. Boston, Houghton. Mifflin & Co. 533 pp. i2mo. $1.50.


Bourdeau. L. Des societcs cooperatives d'assur- ances agricoles et rurales contre incendie. Niort, imp. Mercier. 49 pp. i6mo. fr. 1.50,

Escuyer, J. Proposition de loi relative a la crea- tion d'une casse nationale de prevoyance. Paris, impr. Guerin, Durenne & Cie. 47 pp. 8vo.

Hamon, Georges. Histoire generale de Passur- ance en France & a 1'etranger. Fasc. 17-19. Paris, Giard & Briere. Pp. 640-768. 8vo. fr. 6.


Almanach de 1'ouvrier pour I'annee 1897. Paris, lib. Bleriot. 128 pp. i6mo. jo cent.

Baillet, F. De 1'association ; son influence sur le rapprochement de 1'ouvrier et du patron. Paris, lib. Larose. 185 pp. 8vo. fr. 4.

Bericht ub. Handel u. Industrie v. Berlin, nebst e. Uebersicht Ub. die Wirksamkeit des Aelt

Kollegiums, 1895, erstattet v. den Aelsten der Kaufmannschaft v. Berlin. Berlin, Puttkam- mer & Miihlbrecht. 2638. 8vo. M. 5.

Booth, Charles. Life & labour 'of the people in London. Vols. 7 & 8. Population classified by trades (continued). New ed. London, The Macmillan Co. Each vol. about 480 pp. 8vo. 73. 6d.

Gallon, F. W., ed. Select documents illustrating the history of trade unionism. Vol. i. The tailoring trade, with preface by Sidney Webb. V Y., Longmans, Green & Co. 242 pp. lamo. $1.50.

Girard, E. de. Ketteler et la question ouvriere avec une introduction historique sur le move- ment social catholique. Bern, K. J. Mysi. 3548. M. 4.

Great Britain -Parliament. Labour department. Re- port on strikes & lockouts for 1895. London, PTS. King & Co. as. 4 d.

Hobson,!. A. The problem of the unemployed. (Social questions of today.) N. Y., imported by C. Scribncr'i Sons. 160 pp. i2mo. $i.

Honnorat, Marc. Du placement des travail leurs i. Paris, Marchal & Billard. 130 pp.

i. '

iv L. Etudes d'eoonomle wciale. Ques- tions ouvrieres. Lequarticr. Paris, P. Dupont. 419 pp. i6mo.

Landmann, Rob. Die Gewerbeordnung f. das

deutache Reich. 3 Aufl. t Bd., i Hllfte.

H. Beck. 384 S. 8vo. M. 4-50-

KOUM. ts, Paul ,1. . I,- I r.i.'.r ViiiLliiMnr m . \nj_- !r


Armand, Colin ft Cie. 356 pp. 8ro. 48.

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