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Bulloz, J. E. L'Education populaire et les chefs- . re de 1'art. Conferences faites a Bor- deaux, Paris, Chalons et Epernny. Paris, Brown, Clement & Cie.

Congresso internazionale per 1'infanzia, Firenze, 1896. Fasc. 1-3. Hrenze-Roma, tip. dei fratelli Bencini. 91, 49 & 30 pp. Svo.

Dizionario illustrate di pedagogia, diretto dei A. Martinazzoli e L. Credaro. Vol. i, fasc 28, pp. 337-384. Milianp, stab. tip. della casa edit. Francesco Villardi.

Edelmann,J. Pestalozzi auch imLichteder Wahr- heit. Eine Ehrenrettg. 2 Aufl. Lichten- steig, E. Germann. 63 S. Svo. M. i.

Froebel, F. Letters on the kindergarten, trans- lated from the German edition of 1887. Syra- cuse, N. Y., C. W. Bardeen. 331 pp. i2mo. $1.50.

Gabriell i, Arturo. Norme pedagogiche educative pel maestri di grado superiore. 2 ed. Torino, ditta G. B. Paravia & C. edit. 146 pp. 8vo. L. 1.50.

Gleichmann, A. Ueber Herbart's Lehre v. den Stufen des Unterrichts. 3 Aufl. Langen- salza, H. Beyer & Sohne. 165 S. Svo. M.

Harris, Wm. T. Horace Mann (address before

National Educational Association). Syracuse,

N. V..C. W. Bardeen. SQC. Herbart's ABC of sense perception, translated by

W. J. Eckoff. London, E. Arnold. Svo. 6s. Hurley, L. R. The high school system. Phila.,

Am. Academy. 121 pp. Svo. isc. Judson, H. P. The higher education as a training

for business. Phila., H. Altemus. 53 pp.

i6mo. 3oc. Pacavet, F. Lavienationale. L'Education. Paris,

lib. Chailley. 236 pp. Svo.

Paulsen, Friedr. Geschichte des gelehrten Unter- richts auf den deutschen Schulen u. Universi-

taten vom Ausgang des Mittelalters bis zur

Gegenwart. 2 Aufl. Leipzig, Veil & Co. 2

Bd. 405 pp. Svo. M. 9. Pestalozzi's samtliche Werke. Hrsg. v. L. W. Sighele, Scip

Levffarth, 19 u. 20 Bde. 5-10 Lfg. Liegnitz, psycholog

C. Levffarth. M. 8. Italian.

Strong, T. B. Christian ethics : eight lectures de- livered at Oxford. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co. 380 pp. $5.

Vortragskurse, ethisch-socialwissenschaftliche, ver- anstaltet v. den Gt-sellschaften f. eth. Kul- tur in Deutschland,Oesterreich u. der Schweiz. Hrsg. v. der Schweizer eth. Gesellschaft. (Zuricher Keden). Bern, A. Siebert. 24 S. 8vo. M. 0.15.


Bourdon, E. L'infanticide dans les legislations anciennes et modernes: discours. Paris, lib. Colin & Cie.

Clerici, Sn. Considerazioni economiche still' origine della famiglia. Venezia, stab. tip. succ. M. Fontana. 53 pp. Svo.

Coulon, Henri. Le Devorce et la separation de corps (histoire, legislation, debats parlemen- taire, jurisprudence, doctrine, procedure, droit international, formules). T. 5. 26 fasc: De la separation de corps. Paris, Marchal & Billard. fr. 6.50. la r

C. Leyffarth. M. 8.

Polack, Frdr. Vater Pestalozzi. Bilder aus dem Leben des grossen Erziehers. 3 Aufl. Bonn, F. Soennecken. M. 0.30.

Reformatory & industrial schools of Great Bri- tain. Report of inspectors for 1895. London, P. S. King & Co. is. 6d.

Universitats-Kalender,deutscher. so.Ausg. Win- ter- Sem. 1896-7, Hrsg. von Prof. F. Ascher- son. Berlin, L. Simion. 364 S. i6mo. M.

Wagner, Adolph. Die Entwicklung der Univer- sitat Berlin, 1810-1896. Rectorsrede. Mit Noten u. Statist. Berlin, J. Becker. 67 S. 4to. M. 1.50.

Williams, S. G. The history of modern education. Ed. 2, rev. and enlarged. Syracuse, N. Y., C. W. Bardeen. 481 pp., il. $1.50.


Brunetiere, F. La moralit de la doctrine evolu- tive. Paris, Firmin, Didot & Cie.

Farrar, F. W. The young man master of himself. London, Nisbet. 150 pp. i2mo. is. 6d.

Lotmar, Phpp. Der unmoralische Vertrag, in be- sondere nach gemeinem Recht. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot. 1988. Svo. M. 4.40.

Maltese, F. II problema morale. Vittoria, tip. Velardi e figlio. 92 S. Svo.

Martha, C. Etudes morales sur 1'antiquite. Ed. 3. Paris, Hachette & Cie. 341 pp. i6mo. fr. 3.50.

Fournier, M. De la recherche de la paternite dans la legislation de New York : discours. Poitiers, Millet & Pain. 35 pp. Svo.

Grosse, Ernst. Die Formen der Familie u. die Formen der Wirthschaft. Freiburg i. B., J. C. B. Mohr. 245 S. Svo. M. 7.50.

Marriage, love and women amongst the Arabs, otherwise entitled the Book of the Exposition, translated from the Arabic. Paris, lib. Car- rington. 297 pp. Svo.

Milhaud, L. De la protection des enfants sans famillc. Paris, Giard et Briere. 295 pp. Svo. fr. 6.

Monographic (La) de famille. Observations pre- sentees devant la Societe de statistiques de Paris. Nancy, Berger-Levrault & Cie. 6 pp. Svo.

Posada, A. Theories modernes sur les origines de la famille, de la societe et de 1'etat. Paris, Giard & Briere. 151 pp. fr. 4. ighele, Scipio. Le Crime a deux. Essai de sychologie; morbide, translated from the talian. Paris, G. Masson. 284 pp. Svo.

Finance and Taxation.

Annuaire general des finances, public d'apres les documents officiels, sous les auspices du minis - tere des finances ^meannee). Paris, Berger- Levrauh. 502 pp. Svp.

Babelon, Ernest. Les origines de la monnaie con- siderees au point de vue economique et his- torique. Paris, Firmin, Didot & Cie. 427 pp. iSmo.

Bogart, E. L. Financial procedure in the state legislatures. Phila., Am. Acad. of Polit. & Soc. Science. 46 pp. Svo. 250

Gary, Noyes & others. The gold-silver contro- versy (essays from the Political Science Quarterly). Boston, Gmn & Co. 145 pp. Svo. sec.

Conant, C. H. A history of the modern banks of issue. London, Putnam's Sons. 125. 6d.

Dodsworth, W., ed. A history of banking in all the leading nations, by 13 authors. N. Y., The Journal of Commerce & Commercial Bulletin. 4 vols. $24.

Easton. H. T. Banks & Banking. London, E. Wilson. 228 pp. Svo. 3S. 6d.

Edgcombe, R. G. Popular fallacies regarding bimetallism. N. Y., The Macmillan Co. 149 pp. i2mo. $1.50.

Flora, Fed. La finanza e la questione sociale. Torino, fratelli Bocca edit. (stab. tip. Vincenzo

Bona). io6pp. Svo. L. 2.50.

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