Sociology; Theory and General:
Berenger-Feraud. Superstitions and survivances etudices au point ae vue de leur origine et de leurs transformation*. Paris, lib. Leroux. 542pp., O., 10 fr.
D'Angelo, F. P. Sulla quotione sociale: mali e rimedi. Palermo, tip Lorenzo Di Cristino. 29 pp., O.
De Marinis, Enr. Le present! tendcnze della societa e dal pensiero e 1'avvenire. Palermo, Remo Sandron edit, tip diretta da Santa Ando.
Dcsjardins, W. En 1089, roman sociologique. Bordeaux, Vc Riffand. 66 pp., S., fr. 1.50.
Diagnosi del morbo sociale c rimedi ; e possibile la felici:. anti pensier d'un solitario,
per R. V. Torino, tip. eredi Botta di L. Clcmente Crosa. 150 pp., O.
Ebenhoch, A. Wandenmg durch die Gesell- -politik. Linz, F.I. Ebenhoch. 279 pp., . 3.20.
Fouille\t, A. Lemouvement idcaliste et la reaction centre la science positive. Paris, F. Alcan. 351 pp., O., 7 fr.
Foufllee, A. Le mouvement positiviste et la con- ception sociologique du monde. Paris, F. Alcan. 383 pp., 0., fr. 7.50.
Frisange, E. de. M. Leon Say et la sociologie. Paris. Giard & Briere. 58 pp., O.
Great Britain Parliament. Moral and material progress and condition. 1894-5. London, P. S. King & Co. is. gd.
Oppenheimer, Frz. Die Siedlungsgenossenschaft : Versuche.positiven Ueberwindg. des Kommu- nismus durch Lb'sg. des Genossenschaftspro- blems oder Agrarfrage. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot. 638 pp., O., M. 13.
Roberty,E. de. AugusteComte et Herbert Spencer. Contribution a 1'histoire des idees philosoph- iques au ige siecle. Paris, F. Alcan. 201 pp.,
Rousseau, J. J. Discours sur 1'origine et les fondements dc 1'inegalite parmi les hommes Paris, Pfluger. 132 pp., 250.
Schaffle, A. Bau u. Leben des socialen Korpers. 2 Aufl., 2 Bd. Tiibingen, H. Laupp. 656 pp.,
Setti, Ern. II lamarckismo nella sociologia. Ge-
nova, libr. edit. Ligurc (stab. tip. lit. Forense).
31 pp., O. Stolzmann, Rud. Die soziale Kategorie in der
Volkswirthschaftslehre: i. Gnmdlegender und
krit. Theil. Berlin, Puttkammer & Muhl-
brecht. 426 pp., O., M. 10. Virgilii, Fil. II problema agricolo e Pavvenire
sociale. Palermo, Remo Sandron edit. (tip.
Lo State). 293 pp., S., 43. Ward, Lester F. The principles of sociology.
Phil., Am. Acad. of Pol. and Soc. Sci. 31 pp.,
O., 25C.
Statistics, General:
Preussische Statistik. 139 Hft. Berlin, Konigl.
statist. Bureau. 245 pp., Q., M. 6.80. Statistisches Jahrbuch fur das deutsche Reich, hrsg.
vom kaiserl. statist. Amt. 17. Jahrg. 1896.
Berlin, Puttkammer & Muhlbrecht. 215 pp.,
O., M. 2. Statistik, osterreichische, hrsg. v. der k.-k. statist.
Central-Commission, 43 Bd. 2 Heft. u. 4sBd.,
Wien, C. Gerolds Sohn in Komm. 53 pp., Q.,
&io 9PP .,Q.,M. 5.
A selection mainly from the June and July numbers of American periodicals, and the May and June numbers of foreign periodicals.
Esthetics: Art & life, Vernon Lee, CR., Jl. Same present aspects of art in America, Clarence
Cook. Chautauquan, Ag. The architecture of home-making, C. E. Benton,
Amusements: The music hall, Frederick Wed- more, NC, Jl. Anthropology : The oldest civilized men, E. D.
Cope, AN., Ag.
Coincidences, Max Miiller, FR., Jl. Arbitration, industrial: Industrial arbitration: its methods & its limitations, I. N. D. Warth,
. Jl. Arbitration, international : A permanent tribunal,
E. E. Hale, LH., Jl. Arbitration & our relations with England, E. T.
Phelps, Atlantic Monthly, Jl. Reasons fcr an immediate arbitration treaty with
Kni-land. C. W. Kliot, F., Jl. Art, see .^Esthetics. Association: Associated effort & its influence on
social progress, M. L. Holbrook, A., Ag. 13aths : More about the public baths in New York,
Marcan Morris, S., Jl.
Bicycle : Social & economic influence of the bicy- cle, J. B. Bishop, F., Ag. Biography: Cardinal Manning, Anglican &
Roman, C. C. Tiffany, F., JI. Baron de Hirsch, O. S. Straus, F., Jl.
The justices of the Supreme court, D. H.
Wheeler, Chautauquan, Ag. Moltke & his generalship, J. von Verdy du
Vermois, F..J1.
Harriet Beecher Stowe, J. H. Ward, F., Ag. Li Hung Chang, D. C. Bougler, CR., JL Wilhelm Liebknecht, Edith Sellers, FR., Jl. A chat about Jules Simon, A. D. Vadam, FR.,
P." J. Proudhon, Ch. de Sariniere, RPP., Jl. William McKinley, his character & career, E. V.
Smalley, RRN., Jl . Days with Mrs. Stowe, Annie Fields, Atlantic
Monthly, Ag.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Leslie Stephen, Nation- al Review, Jl. Biology: The world's debt to biology, H. F. Os-
born, Chautauquan, Ag. Business depression : The cause & remedy for
business depression, Ed. Atkinson, EM., Jl. The general discontent as illustrated by current
cartoons, B. O. Flower, A., Jl. Is the West discontented? J. E. Bennett, A.,
Ag. Capital : Examen de la critique et des doctrines de
Pecole socialiste sur le capital, AC., Jl. Children: Children's holiday funds, Ch OR., Jl. Child-study: La logique de 1'enfant, B. Munz,