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M \Y l-'-ooKS.

[A selection of important books dealing with various lines of social work which have appeared since the last issue of the JOURNAL.]

Anthropology, Ethnology and Archaeology:

Bent, J. T. The sacred city of the Ethiopians, being a record of travel and research in Abys- sinia in 1893. London, Longmans. New ed. 390 pp., O., TOS. 6d.

Broughtpn, Mrs. Vernon Delves. Handbook to the Antiquities of Athens, illustrated. London, Simpkin. 120 pp., O., 55.

Fletcher, Banister, & Banister, F. History of architecture for the student, craftsman and amateur ; being a comparative view of the his- torical styles from the earliest period. N. V.. imp. by C. Scribner's Sons, 313 pp., il., D., $4*50.

History of feminine costume, tracing its evolu- tion from the earliest times to the present, illustrated. London. Liberty. 78pp.,O.,6d.

Trumbull, H. Gay. The threshold covenant; or, The beginning of religious rites. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons, 375 pp., O.. $2.

Wilson, John. The Carrisford tablets, recording the voyages and adventures of Simram, the Babylonian, specially on his mission of search for the tin mines of Albion. London, Eliot Stock. 230 pp., O., 6s.


Mi All, Robert Whittaker, founder of the McAll mission. Paris. A fragment by himself; a souvenir by his wife. London, Religious Tract Society'. 252 pp., O., 6s.

McCarthy, Justin. Pope Leo XIII (Public men of today). London, Bliss, Sands & Co. 260 pp.. O., 3 s. 6d.

Hodgkin, Thomas. George Fox (Leaders of reli- gion). Ixmdon. Mtuthen. 284 pp., D., 35. od.

Jennet, A. T. John Knox (Famous Scots series). London, Oliphant, Anderson A, Ferrier. 158 pp., D., as. 6d.

Charities and Poor Relief. Cheysson, E. La I .ihlc et preVoyante.

Tableaux des oeuvres et institutions des departe meats, par E. Cheysson, president de la com- mission d'enqucte. Pans, Plon, Nourrit ct Cic. 20 pp., O.

Club. Digest of the educational and able institutions and societies in Philadelphia. Phil., Civic Club. 210 pp.. <>., $1.

'ftclUchaft fiir ethische Kullttr. WohlfahrtM Berlin*; ein Aim-

kunftsbuch. Berlin, C. Heymanns Vcrlag. 431 pp.. O. '

Hntain. Parliament. Pauperism, Kngland and Wales. Pauper* relieved on Jan. i, 1806. London, P. S. K.ng ft Co. 6d.

Downey. 360 pp., O., IDS. 6d. Schafcr, Thdr. Praktisches Christentum.

O'Brien, W. P. The great famine in Ireland, and a retrospect of the fifty years, 1845-95, w ' tn a sketch of the present condition and future pros- pects of the congested districts. London,


aus der inneren Mission 3. Folge. Guterslon, C.Bertelsmann. 172 pp., O., M. 3.

Schmidt, P. General Sach- und Namen-Register der Publikationen des Central- Vereins fiir das Wohl der arbeitenden Klassen von 1848 bis 1895. Berlin, L. Simon. 149 pp., O., M. 4,

Walker, Henry. East London : sketches of Chris- tian work and workers. London, Religious Tract Society. 192 pp., O., 25.

Walz, L. Die aussere Mission und unsere neueren Kplonialverhaltnisse in besonderer Heriicksichtigung der Pflicht, welchc daraus fiir die heimatlicne Kirche erwachst. Darm- -tadt, I. Waitz. 32 pp., O., 60 Pf.

Defectives and Delinquents. Bourneville. Assistance, traitement et education

des enfants. idiots et dege"nercs, rapport fait du

congrcs national d'assistance publique (Lyon,

1894). Paris, F. Alcan. 225 pp., O. Levy, F. Des sentences indeterminees (these).

Paris, Larose. 196 pp., O. Wcstervelt, Z. F. The American Association to

promote the teaching of speech to the deaf.

1890-93. Washington, Voha Bureau. 27 pp.,


Domestic Economy.

Clarke, Mrs. Charles. Artisan plain cookery and household recipes, with rules for children's classes. London, Clowrs. 218 pp., D., 2$. 6d.

Laundry management: A handbook for use in private and public laundries. London, Crosby, Lockwood & Son. 204 pp., O. as.

Iceland, C. G. A manual of mending and repair- ing, with diagrams. London, Cnatto & Win- du*. 286 pp., O., 5*.

Schcfer, Mme. C... -me. S. Economic

domestiqur. i >clagrave. 334 pp.,

Ixuiis. Uyyienr nf the nursery, including the general regimen and feeding of infants and children. Ed. v London, H. K. Lewis. 194 pp., O., 3S. 6d.


HardwuVr. H i! M,.ry of oratory andorators: A study of thr Influence of orators upon politics,


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