Harvard Law Review: First number April 15,1887. Monthly (excepting July, August, September and October) ; 8 numbers per year. 8 numbers per vol., 515 pp. Present vol. (July 1896) is No. 10. $2.50. Harvard Law Review, Cambridge, Mass. A few of the back numbers cannot be supplied. As the board of editors is chosen from the Harvard Law School, it is subject to change each year. Editor's estimate : Deals with general legal subjects.
Journal de Droit international prive et de Jurisprudence comparee: First number, January 1874. Bi-monthly. 6 numbers per vol. Present vol. (July 1896) is No. 23. 22 fr. Marchal & Billard, Place Dauphine, 27, Paris. Edited by Ed. Clunet, but managed entirely by the publishers. Editor's estimate : Its sphere well indi- cated by its title. Numbers among its contributors the most eminent authorities in France and abroad. Articles distinguished by breadth and exactness of information.
Law Quarterly Review: First number, 1885. Quarterly. 4 numbers per vol., 400 pp. Present vol. (July 1896) is No. 10. I2s. 6d. Stevens & Sons, 119 Chancery Lane, London, \V. C. Back numbers complete. Edited by Frederick Pollock. Formerly belonged to a syndicate representing chiefly Oxford Law School. Now owned by the publisher, although the old connection still practically continues. Editor's estimate : Devoted to law as a whole and open to all schools of legal and philosophical opinion. Insists on a high standard of technical and literary work. Endeavors to secure contributors from America, and otherwise to maintain friendly relations.
Political Science Quarterly : First number, March 1886. Quarterly. 4 num- bers per vol., 780 pp. Present vol. (July 1896) is No. n. $3. Ginn & Co., 7-13 Tremont Place, N. Y. Back numbers complete. Edited by the Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University. Aims to cover the field of political science in the broadest sense, including economics and law. Valuable for reviews of new books in its field. For editor's estimate in detail see A Retrospect in issue of December 1895.
Publications of the Michigan Political Science Association : [First num- ber. May 1893. Irregular. 6 numbers in Vol. I. Present vol. is No. 2. Numbers are sold separately at from 25 to 75 cts. each. Charles H. Cooley, Treasurer of the Asso- ciation, Ann Arbor, Mich. Articles deal m<>>tly with the various phases of political science.]
Revue de Droit international et de Legislation comparee : First number, 1869. Bi-monthly. 6 numbers per vol., 700 pp. Present vol. (July 1896) is No. 28. 18 fr. Bureau de la Revue, 161, Avenue Louis, Brussels. Editor-in-chief : Edouard Rolin. Directors: T.-M.-C. Asser, Kolin-J;u <|ucin\n>. J. \\Vstlake, Alphonse Rivier, and Ernest Nys. General secretary : Paul Hymans. Editor's estimate : Aims espe- cially to maintain impartiality. In the discus>i<m <>f questions which cannot be impar- tially treated, space is given to articles showing the different views.
Revue politique et parlementaire : First number, July 1894. Monthly. 3 numbers per vol., 600 pp. Promt vol. (July 1896) is No. 8. 30 fr. Colin & Cie, 5, rue de Mezieres, Paris. Back numbers complete. Edited by Marcel Fournicr. Edi- tor's estimate : Concerns itself especially with parliamentary, legislative, and political matters; but also with the discussion of economic and social questions. Its depart- ments devoted to a rc*sumc* of the political and parliamentary life of all countries con- stitute a valuable feature.
Staats- und socialwissenschaftliche Forschungcn : (First number, 1878. Irregular; each number forms a conipk-tc monograph. 4 or 5 numbers per vol. Present vol. is No. 14. No fixed price. Dunckcr & Humblnt. Leipzig, 1 .iitcd by Professor G. Schmollcr. Editor'?. < its field political and social science.
Historical, and realistic in its tenden