The facts for most of the characterizations below were obtained from the editors. The charac- terizations of those periodicals for which no such information has been received are based mainly on inspection of the files. Characterizations of the latter class are bracketed.
The classification of periodicals into Technical Sociology, Political Economy, etc., is necessarily only approximately correct ; but this defect will be remedied by the index of journals in the last number of each volume and by a full alphabetical list of journals characterized when the list is completed.
La Administracion : [First number, 1894. Monthly. 6 numbers per vol., 864 pp. Present vol. (July 1896) is No. 3. 18 pesetas. Imp. y Lit. del Asilo de Huerfanosdel Sagrado Corazon de Jesus, Juan Bravo, 5, Madrid. Edited by Francisco Silvela and others. Deals largely with matters of administration and law ; also some articles on political economy, etc.]
American Law Review: First number, 1866. Has absorbed the Southern Law Review and the Western Jurist. Bi-monthly at present. Began as a monthly and for a few years was a quarterly. 6 numbers per vol., 1000 pp. Present vol. is No. 30. $5. Review Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo. Edited by Lyman D. Thompson and Leonard A. Jones. Editor's estimate : Deals with live topics of law. Valuable for its leading articles by able writers, its editorial notes and its book reviews.
American Magazine of Civics : First number, July 1892. Down to 1895 known as the American Journal of Politics. Monthly. 6 numbers per vol., 672 pp. Present vol. (July 1896) is No. 9. $3. 38 Park Row, N. Y. Back numbers complete. Edited by Andrew J. Palm and Henry Randall Waite. Editor's estimate : Is the organ of the American Institute of Civics. Deals with current questions of reform and political topics. Its department, The Civic Outlook, giving the points and progress of civic reform in the United States, is a valuable feature.
Annals de L'Ecole libre des Sciences politiques : [First number, 1886. Bi-monthly. 6 numbers per vol., 1056 pp. Present vol. is No. n. 19 fr. F. Alcan, Paris. Back numbers complete. Edited by Emile Boutmy, director of the School, R. Stourm and others. Editor's estimate : Its field embraces all the subjects covered in the programme of the school, and, as the representative of the school, it has much influence in France and abroad.]
Archiv fur Offentliches Recht : First number, 1886. Quarterly. 4 numbers per vol., 640 pp. Present vol. (July 1896) is No. 12. M. 16. J. C. B. Mohr, Leipzig. Back numbers complete. Edited by Paul Laband (Strassburg) and Felix Stoerk (Griefswald). Editor's estimate : Its field, all branches of law ; also politics. A scientific periodical, especially concerned with civil, business, and criminal law, and law of procedure.
Archiv fur sociale Gesetzgebung und Statistik : First number, April 1888. Quarterly. 4 numbers per vol., 700 pp. Present vol. (July 1896) is No. 9. M. 12. Carl Heymanns Verlag, Berlin. Back numbers complete. Edited by Heinrich Braun. Editor's estimate : Independent as regards university, political party, or scientific clique. Strictly scientific, aims to survey and criticise the social legislation of all countries and to collect and analyze social statistics.